• Chapter Five

    Ang's POV

    "You know where they are, don't you?" I glared at Alex. School just ended and Ray wasn't in my fifth hour, like she was supposed to be today.
    "Acutally," he smiled, "I do."
    "Why won't you tell me?" I whined.
    "Because," he smirked, "I'd rather not disturb them."
    "What do you mean?" I gasped at the things they could be doing, "Damnit! Alex, tell me where they are, now!" I demanded.
    "Alright," he sighed, giving up, "They're at the park a few blocks away from school. They're sort of... uh... I'd rather not tell you." he muttered.
    "Well then, I'll just have to see for myself." I huffed, getting into my Audi.
    We arrived at the park not long later, and I ran out of the car to go look for my sister. Whatever was going on, I didn't want it to be happening.
    "Where the hell are they?" I asked Alex after what seemed like forever.
    He just pointed to a wall of bushes, and I looked at him confused, but just shurgged and went over to see if he was right.
    He was. Behind all the green, laying on a small patch of newly grown grass, laid Ray and Adian. Adian's arms where wraped around Ray, protectivly and lovingly. They held hands, like any couple would. Ray's head was rested on Adain's chest, while she snuggled into his side. Adian's face was burried in her hair, looking almost like he was just laying there, smelling it.
    I pulled back from the bush and slightly bumped into Alex. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. "Just let them be with each other. That's what they need right now, more than ever," he whispered in my ear.
    I didn't want to go. Part of me was telling my body to march strait up to them and ask what the hell was going on. But the other part, the sane part of my brain, was telling me to let them be and go home with Alex. And so I did.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Ray's POV
    I didn't notice I had fallen asleep until I woke up. I looked up and saw Adain staring at me. I should have thought that was totally weird, but I didn't. In a way, I sort of liked it. I streched a little until my lips touched his.
    He smiled and said, "Ready to go home?"
    "I guess," I said, snuggling into his side more. This made him laugh. I got up and started walking back to the school with Adian.
    When we got to my car I searched around my pockets for the keys. I cursed under my breath when I didn't hear the jingling sound.
    "Whats wrong?" Adain asked me.
    "I left my keys inside my locker," I muttered.
    "That's alright, I can run you home," he smiled.
    I laughed, "I was hoping you'd say that. But the thing is, I don't have my house keys either and if I get home late again then my parents are going to kill me, literaly." I sighed.
    "Well, you can stay at my house, I'm sure Alex won't mind," he smiled.
    "Are you sure?" I asked.
    "Yeah, and then you can ask Angel to bring you clothes in the morining. I promise everything is going to be okay."
    "Alright," I smiled, getting onto his back.
    Somewhere I between the run from the school to his house, I had falllen asleep. Because I woke up in the middle of the night, freezing cold.
    I cursed under my breath and looked for a bigger blanket.
    "Here," someone said, handing me a blanket. I gasped. "It's alright, go back to sleep. It's just me, Adian."
    I smiled and muttered, "Goodnight."
    He kissed my forehead softly and I fell asleep in his arms again.
    The next morning, I woke up and didn't know where I was. I looked around the room, taking in everything and trying to remember what it was I did last night.
    My eyes got caught on a huge picture on the wall by a window. It was a picture, hand drawn, of Alex and Adian. They looked so, alive. I stumbled out of bed to study the picture better. There was a signature at the bottom right hand corner and it said, "Savannah Smith."
    "It's his mom..." I whispered to myself.
    "She was a great artist," someone muttered from behind me.
    I turned to see Adain staring at the picture.
    "I'm sorry," I said, then I remembered something, "Did you do this?" I smirked, pointing to my clothes.
    He looked like he could be blushing. "Yes, I did."
    "Oh. Well. Uh. Thanks?"
    He smiled, "Here are some clothes Angel brought for you. Her and Alex are in the kitchen waiting for us," he threw some clothes into the bed. As he was leaving he said, "she brought you some make up and shampoo and the other stuff you girls use."
    I laughed, "Yeah, tell her I said thanks."
    After he left, I hurried off to the guest bathroom to get ready. When I was finished with my shower, applying my makeup, doing my hair, brushing my teeth, putting Ang's clothes on, I walked into the kitchen and saw a bowl of Fruit Loops waiting for me.
