Trinity Blood: The Power to Fight
Book 1 of 5
Pages 89 - 120
Rated: PG-13
Chapter Four: Ripples on the Surface
When Abel woke again, he didn't have any clue as to how much time had passed since he'd returned from his trip in Lutetium, nor did he have any immediate recall of Cain's reappearance.
He found that it was daytime, and that he'd been dressed into a hospital nightgown. He noticed that someone had set a bowl of chicken broth on the table next to his bed, and a chair sat next to him, and in the seat of the chair was a book.
He looked around the room to see if anyone was in there with him, but he realized that whoever had been visiting him, they were gone now.
Pushing himself up he grabbed his glasses and gently put them on. "Well now, that's better." For the first time, Abel took notice of the book in the chair. "What's this?"
He picked the book up and noticed the title, "Rules of Saintly Doctrine."
Abel smiled fondly and whispered, "I remember this." He began flipping steadily through the books' pages and was just about to read the first page when the door to his room opened, causing him to jump slightly in surprise.
Elma causually walked into the room, carrying a small but deep wash basin. She smiled shyly when she saw that Abel was sitting up in his bed. "Oh! You're awake. Good morning, Father Nightroad."
"Good morning, Sister.....?" Abel fished through his dusty memory trying to desperately remember a name.
She laughed softly, and whispered. "My name is Elma Duval, Father. I'm new here. I was only accepted into the Ministry of Holy Affairs. Well I was accepted about a week ago. And I was grateful. My first assignment was to look after you. Not that it was any true challenge. I mean, you've been asleep the entire week that I've been here. But did you know that you talk in your sleep?" She smiled brightly as she strode gracefully to Abel's bedside.
"I talk in my sleep? Wow, what do I talk about?" He asked, noticing that Elma looked uneasy, almost embarrassed about something.
"Oh just things like, 'I want a second helping of corn' or 'But I didn't eat the last piece of cake! I swear I didn't!' You're quite interesting."
Abel smiled and laughed, "Yeah that would be something that I'd talk about."
"But Father, there was one more thing that you said, 'Lilith, I'm sorry. He killed more people today. He can't be stopped. Forgive me.' Father....." Elma whispered looking Abel in the face, his eyes showed an extreme depression, his face still pale from being out of the sun for so long. "Are you okay?"
He smiled, unsure of if he was okay or not. "Yes, please don't worry, and thank you for taking suck good care of me. But uh," Abel pointed at the basin, "What's that for?"
"Oh this?" Elma looked at the basin and smiled. "I was going to wash your face, you've been running a slight fever for the past few days, and it must've broken sometime during the night. So..."
"Thank you, but I'm fine."
"Right." She set the basin down on the table and sat down in the chair. Her smile warming Abel's heart.
But then the realization of his talking to Lilith in his sleep made him remember Cain, and Noelle. "Elma?"
"Yes Father?"
"How's Noelle? Is she better?"
Elma frowned and looking down, Abel noticed that her face was growing pale. "Father, I'm sorry. But Sister Noelle died. Her injuries were just too great, we tried everything we could to revive her, but we were too late. I'm sorry..."
Abel remained silent, his mind stopping at a dead end. "I think that I was the last person that she ever thought of. I heard her say my name just before she was struck."
"Well that's a good thing to know, that when she died, she thought of someone to whom she cared for." Elma paused, and Abel wondered if she was done, but then she continued. "Trust me, I would know. It was the same exact story for me when my parents were murdered. They were killed recently by these monsters. Monsters that are referred to as Death Hunters, or Auto Jagers. My parents called out for my older sister and myself just before they died."
"Both were killed?"
Elma nodded solemnly. "Yes. You see I lived in the New Human Empire, and the Death Hunters had began their plot to over run the Empress' palace, as well as the eastern part of the city. The Empress, Augusta Vradica, was kind enough to send me here, a place that she knew I would be safe. I believe she forsaw something about my future. But whatever she saw, she never said."
Abel felt his eyes grow wide. He knew that the New Human Empire was the only place in the world where humans and vampires could live together without any violence or conflict. "Wow. The Empire? So where's your sister now?"
Elma shrugged, "Wouldn't know. And to be perfectly honest with you Father, I don't care. I never really met my sister, she left to go to the western side of the city when the Empress offered her a job. I was still very young when she left. I don't remember her, and even if I did, I would choose not to do so."
"I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way."
She smiled, her eyes twinkling, "Pease don't be. If Terina didn't love me enough to stick around during my childhood, then I'd rather it be this way. I don't want anything to do with her."
