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    Rusted and Used

    Nothing could stop me. I was heading right to my death. Serving it up on a silver plate.

    Street lights were lit, only one lone light flickered. The night was quiet, not a signal person was around, just a red car parked. Then it came, the sound of a gun being cocked, but where. Slowly I pushed the door open. Held my own gun safe in my hand pointing it out of the door first, nothing, were they waiting for me to step out. No they weren’t that smart. I was about to take a step out when something popped into my mind. What If they wanted me to think they weren’t that smart and the second I stepped out they’d shout me. That’s it, that had to be it, ha those damn bastards wouldn’t get me that easy! Slowly I placed a foot outside the door, and sure enough a gun shot was fired right at my foot. Quickly I pulled my foot back in and shut the door. So they were out there, and they were watching. Whoever I was dealing with wasn’t dumb.
    “Che.” I huffed. The next thing I did was reach into the pocket of my jacket, pulled out a cell phone and dialed a number. It took a moment for the phone to ring. After two rings and no answer I was getting pissed off. Finally someone answered. It was a mans voice, and he was talking quiet
    “John, where are you.” My voice was harsh as I spoke to the man over the phone. Over the phone there was a clicking noise and I noticed it right away, a gun. Why could I hear a gun noise, what was John doing.
    “John!” This time I spoke a even harsher, plus a little louder. He let out a small laugh, I could tell by the pause that he had smiled.
    “Closer then you think, Kimmy Poo.” as his words rang threw my head I knew what he meant. My eyes went wide, the phone dropped from my hand.
    “Kimmy, don’t be so surprised, you wanted it this way.” even if the phone was away from my face, I could still hear him talking
    “Pick up the phone Kimberly...” He said in a calm yet harsh tone. He was serious, so I leaned down to pick it up.
    “John, you lied!” It was silent after my shout, but soon enough I heard him laughing.
    “You never said I couldn’t lie… You just told me to be serious, doesn’t mean I can’t seriously lie, now does it?” He laughed with his words, it was like spitting in my face. This made my blood boil, ******** b*****d!
    “******** you.” Even if I spook with a low tone I meant it
    “Huh, what was that?” he could hear me, and I knew it, he was just ******** with me.
    “You heard me.” Just then I heard a tap. I pulled my gun out ready to shot.
    “Oh, wow there! Calm down little lady.” John laughed out.
    “Why the hell should I!?” this was getting me mad, no more then that, this was pissing me off.
    “Where the hell are you john.” Before he had a chance I spook. It was silent, then like to mock me he hung up the phone.