    "Thanks guys," I mummbled, scarfing down cereal at the same time.
    We got to school and I ditched Alex and Ang to walk to class with Adian.
    "So, favorite subject?" he asked.
    "Drama, I love acting!" I smiled, "and yours?"
    "Art. I absoutly love drawing."
    "I bet your a good am artset as your mom." I muttered.
    He shurgged, "I wish."
    "Well. Bye." I whisepered as we approached my class.
    "Oh, uh. Bye." he muttered.
    We stood outside of my class for a good ten seconds before we looked at each other and smiled. I giggled and turned to leave when he grabbed my wrist. I spun around quickly and he pressed his lips to mine.
    When I backed away, I blushed. "I-I gotta, uh, go?"
    He chuckled. "Is that a question?"
    "Huh? Uh. N-no, I just, uh... Class!" I blurted. Damn, what the hell was wrong with me? I'm losing my mind.
    He laughed again. "Hey!" I pointed my finger at him, "Don't you dare read my mind!"
    "I'll try not to," he smiled. "So, class?" he laughed.
    "Shut up! But yeah, uh. Bye?" I blushed again. Damnit, I thought, why does that sound like a question?
    He laughed at my thoughts again. "See you in thrid period. Goodbye, Rayneen Amber Tracy." he smiled.
    "B-bye," I studdered, then stumbled into my drama class.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Ang's POV
    "Where'd they go?" I asked Alex while looking around.
    "He's walking her to class," he smiled.
    "Oh. What are you so happy about?" I asked.
    "Just... things," he chuckled. We started walking towards my first period when we spotted them.
    "She looks so happy," I whispered.
    "She is. And so is he," Alex smiled. We stopped walking and just watched them. Adian grabbed Ray's wrist as she was turning to walk into class, when she turned, their mouths clashed together and it seemed like they didn't have a care in the world that they could get in trouble for PDA.
    When they released, I said bye to Alex and gave him a kiss. When I passed by a happy looking Adian, I smiled at him.
    I arrived to drama class and darted strait to where Ray was sitting, with a smile on her face.
    "I saw that, you know," I whispered.
    "Saw what?" she giggled, trying to look innocent.
    I smacked her gently on the arm and said, "I saw you kiss him! Don't play dumb."
    She sighed and put her chin on her hands. "He asked me to the Forever the Sickest Kids concert." Ray was all smiles and I was all gasps.
    "He did what?" I asked her.
    "Then we ditched school together and we told each other about ourselves. Then he kissed me and I fell asleep in his arms," she sighed again. I wasn't sure if she knew I was still here.
    "Ladies?" our teacher, Ms. Hudson, called to us.
    "Yes ma'am?" I asked, then to make sure Ray was paying attention, I knocked her arms out from under her chin so her head almost banged into the desk.
    "I would like you two to come up here and play this skit for our class, it's from the play The Sisters' Tragedy. I thought since you guys are sisters, this was approatie." she told us.
    "Alright," I said, getting up and grabbing Ray's hand. We approached the front and grabbed our scripts.
    "Okay, class. Angel will be playing Aglae, a widow, and Rayneen will be playing Muriel, Aglae's unmarried sister. I will read you the intro and then they will take it from there." Ms. Hudson announched.
    And so she began, "It happened once, in that brave land that lies for half the twelvemonth wrapt in sombre skies, Two sisters loved one man. He being dead, grief loosed the lips of her he had not wed, and all the passion that through heavy years had masked in smiles unmasked itself in tears. No purer love may mortals know than this, the hidden love that guards another's bliss.
    "High in a turret's westward-facing room, whose painted window held the sunset's bloom, the two together grieving, each to each unveiled her soul with sobs and broken speech. Both still were young, in life's rich summer yet; And one was dark, with tints of violet in hair and eyes, and one was blond as she who rose--a second daybreak--from the sea, gold-tressed and azure-eyed.
    "In that lone place, like dusk and dawn, they sat there face to face. She spoke the first whose strangely silvering hair no wreath had worn, nor widow's weed might wear, and told her blameless love, and knew no shame-- Her holy love that, like a vestal flame Beside the sacred body of some queen within a guarded crypt had burned unseen from weary year to year. And she who heard smiled proudly through her tears and said no word, But, drawing closer, on the troubled brow laid one long kiss, and that was words enow!"