"Elma, I don't think that that's very wise."
"Why not father?"
"Well because...."
Abel didn't get to finish his sentence because Kate's hologram materialized before him and Elma. "Good, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Better. Did you find Cain?" Abel asked, his heart beating fast.
"No, but Dandelion and Gunslinger are looking for him right now. They will find him. So don't worry."
He looked down at his knees and with great sadness in his voice he whispered, "I see."
"Father Abel, why don't you go outside for a little while. Before Cardinal Caterina forces you to get back to work. Sister," Kate turned to face Elma, "Would you please accompany Father Nightroad? Just to make sure that he remains alright."
"Yes ma'am." Elma said promptly after being addressed.
Kate smiled, and the hologram faded. Leaving Abel and Elma in silence.
Elma got up and quickly made for the closed door, "Well Father, I'll leave you to get dressed, but I'll be right outside in the hall." As she left Abel by himself, he noticed that the swaying of her dress was rhythmic.
He also noticed that she was grateful with her steps. Each one equal to the last. He found that he was oddly interested in her.
With Elma now gone, and the door closed, Abel began to get dressed. Someone had set out for him a new cassock, seeing as his old one had been torn to shreds.
It didn't take him long to change because he didn't want to keep Elma waiting.
He opened the door and saw Elma waiting for him, just as she had said, her hands clasped behind her back.
"Right then, shall we go, Father?"
He smiled half-heartedly and nodded. They walked in silence for a few moments, both enjoying the scenery, taking in the sights and the sounds that nature had to offer.
Abel walked slowly, trying to fight the strong emotions that were overtaking him. He regretted that he was the cause of Noelle's death, and that Cain had been able to escape because he'd been too weak to stop him.
But it was Abel, who had finally broke the silence. "Elma....." He stuttered, as he desperately wished to ask the question that had burned a hole in his mind.
"Yes Father?"
"When...." He cleared his throat and tried to start again. "When is Sister Noelle's funeral?"
Elma stopped walking and thought for a second, and without looking at Abel she whispered, "It's tomorrow, Father."
"I see, so I suppose that I should be ready by then. Right?" He quietly looked up at the sun and sighed.
"Father, if you don't mind my asking but, how long did you know Sister Noelle?"
He sighed softly again, and answered, "A few years I suppose. Why do you ask?"
"Well I--" she paused, looking for the right words, "Well I got the impression that you loved her."
He stopped in his steps, his mind feeling as if it had shut down. His body, going limp, non-existing feeling, he fell to the ground, his knees trembling as he covered his face, tears flooding his vision.
"FATHER NIGHTROAD!" Elma raced to Abel's side and seeing his trembling form, pulled him close, and calmly whispered, "I'm sorry, Father. I'm sorry that I upset you. I didn't mean to."
"I--I did love her, Elma. I did love Noelle. And I let her die...." Abel could barely speak now because of the growing stream of tears.
Elma continued to hold him close, trying to calm him down, "Father, you needn't cry any longer. Sister Noelle is in a better place now, and she honestly wouldn't want to see you broken down like this. She would want to see you honor her life and not mourn her death. Do you understand?"
Abel looked up at her young face and saw that she had tears of her own in her eyes. "Elma?"
"Yes what is it?"
He raised his right hand, and with the tip of his thumb, he gently rubbed the underside of her right eye. "Tell me, dear Sister, why are you crying?"
"What?" She took the tip of her index finger and put it to her eye, and found that it was indeed wet from her own tears. "Just forget about my own sadness Father. Please just ignor it."
"I'm afraid that I can't do that."
"I don't understand, Father. Why?"
"You have to ask? Really? Well it's....it's because I am your friend." He placed his hands on her shoulders, and for the first time, he noticed that her eyes were the color of the suns beautiful rays. "Elma listen to me, you're tears are due to the memory of your parents, correct?"
Nodding her head, she whispered softly, "Yes. It's my fault that they died. I couldn't save them. I couldn't do anything!"
"Please just calm down and listen to me. Weren't you the one who just told me that it's much better to honor one's life rather than to mourn their death?"
Abel sighed and pulled Elma in closer as she had done for him, and resting his chin on her soft hair he whispered, "We will get through these tough times. I know that we will."
Elma, looking up at Abel, admitted, "Father, out of all the many people the work here, you are, by far the kindest."
"I am?"
"Yes, but how could you be so kind to someone like me? A person who has such a troubled past, and yet you come along and you treat me like a saint."
