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    “OK KIDS, NO NEED TO PANIC, WE’VE DONE FIRE DRILLS BEFORE, THIS SHOULDN’T BE ANY DIFFERENT, PROCEED TO MOVING OUT IN AN ORDERLY FASHION!” Mr. Guss yelled as he ran around the classroom gesturing frantically. The students hurriedly shoved themselves backwards out of their seats, randomly snatching their stuff off of their desks and pushing their way out of the classroom.

    Serena thought she heard Christian say something along the lines of asking what was going on, but she barely noticed above the din of Mr. Guss yelling, the students chattering, and the distraction of her own thoughts. Calmly, as if she did this every day, Serena picked up her bag and strode over to the front of the classroom.

    Serena tilted her head to and fro, looking to see if anyone was watching her. Christian was picking up some papers off of the floor, and Mr. Guss was yelling at the straggling students. Nobody was looking at her.

    With one quick motion, she plucked the bracelet off of Mr. Guss’s desk and slid it onto her wrist. Then she hurried out of the classroom with the others.

    A few minutes later, Serena stood outside the front of the school among the rest of the students, staring at the building. She could barely hear herself think over the din of the entire student population of Saint Aurelia prattling nervously about what had just happened.

    Suddenly, as Serena was going over what had just happened in her head, something snatched her arm, grasping it tightly in a firm, claw-like grip. Serena hastily turned her head around to see Marcia holding onto her arm, staring up at her with a worried expression in her wide brown eyes.

    “Serena, do you know what’s going on?” She asked quietly. Serena stared at Marcia, unnerved since she usually was so loquacious. “I think somebody might have been smoking underneath a smoke detector.” Serena lied.

    “Oh. I see.” Marcia said, looking a bit more at ease with the explanation. “I wonder why people get into that kind of stuff, don’t they know it’s bad for their health and makes them smell funny and tastes weird and is generally unpleasant and since it’s supposed to be so bad I can’t think why anyone would be addicted to it if it’s supposed to be unpleasant but maybe I’m thinking from the perspective of somebody who’s only been told the bad stuff but really, I don’t want to get into smoking or anything. Hey isn’t it chilly out? I wish I hadn’t worn this outfit today, but I suppose I can’t do anything about it now. But at least it looks nice doesn’t it? You know some creepy guys whistled at me when I was walking here, but a lot of other people looked kind of disgusted-“

    “Serena!” A male voice called out. Serena recognized it as Christian, looking slightly panicky, and turned to see him walking quickly towards her and Marcia. “Hey Christian.” Serena said with a smile. “Did you need something?”

    “No, it’s nothing. I just didn’t see you leaving, that’s all.” He said, resuming his normal slow and blankly relaxed expression.

    “Serena! You know Christian Prime?!” Marcia squeaked. “Yeah, I do. He’s a friend of mine.” Serena said, frowning up at her. She heard Christian going ‘er’ in the background but ignored it. “Is something wrong?” She asked. “Ah… no, I’ve just heard some stuff about him, but I don’t mean like negative stuff, I mean, OK, some of it’s pretty negative, but not very negative, I don’t dislike him, I’m just surprised since I thought he also had no friends?” Marcia babbled.

    “Also?” Christian said. Marcia turned red, and clung tighter to Serena. “What?” Marcia said, slightly stunned. “Nothing.” Christian said calmly. He turned to Serena. “Listen, Serena, did you see anything… odd in the classroom before the fire alarm went off?”

    Her heart beating frantically, Serena tried to decide how to respond. Yes, I saw the frowny face in the smoke too? No, you’re crazy? She didn’t want to admit to seeing anything weird too, but she didn’t want to lie to Christian easier.

    Her mouth feeling suddenly dry, Serena quickly croaked out, “No, I didn’t see anything.” “OK. It must have just been me.” Christian said blandly. Out of the corner of her eye, Serena could see Marcia staring at them, but Serena paid no attention to her.