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Ray's POV
    "Be still, my heart! Grown patient with thine ache, thou shouldst be dumb, yet needs must speak, or break. The world is empty now that he is gone." I read from the script in my hands.
    "Ay, sweetheart!" Ang yelped. I smiled at her.
    "None was like him, no, not one. From other men he stood apart, alone in honor spotless as unfallen snow. Nothing all evil was it his to know; His charity still found some germ, some spark of light in natures that seemed wholly dark. He read men's souls; the lowly and the high moved on the self-same level in his eye.
    "Gracious to all, to none subservient, without offence he spake the word he meant-- His word no trick of tact or courtly art, but the white flowering of the noble heart. Careless he was of much the world counts gain, careless of self, too simple to be vain, yet strung so finely that for conscience-sake he would have gone like Cranmer to the stake. I saw--how could I help but love? And you--" I spoke, making my words loud and clear, like Ms. Hudson wanted.
    "At this perfection did I worship too . . . 'Twas this that stabbed me. Heed not what I say! I meant it not, my wits are gone astray, with all that is and has been. No, I lie-- Had he been less perfection, happier I!" Ang said, then we held back little giggles.
    "Strange words and wild! 'Tis the distracted mind breathes them, not you, and I no meaning find." I read.
    "Yet 'twere as plain as writing on a scroll had you but eyes to read within my soul.-- How a grief hidden feeds on its own mood, poisons the healthful currents of the blood with bitterness, and turns the heart to stone! I think, in truth, 'twere better to make moan, and so be done with it. This many a year, sweetheart, have I laughed lightly and made cheer, pierced through with sorrow! Then the widowed one with sorrowfullest eyes beneath the sun, faltered, irresolute, and bending low her head, half whispered, Dear, how could you know?
    "What masks are faces!--yours, unread by me these seven long summers; mine, so placidly shielding my woe! No tremble of the lip, no cheek's quick pallor let our secret slip! Mere players we, and she that played the queen, now in her homespun, looks how poor and mean! How shall I say it, how find words to tell what thing it was for me made earth a hell That else had been my heaven! 'Twould blanch your cheek Were I to speak it. Nay, but I will speak, Since like two souls at compt we seem to stand, Where nothing may be hidden.
    "Hold my hand, But look not at me!" she grabbed my hand in hers, "Noble 'twas, and meet, to hide your heart, nor fling it at his feet to lie despised there. Thus saved you our pride and that white honor for which earls have died. You were not all unhappy, loving so! I with a difference wore my weight of woe. My lord was he. It was my cruel lot, my hell, to love him--for he loved me not! Then came a silence. Suddenly like death the truth flashed on them, and each held her breath-- A flash of light whereby they both were slain, she that was loved and she that loved in vain!" Ang finished with a smile. Everyone claped for us and we bowed.
    "God, it's like you two were born actresses!" Ms. Hudson clapped and sent us back to our seats. I couldn't help but think how ironic that play was. How a grief hidden feeds on its own mood, poisons the healthful currents of the blood with bitterness, and turns the heart to stone! Who the hell would write something like that? That's got vampire written all over it!
    I just shook the thought off and waited for class to end.

    Chapter Six

    Ray's POV

    "Adian!" I screamed.
    "Rayneen!" he yelled back I jumped into his open arms and hugged him fearcly.
    "Please d-dont leave me!" I sobbed as the rain slapped against my cheeks, hiding my tears.
    "I'm sorry," he said into my wet hair. I looked into his bright green eyes and then tugged him towards me until out lips met. His mouth moved with mine for what felt like the last time. I tangled my hands in his wet hair and her pressed me closer to him.
    After a while, he pulled back and I cried harder.
    "Ray, please don't cry," he whispered.
    I looked at him again, tears rolling down my cheeks, rain soaking my clothes, and I whispered, "I love you."

