• I was 99.9% sure this was a dream.
    first off, i was standing in the middle of the ocean.
    second, gazing at me was Ry. Ry died last month. So that pushed it toward the whole "dream" thing.
    "Ry? Is that you?" i asked.
    He stood there, staring at me. Then all of the sudden, a huge wave 'rose above him.
    "RY, WATCH OUT!" i screamed, but it was too late. The wave swept in and washed him away.
    "RY!" I pulled forward, and to my surprise, i was safe in my room.
    just a dream, just i dream.I thought. Just calm down. Stop breathing so heavily. I looked up at the clock. 8:35am Crap, im late!
    I put some fresh clothes on and run a brush though my hair and run to my truck....