Discouraged by Elma's remark, Abel frowned. "What do you mean?"
"I mean--" She shook her head. "Forget about it." She closed her eyes, and sat still.
Caterina stood at the window of her office, a small smile forming. She then turned to Esther, who was standing behind her with a notepad in hand. "Esther what are the arrangements so far for Sister Noelle's funeral?"
"Well your Eminence, the funeral itself will start at nood, and the guests will arrive at ten o'clock. What else should be planned for you Eminence?" Esther whispered as she read from her notepad, a pencil read in her right hand.
Caterina placed a hand to her forehead and sighed, "Sister Noelle enjoyed flowers, I believe. Have Father Abel pick a small bouquet of roses that will be used to decorate Noelle's coffin." She smiled. " I believe that she'd like that. What do you think Esther?"
She nodded curtiously, "I know she would your Eminence. Shall I go down to Father Abel right now and aid him in gathering the flowers?"
Caterina stared in silence, her face showing signs of great stress and fatigue. After a moment of silence she finally whispered, "Yes, and have Sister Duval help you as well. She's new as you know, and she needs as much experience in the work force as possible. This will prove to be as the perfect opportunity for her to gain some Vatican credibility."
"I agree." She giggled, her laugh was that of an adorable young child. Her fiery red hair flying up around her face, as she jumped slightly into the air.
Seeing this made Caterina laugh, "I must say SIster Esther, that with you and Elma around, Abel will be back to his goofy one-hundred percent normal self again in no time. He's extremely fortunate to be associated with the two of you."
"Thank you your Eminence." Esther bowed gracefully to the Cardinal and quickly made her leave. Her face still glowing from Caterina's complement, and of the new task that was given to her.
A peaceful stroll through the Vatican's flower gardens, picking roses with her superior, as well as her fellow novice, she felt that nothing could bring her good spirits down.
In the gardens, Elma remained by Abel, her heart feeling as light as a feather, her worries all gone since Abel's encouraging speech. She had no idea as to how she was going to repay him. "Father..." She fell silent, waiting patiently for his response.
He smiled thoughtfully, and whispered, "Yes, what is it?"
"Well..." She stood up, shaking her head, "Well thank you so much for cheering me up, I really appreciate it." She smiled down at him, her smile yet again warming his heart.
"You're welcome."
Still smiling, Elma took off, her pace fast but her intentions pure.
Not realizing that he was being abandoned, Abel looked up and saw that she was gone. "Hey, wait up!" He found himself chasing after Elma, and in his mind, he didn't understand why. But he also didn't want to be alone. He didn't want to lose his new friend. "Elma....."
She turned around to face him, her golden-yellow eyes twinkling from beneath a few remaining tears. "Yes?"
"Tell me, what was it like in the New Human Empire? What part did you live in? Was it Byzantium, Moldova, Kiew, or Odessa?"
"Alright, I'll tell you."
She looked around and saw that in the center of the gardens was a small fountain, and leading Abel to it, they sat down.
"Well I was born, and raised in the capital of the Empire, Byzantium, but growing up without my sister made it hard on me. I mean," She looked at her hands and waited a minute before whe went on, "Don't be me wrong Father Nightroad. I love my sister, but, at the same time I hate her. She stuck around with me until I was a year old, but that was so long ago that I really can't remember her. I see a vague image of her in my mind...but that's all that I can see....." She laughed quietly before speaking again. "You must think that I'm a horrible being. For hating my own sibling, the way that I do, but I can't help it. Tell me, how can I love someone that I don't even remember?"
Abel sighed, his compassion and feelings for her situation were the same as the feelings toward Cain.
"Elma, for one thing, I have no proof, nor evidence as to show you as a horrible being. Now that I've heard your story, I understand how you feel towards your sister." He closed his eyes and the memory from when he was a child and still living on the Ark entered his mind. And the words that Cain said echoed in his mind.
"I don't know, but I'm happy. Happy to have been born into this world at all, brother....It really doesn't matter where you're from. If your will is strong, you can make the future whatever you want it to be. So tell me...just what kind of future do you want Abel?"
In his mind, Abel began to answer the question that had been asked of him so long ago. "I want....I want a future where I'm not hunted. Or marked for death. I want a future where I'm considered to be human...."
He was brought out of his deeply consentrated thoughts when Elma called to him. "Father Abel, what's wrong?"
He shook his head and calmly whispered, "Oh it's nothing." He lowered his eyes and whispered even quieter, "Nothing at all, nothing but a memory from my past."