    Someone stroked my cheek and my eyes fluttered open. "Adian," I whispered, relieved.
    He smiled, "It's time to go to lunch. Class is over."
    "Oh," I muttered, getting up.
    "That was some dream," he said to me on our way to the lunch room.
    My cheeks got hot, "Oh. You heard that?"
    "Yes, I did," he smiled and grabbed my hand.
    We walked into the lunch room and got in line together.
    "Rayneen!" someone cheered.
    I spun around and saw my mom.
    "Mom?" I hissed, "What are you doing here?" I whispered.
    "That's Abby to you," she smiled, "And, uh, I'm going to high school? What do you think I'm doing here?"
    "But you look freaking 22!" I said, grabbing some pizza.
    "It's not like anyone I know goes here anymore," she muttered, grabbing a tray of food she wouldn't eat. "And where the hell were you last night?"
    Adain's house, I thought. "Uh. Ang's house?" I answered.
    "Don't lie to me, young lady. And who is Adain?" she asked.
    I held up mine and Adian's intertwined fingers and said, "This, mom, is Adian, my... boyfriend?" I looked up at him and he nodded.
    "Boyfriend?" someone beside her asked.
    I turned to look and I saw my dad, Josh.
    "Dad? What are you doing here? Are you two trying to ruin my life?" I groaned.
    "No, we're just simply watching out for you and your sister," he responded.
    I huffed, but walked over to where Ang and Alex were sitting.
    "Look who's here," I muttred.
    "Abby! Josh! What a plesant suprise!" Alex laughed, "What brings you two here?"
    "Same as you, just starting over again," Josh said. "But, apparently our daughter isn't to happy about it," he added with a smile.
    "Whatever, dad. Just don't embarrass me," I muttered.
    "In front of who? Your boyfriend?" he joked.
    I just gave him a glare and ate my pizza.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Ang's POV
    "You know, having your parents go to school with you isn't that bad. Hell, I wish I could go to school with my mom and dad," I told Ray. I was sitting by her and Adain in our fifth period World History class after lunch.
    "No," she said, "You don't."
    "I know I wish I did," Adain muttered.
    "Well, that's only because you haven't seen them in like a hundred years. Of course you wouldn't give a crap if they went to school with you. But, my parents are going to live forever, I don't know if I can handle that." Ray sighed.
    "Don't worry," I told her, "You'll get used to it. Sooner or later."

    "She doesn't look happy," I told Alex as I ate my fries at the local dinner after school.
    "She is, I know he makes her happy," he said to me.
    "No, it's not that. I told her parents to go to school with us, and she doesn't look happy with them there..." I sighed.
    "You just wanted what was best for you sister," Alex whispered, grabbing my hand from across the table, "I'm sure she knows that."
    I sighed again. "I sure do hope so."

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Ray's POV
    Today was the day. Our first offical "date". I woke up and got ready, I couldn't wait! I was going to see my favorite band with Adain. I smiled as I tugged my Forever the Sickest Kids band t-shirt over my head, I also put my white skinny jeans on with my black, low top converse.
    After putting my makeup on, I went out into the kitchen to find something to eat.
    "Good morning, Ray," my mom said, kissing me on my forehead.
    "Morning, mom," I said, grabbing a quick bowl of cereal.
    "Where are you off to today?" she smiled at me, already knowing what was up.
    "On a date with Adain. He's taking me to a Forever the Sickest Kids concert."
    "Sounds fun."
    "Yeah," I sighed another smile.
    "Well, I hope you guys enjoy yourselves, and don't forget to call if your plans change."
    "Alright, I love you, mom," I said, finishing up my food and cleaning out the bowl.
    I watched TV until Adian came to pick me up.
    "Hey," I smiled as I opened to door.
    He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. "Hey," he breathed, pulling back. "Ready?"
    "Yeah," I said, grabbing his hand. "Bye mom, dad, be home later." I said over my shoulder in a normal voice, not having to shout.
    We picked up a little something to eat before going to the concert.
    "Are you guys ready!" the lead singer of Forever the Sickets Kids yelled into the mic as me and Adian were walking into the crowd, trying to get a good spot up front.
    "YEAHHHH!" Everyone, including me, yelled back.
    "Alright!" he screamed. The first song they played was "Woah Oh!" a new duet with Selena Gomez.
    "I candy coat and cover everything that I'm still hiding underneath. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. A thousand faces looking up at me hands are pointing ceiling oh what a feeling," he sang.
    "I've got friends in highly low places," Selena sang beautifully.
    "I'll stand up push it and push it up, can't afford to lose them.
    "I've got friends in highly low places."
    "I'll go inside when I wanna party, grab a girl and dance," he sang.
    Then Selena added the "Don't Touch Me" part at the end, I giggled at that.
    "Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, Why do I put myself in these situations, Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all, woah," they sang together.
    "Girl," he said.
    "Yeah?" Selena chanted.
    "Who taught you how to move like that?" he sang
    "You did," she said.
    "At this pace your at you're going way to fast."
    "Ha," she laughed.
    "I, I saw you from across the room, It's me versus every guy it's your choice you choose."
    "I've got friends in highly low places," she sang again.
    "It's been a long time, it's been a long time."
    "And maybe baby you can rise above the rest and meet me yeah."
    "Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, Why do I put myself in these situations, Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all. Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, Why do I put myself in these situations, Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all."
    "I can't take it at all, I can't take it at all," Selena said.
    "You're worth losing my self esteem, Your clever words mean nothing more to me than a lot I've heard in a movie you're worth losing my, losing my, losing my self esteem you're not worth putting myself in these situations," they sang together.
    "Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, Why do I put myself in these situations, Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all. Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, Why do I put myself in these situations, Whoa oh whoa whoa oh, I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all," they finished.
    Selena thanked the crowd, hugged everyone from the band, and said bye. They continued shortly after with the song She's A Lady. Then Uh Huh, My Worst Nightmare, The Way, Indiana, Believe Me I'm Lying, Breakdown, Hey Britney, and all their other hit songs. In the process, Adain straddled me from the waist and hugged me from behind, resting he chin on my head as we sang along. He stole kisses here and there. Over all, I had tons of fun.
    "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," Adain told me as he parked outside my house.
    "Yeah, thanks again. I'll see you tomorrow," I said, reaching for the door handle. But, before I could go, he leaned in and kissed me pashionatly on the lips. I pulled back after a moment and smiled. "Goodnight," I whispered, then left his car.

