• I. The Beginning of a new life.
    It was the summer break and the sun shines with great brightness, two orphan girls, Elizabeth (a 15-yrs old girl) with her little sister Abigail (who is 10-yrs old), was on a bus who is on a 2 day travel from new York to a little place called Nature’s peak. It is where Jack Adams (a 65-yrs old man who wants to adopt the sisters) lives. While on the bus Abigail asked Elizabeth:
    “Are we there yet Eli? I really need to use the potty.”
    “Hold it a little longer Abigail, were almost there.”
    “But I really NEED to go to the POTTY!”
    “Please! Stop wining and just hold it.”

    A few minutes passed and finally they are now in Nature’s peak. As soon as the bus opened Abigail quickly ran to the nearest comfort room. While Abigail was in the C.R. Elizabeth looked around and was stunned on how beautiful and peaceful the place was, She Gasped of the scenery in front of her. Its beauty is truly at its peak. Her moment of admiration was putted into halt when Abigail screamed at her “Eli! Where are you? Mr. Adams is here!”

    “Alright, alright ill be there.”

    Elizabeth saw Mr. Adams and quickly smiled a bit since Mr. Adams looked a lot like Santa Claus, White Hair, White Beard, Small cute glasses and finally the red cheeks. Mr. Adams Then went close to Elizabeth and looked at her thoroughly and said:

    “My, my, what a beautiful girl you are.”

    Elizabeth blushed and than thanked Mr. Adams for the compliment. Elizabeth truly was a beautiful girl, her skin White and fair, Her eyes as blue as the clear ocean, her hair color is light bronze with curls at the end and lips pink that makes you want to kiss her forever. While Abigail has cute innocent eyes, light brown hair that is always on a pig-tail, while her skin is like Elizabeth’s while her lips are a bit reddish.

    Mr. Adams than told them to get there things and put it in his car so they can now go to his house. His car was an old box wagon beetle; Even though it’s a bit dirty it is still in a good shape and works just fine. While in the car Abigail whispered to Elizabeth:

    “Hey sis, don’t you just like Mr. Adams, He’s so nice and He’s so sweet.”
    “Yeah, you’re right but I get this funny feeling that we’ve met before.”
    “When was that? Was it when I wasn’t born yet?”
    “No. I’m sure I’ve never met him in my life, but why do I get this f-“

    Then When Elizabeth was about to finish was she was going to say Mr. Adams Looked back at them, smiled and said:

    “Was the journey going here a hustle? I’m really sorry.”
    Elizabeth answered. “No sir. Its okay, it wasn’t a hustle.”
    “Good to know that.” He then face front again.

    After a few minutes they are finally at the house of Mr. Adams. The house was very old and looked like the houses you see during Shakespeare’s life but looked like it has been repaired many times also it was near a forest. Elizabeth looked at the house, then she started crying and when Abigail asked her why, she said she doesn’t know. Abigail than told her

    “Hay, you’re so motional (laughing). Look at me I’m not very motional.”
    Elizabeth than laughed and said “Don’t you mean emotional?”
    Abigail was silent than her faced turned red and said “Yeah, That’s what I said.”

    Mr. Adams laughed and told them both. “I Hope you girls are that happy always here in my house.”
    Elizabeth and Abigail both smiled and said “We hope so too.”
    They than went inside the house. Elizabeth’s room was on the second floor next to the bathroom while Abigail’s was just in front of it. Beside her room was Mr. Adams room. The first floor is where the Kitchen, Dining room and Living room are. Elizabeth and Abigail was busy setting up there rooms when Mr. Adams called them down for dinner. It was there first dinner together and it was silent since the two sisters are still shy of Mr. Adams. Mr. Adams than asked them “I Hope you wouldn’t mind me asking, what happened to your parents?”

    Elizabeth and Abigail looked at each other in a sad face than Mary answered.
    “The truth is, we don’t know. When Abigail was only 5 our parents went out to celebrate their 10th anniversary when while on the car they were hit by an out of control truck.”
    “Oh… I’m so sorry to hear that.” Then there were a few moments of silent. Mr. Adams than said “Don’t worry, everything’s going to be okay.” He than smiled and said “I promise you that.” Elizabeth smiled and said thank you to Mr. Adams. But Abigail was still silent and after eating she ran to her room. Elizabeth than followed her. Elizabeth knocked at Abigail’s door and entered. She saw Abigail lying on her bed crying. “Abi, are you okay?” Abigail answered “PLEASE just leave me!” Mary came to her and said “You know ill never leave you. Now tell me what’s wrong? Do you miss mommy and daddy?” Abigail than hugged her and said (crying) “YES! I MISS them both so MUCH!” “Please Abi, stop crying. I’ll always be here for you.”
    “Why? Why did they leave us?” Elizabeth said “I honestly don’t know. But I’m sure of one thing; they didn’t leave us because they want to. I know they have a reason why this happened.” Abigail stopped crying and said “Thanks Eli, I’m really glad you’re here with me.”
    The next day Elizabeth asked Mr. Adams if she and Abigail could go around the place for a while.

    “Ummm, Mr. Adam can we go to the forest?”
    “Sure, but you don’t need to call me Mr. Adams anymore just call me uncle jack.”
    “Okay” Elizabeth said and then she and Abigail went to the forest.
    While walking there Abigail and Elizabeth are talking.
    “Hey sis, why do you want to go to the forest anyway?”
    “I really don’t know but I feel like something or somebody is calling me out there.”
    “Oohh.. Maybe there’s a MONSTER in the forest and it wants you.”
    “No, I’m pretty sure they only EAT little girls like you!”
    “Stop it Eli! Please.”
    “You’re the one who started it.”
    “Okay, I will stop if you will stop.”

    Without them noticing they were already inside the forest. It was truly a gift from god. The trees were breathe-taking; the color of the leaves was astonishing, the trees’ shapes and sizes were so beautiful like it was crafted by a god. Abigail than went to the rabbits that was under a fallen hollow tree. Eli on the other hands walked further into the forest.
    While walking Eli saw something glowing and flying, she was afraid but still ran and tried to follow it. Than the thing disappeared and she saw a beautiful lake in front of her, On top of a big rock on the shores of the lake was a boy; about 17-yrs old and had dark brown short spiky messed up hair, and had the most beautiful eyes Eli had ever seen she stood silently while staring at him. The boy on the other hand was just staring at the lake; he looks like he was thinking too deep that he hasn’t noticed Eli. When Eli snapped out of it she than screamed to the boy

    “Hey! “ The boy than woke up of his day dreaming and looked at her and said
    “Are you talking to me?”
    “Yeah, my name’s Eli, How about you?”
    The boy smiled and said “It’s Sebastian Oak”
    Eli blushed for the boy’s smile could make any girl happy. Eli asked John
    “What are you doing there?”
    “Nothing, I’m just looking at the lake, how about you? What are you doing in this part of the forest?”
    “The truth is I don’t know, since yesterday I keep hearing these voices telling me to go to this forest.”
    “Don’t you think it just might be all in your head?”
    “No, I’m sure this isn’t just all in my head.”
    “Why are you sure of that?”

    And just when Eli was about to answer his question, Abigail screamed her name. She looked back and when she faced front again, Sebastian was gone. Her mind was puzzled for what happened. Abigail than screamed her name again, Eli than answered
    “What is it? Why are you calling me?”
    “It’s already sunset. We got to go home now.”
    “What are you talking about? We have been here for only a few minutes.” Eli than looked around and saw Abigail was right, it is sunset. She was confused of what happened. She felt like everything that happened was just her imagination. She and Abigail than went back home.