• I watched her die. The flames of the burning house engulfed her as I slipped away.
    "Stop... No... Help me!" She screamed, watching my retreat. I lost something when I left her behind, but I didn't know what until much, much later.
    In fact, I didn't know who she was. All I knew was her dark eyes reflecting the flames, her hair shriveled and withered by the heat. Her dress burning around her made her look like some flame goddess... but I knew better. I knew she had caged me and stored me away for the longest time, ignoring every plea of mine to be set free.
    I opened the door to the house to greet many people standing outside, watching the house burn. No one noticed my naked figure as I threaded my way through the people, hearing the girl's screams fade into the back of my mind. I would store the sound, and relish it on a quiet evening. I was free!
    I slunk into a quiet alley and took a personal inventory. I was surprised at how much I looked like the girl in the fire- that slut, that cheap whore- except my features were noticeably sharper. My teeth were longer, sharper, and my hair seemed to form into natural spikes. My eyes carried the permanent burn of fire, flickering in my irises. I caught my reflection in a window and smiled; I looked like a demon imp.
    And after that girl, I had a thirst for killing. I cracked my knuckles, taking note of my long, hard nails, and stalked quietly off. It wasn't long before I came to an old man wrapped in rags. A homeless person that the girl had always treated kindly. Well, this would do to repay her kindness. I slashed out with my right hand and fell over as I met no resistance.
    "A ghost!" I exclaimed aloud, but still the sleeping bum didn't appear to notice me. My voice had an awkward quality to it, almost as if it was faded compared to the babble of the park. Angrily, I walked away, towards a man in a business suit carrying a briefcase. I swiped at his neck but again felt no resistance. It was beginning to dawn on me that there was rarely more than one ghost in a certain area, so I stalked over to a kid and tried to hurt it, as well. Nothing happened, and I let fly a sting of vulgar curses.
    I paced around the park, marveling at how I didn't tire, while thinking of my predicament. Then it came to me, in bits and pieces.
    When I walked away from the girl, I felt a slight tug and a resistance. It wasn't enough to dissuade me from moving, so I did. I felt a snap, like a rubber band, and then I was free, I was gone... and for my hasty actions, I, the evil soul, survived, while she died. A smile split my lips as I walked towards a priest, set on possessing him.