    Chapter Seven

    Ang's POV

    "Thanks for tonight, I really appreacated it," I told Alex. We just got done seeing a movie. Just the thing I needed, I needed to get my mind off of Rayneen for one night.
    Me and Alex started walking down this path that I had no idea where it lead to. "Alex, where are we going?" I asked, looking up into his beautiful pink eyes.
    He didn't stop walking when he whispered, "I'm sorry."
    "W-what do you m-mean?" I was offically scared for my life. He bent down, almost making it look like he was going to kiss me, but, quicker than I thought possible, his lips were on my neck and he bit down.
    The pain was unbelieveable. To an outsider it would probably look like he was simply carresing my neck, but this was way different. I felt pleasure, hate, love, and pain. I didn't scream, thought. Which was a huge mistake. Seconds later, everything went black.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Ray's POV
    I shot up from my bed in the darkness and let out a blood retching scream. My mom and dad shot into my room and saw me clawing at my hair.
    "Rayneen!" my mom yelled, "What's wrong?" she asked me, rubbing my back.
    "I-I don't k-know... One minute I was sleeping and the next... I was in total pain..." I whispered.
    My mom let out a gasp. "Where's your sister? Do you know where your sister is!?" she shook me slightly. I didn't answer, I knew something happened to Angel, something bad, something really bad...
    I pushed myself out of my bed and grabbed my cell phone. I dialed Angel's cell and got her voicemail. I cussed under my breath and dialed Sarah's number. Thankfully, she answered.
    "Hello?" Sarah grumbled, sleepy.
    "Sarah! Do you know where Angel is?" I asked.
    "Uh," she thought for a while. "She said something about movies with Alex. She might be over there. Why? Is there something wrong?" she sounded worried.
    "No, no. Everything's alright. Just go back to sleep, thanks for the help. I love you," I told her.
    "Love you too, Ray," she muttered, then clicked off.

