• Chapter 1:
    Arriving at Camp
    “Hurry up Lilly!” I called up the stairs holding a duffel bag in one hand and a waterproof camera in the other.
    “I’m coming Felicity don’t get you granny panties in a twist!” said Lilly coming down the stairs in a torn t-shirt and a pair of skin-tight ripped up jeans.
    “Ok ready?” I asked opening the front door and walking out gesturing my sister out the door.
    “As I’ll ever be!” said Lilly walking out behind me.
    My name is Felicity Green and I am a rather beautiful young girl at the age of 13. I have fair blonde hair and an olive complexion. My eyes are bright blue and I have a semi-colorful personality.
    Now, Lilly,… Lilly’s a different story. Lilly Green, my sister, was also a beautiful young girl just hitting the age of 10. She has bright brown eyes that look like they should be on a puppy. She has dark brown hair and an also an olive complexion. Except on being lazy and doing nothing all day, Lilly had a very boring personality.
    “Come on slowpoke!” I said gesturing her down the driveway where a limo was waiting for us to take us to Camp Long Lake. What we were going to experience, I had no clue, would be way different than anything we’ve ever experience at summer camp before.
    “Are you sure about this?” asked Lilly.
    “What do you mean am I sure? Totally yeah!” I said hopping into the limo and scooting over so my sister could get in.
    “Um…weell I heard on the news…Which I’m not
    saying I watch….. That a mysterious person checked in under the name Slick Spencer and… well lets just say he

    was really scary when he checked in.” said Lilly hopping in also but almost landing on Bitty Bear, her once loved stuffed bear that she always took everywhere with her.
    “Well that isn’t going to scare me at all!” I said gesturing the driver drive
    “Ha ha you could call that shirt the holy shirt!” I cracked up at my own joke. Lilly just stared at me.
    “Ok then…” she said, looking out the window putting her iPod into her ears, cranking the volume all the way up, and drowning out her surroundings.
    “Lilly that can’t be good for your hearing!” I said.
    “WHAT??” she screamed through the headphones. I yanked out one of her ear,
    “That’s bad for your hearing!” I screamed, though I was sure she could hear me this time.
    “Geez! You don’t have to yell I’m right here!” she screamed at me, putting the ear phone back in. 10-year-olds, typical! By this time we had made it to the camp.
    “Oh my goodness! Lilly look at this!” I said pulling a long curly lock of blonde hair behind my ear.
    “Um… Felicity why is everyone staring at us?” Lilly asked in a tone of voice that told me she wasn’t very interested.
    “Because we’re the only one’s arriving in a limo maybe?” I suggested sarcastically.
    “Hey look at that kid!” she said pointing to a kid balancing a twirling plates on sticks. He looked to be about nineteen or twenty.
    The driver pointed out, “That’s the guys camp counselor Scott Fredrickson. He’s an expert at plate balancing.”
    “How old is he?” Lilly asked.
    “Sorry kid, he’s way to old for you! He’s twenty-three.”
    “But I wasn’t…” Lilly protested.
    “Just drop it Lil.” I said looking out my side window.
    I saw an unfamiliar guy about eighteen or nineteen years old, who looked way too old to be going to this camp. I saw his name tag, and it said, ‘Slick Spencer.’ I gasped in horror.
    “What??” Lilly asked me looking at me worried.
    “Nothing I was just thinking about you and me getting separated for the whole summer.” I said looking glumly at my feet.
    “What?? I thought Mom talked to the officials!” said Lilly looking at me with her puppy-dog eyes.
    “Ha ha I’m just getting you worried!” I said as the limo came to a stop in front of the office. What I didn’t know was that a guy was staring at me google-eyed and his mouth open as I stepped out of the car, my curls bouncing wildly. His friend snapped in front of his face,
    “Dude forget it, she’s way out of your league.” his name was apparently Derek.
    “I don’t know she looks my age.” said the kid starting to walk towards the office behind me.
