• All That Was Found
    Chapter 1

    When did it start? Many people would have told you that it started after the election of Obama as president. But those of us that really looked into it will tell you it started sometime before George Bush senior was in office. The NWO they called it, The New World Order. Religious folk said it was the Devil trying to take over the world, Oh, if they only knew the truth. Some time in the early part of 2009 videos started popping up all over the net, FEMA was having many old and unused facilities rebuild and remodeled to house many people, and thousands upon thousands of plastic "coffins" made and stored in, out of the way places. Then came the sightings of trains and transports that had holding equipment lining the inner walls. And that was all it took to start the conspiracy theorists saying that the government was trying to kill us. At first no one really believed it, and even fewer even knew it was happening right in there backyards. But, it didn't take long for more and more people to start to listen when the signs started to pile up in front of them. As the story was told to me, the government would have us taken out of our homes in the early hours of the morning, to be herded into transports and sent to these holding facilities to await our deaths. And from there we would be sent to be cremated. Supposedly all the facilities where outfitted for doing just that. I remember watching the videos online and seeing the things for myself. I knew it then and there that something big was on its way, and in a strange way I welcomed it. It would be the end of the dull world that had grown up around me, and the start of a "NEW WORLD". Thinking about it now, I feel really foolish for letting myself think that we had beaten the government, by cracking open there hidden plans and showing it to the world. Hell I even sent every person I knew the videos showing the FEMA Camps and Coffins. Inside feeling proud of myself for helping those I loved be ready for the coming attack. But I should have known that they had it all planned out that way. We didn't find out the truth until it was too late to do anything. What the government was doing was leaking all that s**t so that the people would focus on it and not see the true dangers that lurked at our backs. We had all the damn information that we need right in front of us, but were too blind to see it. Of course, as a people, we are fundamentally stupid. You see all it ever took was an old stage magician trick, a flash over there to keep us from looking at what we should have been seeing. Every time we started getting too close to the truth something drew us in the opposite direction. When we got tired of the war, we were told that the first every back man was going to be President. When we saw that he was like all the rest, we were told that swine flu was going to get us. And when we started looking into those damn FEMA camps, the government killed the King of pop to make us forget about it just long enough to set up another lie. Damn what was wrong with us, did we really think that we had it all figured out. The truth was well hidden, and hadn’t been thought of for years, though in its time it was all that anyone talked about. Now I'm not a scientist, but I'll try and tell you a little of what I do know how this really got started. Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, started entering our daily diet in the early part of the 1980s. It was a test by the government to see how it affected people before they started using it to help “under developed children”, yeah right. It was probably going to be used to make us all a bit more high strung for military purposes. From what I read HGH was harvested from the pituitary gland of corpses and planted into our daily meat products during processing. As I have heard it, it was in everything from beef to chicken. It was soon found that HGH caused premature growth of sexual organs and bone mass, as well as a host of other "necessary" hormones to make the body stronger and more robust. This of course came with enhanced stress and the real kicker resistance to pain, slower aging, increased muscle mass and type 2 diabetes. However, another side effect was Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease or CJD. CJD causes a rapid progression of dementia, memory loss, personality changes even some real giveaways of what was to come, speech problems, jerky movements, bad posture, strange gaits and even seizures as it destroyed nerves within the brain. CJD was a killer, and in the beginning it took many people. Of course this was all hidden from the public, and pretty soon the government found ways to deal with the problem. Someone out there, right now, is saying "No, they didn't give it to us", but let me point out that sense the early 90s our children started "developing" at an alarming rate and girls and boys who were only ten to twelve years old stood as tall as there parents and looked as if they were in there late teens. So how did the government fix the problems with HGH, They created a biosynthetic version. Of course what most of us didn't know was that it was the same old s**t, just mixed with a few new ingredients. We were told that this new HGH was not like the old and would not cause us the problems that the old had, but it did: and worse. I was told by a man named Robert that what everyone didn’t know was that a synthetic Virus was added to the mix that would help destroy the bad parts of it. Most especially it helped to counter act the part of the HGH that caused diabetes and CJD. Now like I said before I'm not a scientist, and hell I'm not a doctor. But when you introduce a Lab-made Virus into the mix that is supposed to eat away something that occurs naturally in the human body, you have the makings of one hell of a biological ********. We were fed this s**t in an attempt to fix the problem that was facing us, which was what they had fed us already. And it worked, just a little too well. After a few years of study, they found what they did wrong, viruses mutate. It was figured that after something like 25 to 30 years the virus would have gone through a type of incubation period. After that its true purpose would become known, the virus would use the host body to hunt down and feed the insulin hungry virus inside. Add to this that the body was hyped up on all the performance enhancing substances, didn’t think properly and that the body would withstand aging, and what you have is a real danger to the people around them. They knew from that point that we were all in big ******** trouble. You see once the virus took hold it wouldn't need the body to be alive any more, because it could keep it running on base instincts and nerve impulses, after all the damn things were already hard wired into our systems. All it really needed was for the body to ingest insulin to feed the virus and to keep the blood's viscosity low enough so that is could move around the body as needed with little