• Ugh, not again. I was standing in front of the mirror while Alice was trying to fit a dress on me. She's been trying to get me to go down to Las Vegas with her forever.

    "You'll love it there! The bright city lights, the fancy restaurants, and the cars, ESPECIALLY the cars," she said.

    I could see her daydreaming out of the corner of my eye.

    "You and I both know that you are doing this for your sake only, I'm not too interested in the fancy life like you are, especially when you guys are paying for the whole thing, at least let me pay for the valet service when we get there," I said.

    She gave me a stern look that said 'just do what I say and there wont be any problems'. It's pretty hard to be in love with the Cullen family, well not typically, because the only Cullen my heart would ever really belong to was Edward. Everytime I saw that angelic face my heart couldn't help but skip a few beats, and of course he always noticed. This was supposed to be a special sort of weekend for him and I. But I couldn't help but ask Alice to come after she'd given me that pouty face of hers, which she was so darn good at, and then of course she asked Jasper to come along, and so on. In the end the whole Cullen family decided to join in on the trip, of course Rosalie was resisting to go, but eventually she started thinking of how much fun she'd have at the local clubs. Of course Edward told me about that part, since he can read minds and all, lucky him.

    "There, all done, now do you look amazing, or do you look ah-mazing," she exclaimed.

    I had to give it up to Alice, when it came to her fashion taste, she was 100% right on the spot. I examined the dress, spaghetti straps with meshy fabric twisting around it, it was about knee length with a satin ribbon going around my waist; and of course the dress was a deep sea blue. I gave Alice a thumbs up, and descended down the stairs, like those girls who are about to go to prom. When I got to the bottom everyone looked up, but of course I was only searching for one particular face, Edward. Everyone smiled, and looked me up and down.

    Esme came up to me and said,"Alice certainly knows how to bring the best out of you!"

    "Did you really think I'd let her walk out of this house in those awful baggy sweatpants she was in before," Alice said gripping onto my shoulders. I was getting used to her appearing out of nowhere.

    I walked up to Edward knowing that I wouldn't be satisfied until I knew what he thought.

    "Perfect," he smiled.

    "I was just thinking that I wanted to know what you thought, can you really hear my thoughts, oh my god, have you been lying this whole time," I exclaimed.

    He laughed while a flash of anger passed over my face.

    "No, how do you explain the Volturi?" he asked.

    "Oh, that's right"

    "Bella, really, you're beautiful"

    "Thank you"

    I was still a little unsure, I'd have to be a bit more careful with my thoughts around him. As we all walked out to the car, I remembered I forgot my purse.

    "Oh, everyone go ahead, I forgot something in the house," I told them. They nodded and went on without me. I walked into the house. Where did I leave it? I looked on the couch, on the piano seat, and then I remembered I had left it on Alice's vanity dresser, I shuffled upstairs. I opened the door and walked up to the dresser and picked up my purse, right next to it was a piece of paper folded up. Hmm that's weird, since when did the Cullens pass notes like kids in 5th grade? But then I remembered the one time me and Edward had passed notes... Oh. I blushed and unfolded the paper and it read "If you want Bel-

    "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Alice exclaimed.

    "Alice, what was that, tell me, it had my name on it," I said.

    "It's nothing, I promise," she said.

    I gave her a glare and she returned it, except hers was a bit more scarier, I was not going to give this up. As I walked outside I noticed Alice and Edward exchange a brief glance, I narrowed my eyes. So Edward was in on it too? Fine, they're gonna have to tell me sooner or later. As we arrived at the airport I could have sworn I saw Jacob turn the corner near the baggage claim area.

    "Jacob," I shouted. I ran across the pavement and looked around the corner, but the figure I saw wasn't there, well at least no one tall enough to be him. I walked back to where Edward was and he noticed my disappointment.

    "Don't worry, Jacob will forgive you," he said.

    "I know," I sighed. But it wasn't really me I was worried about him forgiving, it was Edward.