    In the office, the walls were made of logs and it smelled freshly of pine trees and pine cones. There were two tables, one for boys check in and one for girls. They both had red checkered table cloths on top of them and they had two sweet, smiling, people sitting at each of them. (two guys and two girls) When it was Lilly’s and my turn the lady introduced herself to us.
    “Hi I’m Mary Alice your camp counselor and this is Tiffany my assistant.” she said holding out her hand. When Tiffany didn’t do the same she playfully nudged her in the ribs.
    “I’m Felicity and this is Lilly.” I said gesturing to my sister standing frozen as a popsicle behind me.
    “Hi Lilly I’m Tiffany. Would you like me to show them where they are going to sleep?” she was apparently talking to Mary Alice now.
    “Yes Please Tiffany thanks for being a big help.” she
    whispered something to Tiffany and then she took our bags
    and set them in a hallway with about 5,000 other one’s looking exactly alike.
    “Great.” I whispered to Lilly as quietly as I could. “We’re probably going to get someone else’s clothes.”
    “Yup.” she said looking at her feet. When Tiffany returned she took our hands like we were babies and led us to our cabin. Only I didn’t take her hand like Lilly did. Behind me, Joe was being led to the same cabin I was. “Oh great!” I thought staring at him.
    When we got to the cabin the room was bigger than our whole house apparently this was the coed cabin where the guys and girls slept. Even through their was a partition between us I still felt uncomfortable.
    On the girls side, there were fifteen bunks, a bathroom with four toilets and four sinks, and a lounging corner. Tiffany said we could pick our own bunks so I chose a bottom one and Lilly took the top one above mine. I set my stuff down and started unpacking. Each bunk had one dresser to share with the person on the top above them. After I was done packing I hadn’t looked over my shoulder to see how many girls were arriving. I walked over and asked Tiffany,
    “Are we allowed to go over and talk to the guys?”
    “Yes but, be careful because they can get a little rowdy.” she said hoping she didn’t frighten me.
    “Ok thanks.” I said putting my bag under the bed and walking out the door, knocking over a girl with a bunch of stuff.
    “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…” I stammered
    “It’s ok.” she insured me bending down to pick up her jumble of stuff. I also did to help since this was my fault.
    “I heard a crash!” said Lilly coming out in a tank top and shorts.
    “It’s ok. We’ve got everything under control.” I said
    giving her the please-go-away-your-bugging-me look.
    She seemed to have gotten my drift and went away to meet some girls her age.
    “I’m Grayson.” said the girl holding out her hand with her stuff in the other one.
    “I’m Felicity.” I said shaking her hand.
    “Well Felicity, I think were going to become great friends at camp!” she said with a big grin that stretched from ear to ear.
    “Wanna move into my bunk?” I asked her without thinking.
    “I think that occupation has already been taken.” she said nodding toward my sister.
    “Yeah sorry about that, but hey, maybe you can get the bottom bunk next to mine if it’s not already taken.” I suggested, inviting her in.
    “Yeah!” she said running in. Luckily, the bottom bunk next to mine was not taken yet so I dropped the stuff on the bed that I had helped pick up.
    “This is perfect!” she said letting out a sigh of relief.
    “You’ve never been to summer camp?” I asked surprised.
    “Well yeah I have been to other camps just not this one.” she said.
    “Yeah it’s my first time too at this camp I mean.” I said my cheeks flaring red.
    “Hey wanna go check out the guys?” Grayson asked me.
    “Sure just let me inform…” I searched the room for Lilly. She had disappeared!
    “Oh well I guess she met a friend and ran off somewhere.” I suggested turning toward the door.
    “Come on!” Grayson was waving me through the guys
    door. I followed obediently, regretting was I was about to do.
    In the other room it was a ZOO!
    Underpants flying every which-way, guys hanging from the bed railings like monkeys and guys just sitting and being quiet. I tried to get their attention.
    “HEEEEYYY!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Suddenly the room became quiet. Everyone was staring at me. My face went red with blush. Scott was staring at me… he was angry.
    “Why do you have the right to come into our room and scream like that?” asked Scott.
    “Um…I-I don’t know” I said stammering and backing up out of the room. The same kid walking behind us to the cabin was walking in at that time, and I made him fall, and I landed on top of him apologizing and getting up.
