• Chapter 1
    In a land stricken with war I sat in the tree nearest to my enemies window. Not to spy merely to watch him. For I was in love. It was love I could not explain. I told no one for I would be shunned if not banished or executed. I was a Wolf and he was a Panther. We were shape shifter and the war was started over 50 years ago because of that. A wolf and a panther fell in love and that was forbidden. The lovers were murdered.
    I watched him. He moved smoothly, with rhythm as if he were dancing. But I knew he wasn’t dancing. He was pacing his room, back and forth. He had been pacing his room for the past 30 minuets. I was cereus about why but that was probably a dumb question.
    As I sat in the tree I herd a russell below, I knew it was time for the gared to come by, but the russell was to close to be the garde. I was 100 feet up in the tree. I moved to a few branches higher. When I looked down my stomach tide itself in a knot. The person climbing the tree was Ash Wolflin. He was my best friend and he was carrying his bow and quiver.
    Ash was the best archer in the Wolf Rain Army. That’s why he is the one who is sent for assassinations. I knew if I tried to stop him I would be found out. I could not let that happen. But I also could not watch as he killed my beloved Prince Train.
    I watched horrified as he climbed onto the branch I usually sat on and took an arrow from his quiver. I caught my breath as he put the arrow to the string and pulled it back. Without thinking I howled as loud as I could. I watched as Ash tensed up and Prince Train spun around. Again before I could think I jumped in front of Ash in clear view of Train. He was so surprised he let go of the arrow. It hit me hard in the right shoulder. I winced, pain shot through my shoulder, arm, and chest. I paused for a moment, then I jumped at him, changing into my wolf form in mid air. I pounced and dug my claws into his arms and bit his shoulder and hung on. I was mentally aware of Train watching me. Ashes eyes asked me “Why?”. But all my eyes said was “I’m sorry.” After a moment I let him go. I jumped back changing into my human form.
    He looked at me and asked. “Why did you do that?”
    “I don’t know. I-I-I cant explain it.” I said.
    Then we herd the guards. “Prince get away from the window!” “Come down from the tree you mongrels!” I turned around. I could not look Ash in the eye.
    “Princess Rain. Please look at me.” He said.
    “I’m sorry. I cant.” I replied.
    At that moment he was pouncing on me. I screamed, I couldn’t help but to. He was in his wolf form. He dug his claws into my back.
    “I don’t wont to hurt you princess.” He said.
    “Then why are you?” I asked.
    “Because of what you have done.” He replied plainly. I tried to tern over but he wood not let me. So I turned to a wolf. His claws ripped at my skin and fur. I turned to attack. We
    fought barley at first, then rougher. Nether wiling to give up. I
    could tell he was afraid for he was fighting the one he was suppose
    to be protecting and we were on enemy turf.
    Then it happened. Wile we were fighting a garde had climbed up the tree. He shot an arrow at us and hit Ash in the head. He was dead before he started to fall from the tree. I turned back into a human and carefully turned around. The branch I was on was 5 feet across but during the fight we had gotten to a place were it was only 1 foot across.
    The garde had an arrow pointed at my head. I took a step back. Then I herd Prince Train.
    “Leave her be.” He said. The garde looked astonished
    “B-b-but she is a WOLF” he stuttered
    “Just tie her up and bring her to me.” He replied.
    I started to tern around to see him and I slipped. I grabbed at the branch to cache my self but I used my bad arm. I cried out and let go of the branch. Before I knew it I was falling and Train was grabbing my arm. I looked up with fear in my eyes. “Don’t be afraid.” He said. I just starred at him. He looked at the garde “Get over hear and help me NOW!” His words were like ice. The garde took no time to think he came right over and grabbed me. They had me pulled up in a short time.
    I took that time to looked at Train more closely. He was
    wearing a dark blue silk shirt and black silk pants. His eyes were a
    deep sapphire. Then he spoke to me in a calm sweet voice, “Are you ok?” I just looked at him terrified.
    Then the garde slapped me and said “Prince Train asked you a question!” From the look on Train’s face I thought he would kill the garde.
    So I said, “I’m fine. Just shaken.” Then I stud up.
    “Your not going anywhere wolf!” The garde pulled me down by my bad arm. I squealed from the pain. I pulled away from him and rushed past to where the branch met the main part of the tree then I stopped and looked back.
    “Thank you for your help.” I said.
    Train looked at me and said comely, “A life for A life. Your welcome.”
    I smiled and nodded then trend to my wolf form and jumped to the next tree and headed home to my castle. As I jumped from tree to tree I hared hollering from Train and the garde.