• They took us away from our homes... from our families. They put us on an island to study us... to test on us. They wanted to see if they could make us immortal... or at least to not age. They succeeded. We age at their will. Young and beautiful forever never seemed like such a curse. Yet, they still test us... still study us. They've implanted a system, a computer, in our arms. Sometimes it controls us. Sometimes we control it. But the real system is those damn scientists and the islands they've placed us on. My sisters were there with me; I was lucky. Others were cut off from everything they knew completely. Communicating with other islands... other Sets... is the only other form of contact. It brings some relief, though, to know there are others out there. But sometimes, it's not relief enough. My name is Nina, and I was the first to enter the experiment. I am writing you from the grave, for I took my own life. I lost my will to survive on that island. I hope the others do better than I did. And I hope this message reaches out... to save those being treated like labrats... on those damn, forsaken islands...