    “How embarrassing” I thought to myself.
    “Come on Felicity lets go to the mess hall….even through I think we’re already in it.” Grayson said making a joke.
    “Wait!” I heard a voice call behind me. It was that kid again.
    “What’s your name?” he asked me.
    “Felicity. Yours?” I asked my heart thumping like a thousand horses on a race track.
    “I’m Joe. Would you like a tour to the mess hall?” he asked me. I looked at Grayson hoping she would give me something to say. Then she said it,
    “Sure we would love a tour.” she said smiling her ear-to-ear smile. He smiled back and pushed us out the door.
    Suddenly a familiar voice came over the loudspeaker, it sounded like Mary Alice’s,
    “All counselors please escort your campers to the bonfire please. Thank you!” And it went off.
    “Ok well I gotta go sorry I’ll sit by you guys at the
    bonfire!” he yelled after us waving over his shoulder his brown hair waving in the wind. I sighed and smiled.

    “Ooo! I think someone over here has a crush on Mr. Joe!” said Grayson covering her mouth like it was a whisper. She turned and started running toward the direction that Joe went, screaming,
    “Joe wait up!”
    “NO!” I screamed after her.
    When I finally caught up to her I was breathless. Grayson was talking to some guy I didn’t recognize and I found Joe and sat down next to him.
    “Hey.” I said regaining my breath.
    “Hey. Have you been running?” he asked me.
    “No.” I said sarcastically turning to look at Grayson, who was blushing out of this world. When she finally said goodbye she walked over (still blushing) and sat herself down next to me.
    “Hey who was that??” I asked nudging her in the ribs playfully. She sighed,
    “That was Evan.”
    “Ooo!” I think Grayson has a little crush on Evan!” I said acting exactly like her.
    “Don’t tell him…” she begged, “Please.”
    “Ok I won’t only if you promise not to tell Joe.” I said.
    “Tell me what?” he had obviously been listening to us the whole time.
    “Oh nothing.” I said smiling at him.
    “Hey I never really got your age. How old are you?” he asked me.
    “I’m thirteen.” I said. “What about you?”
    “I’m…fourteen.” he said looking at his feet.
    “What are you ashamed that your older than me?” I asked putting my hands on my hips.
    “No.” he said sighing. By this time the director of the camp had shown up and was telling us to shush. He was wearing kaki shorts and a tourist shirt with blue Hawaiian

    flowers on it.
    “I’m your camp director Mr. Woodberry. Right now we as in myself and the staff are going to introduce ourselves to you. I’ll start. Wait I already introduced myself to you never mind someone else can go.” he said gesturing toward another counselor. He stood up and said,
    “I am Counselor Spanky and this is my assistant Gregory. Gregory and I will be in charge of your pool activities.”
    “Thank you Spanky. Next?”
    “I am Counselor Lizzie this is my assistant Francine. We will be in charge of your horseback riding activities.” she said. And this went on and on and on with activities like canoeing, Archery, art’s and crafts and sports. I was good at the Archery part but nothing else.
    After the talking, the counselor’s went to the kitchen and brought back chocolate bars, graham crackers, and marshmallow’s. They started an assembly line so each camper could get one of each. When it was my turn I went through the line and got a long stick to roast my marshmallow on and then headed to the fire. Joe was there too. I went over and stood by him to chat.
    “So where do you live in Florida?” I asked wondering.
    “Um… I live in a small town called Shartsville.” he said looking at his burnt marshmallow.
    “Um.. OK cool.” I said pulling my marshmallow out of the fire and slid it into my graham crackers and chocolate. I took a big bite and it wasn’t half bad.
    “Mmmm…yummy.” I said through a full mouth.
    “Ha ha,” he said laughing at my face.
    “What?” I asked.
    “You have a little marshmallow stuck in your hair.” he said getting it out. I blushed.
    “Oh Great just what I needed.” I said under my breath.

    “What??” he asked probably because he didn’t hear
    “Oh nothing.” I said walking away with a smile on my face.