Elma frowned, discouraged by Abel's behavior. "Father, I want to show you something."
"What is it?"
"Stand up please."
"What? Why?"
"Just stand up."
Slowly Abel stood up again, and watched as Elma stooped down, searching the ground over for something. "What are you--?"
She jumped up and exclaimed, "I found one!"
Abel jumped back, startled. "What did you find?"
With a small laugh she scooped the thing that she'd found inside the hand and and standing back up, she pointed at the fountain. "Father, everything that you see in the water is only a mirror image of what is around us. It's not the actual thing. So when you see us here, you see two friends. But beneath the water's surface, you and I might just be enemies. So everything is the opposite of our reality. Do you understand?"
Abel scratched his head and mumbled, "I wish I did...."
Giggling, Elma opened her closed hand and Abel saw that she was holding onto a small rock. "Do you see the stone in my hand?"
He nodded, and mumbled, "Yes....."
"Well, I want you to imagine that this stone represents a tragic event. And that the water in the fountain represents the lives of those around us as well as our own lives. Now, tell me, what will happen to the water if I allow the stone to fall?"
"It will cause a disturbance, but Elma...." Abel pleaded, trying to show her his confusion.
She smiled and turned her hand over, and letting the stone fall. It landed in the water, splashing them both, their relections bedoming distorted, as the ripples formed on the water's surface.
"Now which world is affected?"
Abel looked at Elma, his look one of admiration. "It's not our world, that's for sure." He sounded convinced, but Elma noticed a sadness deep within his eyes.
"You still miss Sister Noelle, don't you Father?" she then shifted her feet so that she was a foot away from him. "Of course you do. You'd be crazy if you didn't...."
Without her knowing, tears leaked from between her closed eyelids.
"Elma what's wrong?"
"You're crying again. You're thinking of your parents again, aren't you?"
She opened her eyes, and wearily smiled. "Yes, and no...."
Abel thought about her answer for a moment before he finally repeated them out loud, "Yes and no?"
"Do you remember when I asked you why you were kind to a person like me?"
"Well," Elma felt that she could finally open up and face him, she knew that her mind wouldn't be completely cleared unless she confessed to her sins. "Well I've broken promises."
"My promise to never fall in love."
Abel smiled widely and with the tip of his elbow, he nudged her playfully in the side. "Oh! So you have a boyfriend? Tell me, what's his name?"
She felt her face glow red, "Father he's not my boyfriend. He's more of my best friend. And his name is Ion Fortuna."
"Ion? So does he know that you love him?"
"I'm not ready to divuldge that sort of information to you." She blushed even brighter. "Well not just yet anyway. And besides, Ion's been through enough already. I'd really rather not hurt him. Besides, he loves another. There's no room form mein his heart." Tears really began to roll down her face, as she closed her eyes.
Abel opened his mouth, he was ready to speak, but he settled for setting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Elma, I know that you don't want to seek advice from someone who's as old as I am, but you should talk to Ion. He may have feelings for you, you never know, unless you ask." He was trying his best to cheer her up, but in his heart, he knew what she was thinking.
"I can't do that, Father. Listen, please don't worry about this, I'll handle it. One way or another."
"Elma...." Abel began, but was forced to look up when he heard hurried footsteps coming up from behind Elma and himself.
Running as fast as she could, Esther raced to the two, "Father Nightroad! Cardinal Caterina has ordered that it's up to us to pick flowers that are to be used at Sister Noelle's funeral."
He stood there, his body beginning to feel weak. "What?"
Reaching them Esther smiled brightly, her outlook and appearence the complete opposite of Elma's and Abel's. "Her Eminence said that Noelle enjoyed roses, so she suggested that we pick a few."
"Esther..." He began but then decided to walk away. "You know what, never mind. It doesn't matter to me anymore. I'll help you pick them. Come on."
Wiping away the remaining tears, Elma sighed and whispered softly to Esther. "I think that it's best if we leave him alone for now."
"You're right. I'm sorry Father."
To Be Continued In Chapter Five: Farewell Dear Sister
- by DoctorChurchie |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/13/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Ripples on the Surface
- Artist: DoctorChurchie
- Description: The fourth chapter in my fanfiction.
- Date: 07/13/2009
- Tags: ripples surface
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Comments (2 Comments)
- DoctorChurchie - 07/18/2009
- Of course. ^_^
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- Lilith Celestine17 - 07/18/2009
- I loved it!! I want read more of the chapters. Would you please let me?
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