effort on the viruses’ part. The reason it needed the insulin, as I have been told, was because it mutated while feeding on it, and still needed it to survive In short the more the host feeds on insulin the better off the virus is, and the greatest source of insulin is of course the human body. That’s right we were looking at a horde of cannibalistic human corpses that couldn’t be killed with any amount of ease. Let me be clear here though, not everyone was affected by the virus in this way. As with any virus, some people were immune to it. But those that were could still be infected after the virus mutated, by then it would had learned to beat our immune systems. That is what kept most of us alive until the end, and also what made the vaccine workable. But of course, the government didn’t have enough to give everyone the vaccine that they needed, and sooner or later those that hadn’t gotten it would start to change. Now I come back to the FEMA camp and coffins. What would the government really need these things for in the situation that I have just told you? To house and destroy millions of infected humans that lived all over the country. You see we all were so damn focused on what we thought was the truth about it all that we didn't see what was really coming to get us, each other. The government knew that in 25 to 30 years around nine out of every ten people that they had infected would start to change into these ******** hungry corpses and they were making ready for it. It took the a little while to get ready for it of course, and we had to be kept in the dark. And as for the "NEW WORLD ORDER", well what is left after ninety present of the world’s population had to be killed off but a New World Order. And yes the damn virus would spread to those that the infected had bitten or bleed on, that is how a virus works, only after the mutation had happened to the original strain, the newly infected wouldn't have to wait years to rise, it would only take a few hours for the virus to make its way into the system and start to work its magic. So in that I say that the religious people were almost right, the Devil in a way did come to take over the world only the Devil was a damn government created virus. And of course that was back by the part in the bible that said that the dead would rise from the grave. Now you can believe that if you want to, that is all up to you. But, one thing I do believe in now that I didn't back then is that the dead do rise. Luckily, those that died before the virus mutated didn't raise form there graves, it was said that the virus died off after the body did sense it didn't have time to complete its transformation. God damn I hope so, the last thing I need is to worry about all those assholes coming back to make it all worse. It didn’t take long for the infected to start to spread out among the cities; I was even told of a few stories were people got infected while having sex with the lovers as they changed. After only a few hours people started to see what was going on, but it was too late. Even the government didn’t have the time that they thought they would to round everyone up. It just happened too fast. By mid day, people were having to kill loved ones or run for there lives. So anyway, sometime in the early hours of January 15, 2011 someone did come banging on my door, and I was ready for it too. I just knew who it was, and when I opened my curtain to look out I expected to see the military standing at my door. I was calling to my wife to grab my gun from the closet, but what I saw outside was not the military armed to the teeth with guns and handcuffs. I saw my neighbor covered in blood and looked like he had just been hit by a car. Now that I think about it he probably was. I looked back at my wife and told her to wait a sec and I opened the door. At that moment the whole damn world changed for me. When I opened the door he just fell into the apartment. He started to moan like he was hurt and hell I though he was. I reached down to help him roll over and the b*****d grabbed me with a vice like grip and started to try and bite me. Now I’ve always though of myself as a pretty strong guy, and had never had any problems over powering someone, but this little guy didn’t want to let go. It only took a few minutes for him to drag me to the ground and get on top of me. My wife started yelling at him to get off of me, but I saw his eyes and knew right then that he was dead. His left eye and fallen halfway out of the socket and the other was burst open. I freaked out; I started yelling for her to shoot the ********. She of course didn’t want to; as far as she knew he was just hurt. At that point he lunged his face at mine and started biting. If I had not put my arm between our chests he would have got me too. Then my wife moved in and started pulling at him to get him off of me. He turned on her and grabbed hold of her hand, then she saw his face and that was all she needed to see. In a quick motion she brought the gun around and shot him right in the face. Blood splattered all over her face and arms, and he went limp. I got up as fast as I could and helped her up. She was shacking and crying a bit, which rain tails of watered down blood down her cheeks. She hadn’t been bit and I though she was going to be ok. I grabbed hold of her and held her for a few moments to calm her down. I had asked her if she was ok, worried that maybe she was going into shock, but she looked me in the eyes and said she was fine. Just then the b*****d started moving again. He had a hole the size of a golf ball through his nose that went right through the back of his head. For but a second me watched him push himself up off the floor. The sounds that come from his face still make my stomach turn today, a wet gurgling noise like that of a food dispenser as it chews up too much meat and water. I moved and grabbed the umbrella sitting by the door and shoved it hard into his belly. I used it to push him out the door as fast as I could. He fought back, but all I needed was a few seconds to get him out. My wife crying, quickly pushed the door closed and locked it. He pounded on the door for hours after that, until something got his attention and he moved on. We sat in the living room with the lights off talking to one another about what we should do next. I tried the police, but no one answered. I figure they were all either dead of running home to there families, I can’t blame them. After the noise quieted down, and we couldn’t talk anymore, my wife started saying that she didn’t feel well. I took her into the bathroom and turned the light on. At first I couldn’t see anything wrong with her. Aside from being a little pale, she seemed ok. I took a rag from the cabinet and got it wet. She was trembling, but I thought that it was from fear and shock. But when I started cleaning the blood from her face I realized how hot her skin was. I grabbed the thermometer and handed it to her. It only took a few minutes for it to finish, 120.