    I made my way to Adian and Alex's house, worried out of my mind. When I got there, I bang fearcly on the door, waiting for someone to answer. Someone did, but they didn't say a word.
    "Hello?" I asked. The door opened wide suddenly, showing only three pairs of eyes, since the house was pitch black. One of the pairs was a soft, conforting green. The other two pairs, on the other hand, were bright pink.
    I was startled as someone came out and wrapped their fragile little arms around me. I pulled back, expecting Adain, but what I saw was something more eligant and pitete. "Oh Rayneen! I've missed you," she said in a very high pitch singing voice.
    I stared into her beautiful pink eyes when I said, "Angel... what did he do to you?"
    She sighed a huge smile, "He gave me the world and a whole life with him! I'm in love," she whispered into my ear.
    "B-but, what happened? I thought you didn't want this!" I protested. I knew about vampires way before she did and I'm one staying human?
    "Oh! And the mindreading is so cool! It's like I don't have to waste my breath talking anymore!" then she giggled, "Not that I need air or anything."
    "Angel... this just wasn't supposed to be the life for you. It just wasn't supposed to be..." I muttered.
    "But now we can be together forever! Me, you, Alex and Adain! A beautiful family," she smiled.
    I just looked at her and didn't see Angel. I didn't see my sister anymore; she was long gone. I pulled away from her and walked over to my car. She didn't have any trouble catching up to me, of course.
    "Rayneen! What's wrong?" she asked, gripping my wrist tight so I could go anywhere.
    "See!" I spat, turning around to face her. "My real sister never called me that! She was the one who made my nickname up! That," I said through clenched teeth, "that's who my real sister is. And you are not her."
    She looked at me with a look like she could be crying, if that were possiable, and let go of my wrist, allowing me too fleed. I got into my car and looked at the house again, no one was there but one pair of green eyes. "I'm sorry, Adain..." I whispered, then sped away.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Angel's POV
    "How... How could I do this to her?" I whispered.
    "You didn't do anything to her, Angel. You heard her thoughts, she was the one being selfish."
    I glared at him. My sister is NOT selfish, I growled in my thoughts.
    Just let her go. She needs time to herself. Adain thought.
    You stay out of this. I shot a look in his direction.
    He rolled his eyes and vanished into the darkness.
    "Baby," I said, walking over to Alex, "I'm thristy..."
    "Alright, we'll go out in a second, just let me go talk to Adian for a second."
    "B-but I-I don't want to h-hunt h-humans..." I whispered as he was walking away.
    You have no choice.

    Chapter Eight

    Ray's POV

    I raced away from the house, turning my back on my sister for the first time. Thoughts came to me then, thoughts that I didn't want to have at this moment. I remembered running away to her house one day, not even knowing my mom would freak out. Getting caught taking cookies from the cookie jar when we were little, me standing on her back as she was hands and knees on the floor; I remembered our first day of high school together, we made lots of friends but we repeated over and over again:
    We're just sisters, we would tell them.
    Sisters? More like twins! Someone would say to us.
    I cried as I drove, top speed to my house. I stayed in my car for awhile, thinking of all the memories we shared. I loved my sister, but how could she do this? I hurried into my room, avoiding contact from who ever was in the house at the moment.
    I shut my door and sat on my bed, my face in my hands, thinking, what did I do wrong? My mom and dad were in my room in a flash once I thought this.
    "Honey..." my mom started, "This wasn't your fault."
    "Yes!" I stood up, "It was! If she never found out about this then she would never be this, this... pink eyed monster!" I yelled. My mom and dad looked a little hurt when I said this, but they recovered quickly.
    "Rayneen..." Josh began.
    "No," I stopped him. "This was my fault and I have to fix it," I stated simply. I walked out of the house again, car keys in hand, and a place in mind. When I was far enough away from the house, I pulled my cell phone out and dialed his number.
    He picked up after two rings, "Ray?" he asked.
    "Adain, I think it's about time you told me a story," I stated simply.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Angel's POV
    I looked at the helpless, dead body in my arms. I couldn't take another drink. What was wrong with me? I was such a monster.
    You're not a monster, sweetie, it's just a way of life, Alex thought from somewhere behind me. I threw the body over the bridge and began to walk away.
    "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Alex hissed, throwing the other body over the bridge as well.
    "I need to tell Rayneen the truth," I stated, running towards the house that was now mine.
    "And what do you think that's going to do? You're just going to hurt her more than she's hurting more," Alex told me, running close behind.
    I didn't respond, instead, I ran upstairs when I got to the house and I tapped lightly on his door. Come in, he thought quickly.
    "Uh..." I stared, opening the door slightly.
    "Yes, Angel?"
    "I-I was w-wondering... if... can I change my ways?" I blurted.
    "Do you mean, be more like Adain and less like Alex?" he asked me.
    "Y-yes," I whispered.
    He stared directly into my eyes. Pink on pink. He nodded slightly, then I was on my way out, out of sight, out of ear shot, out of the wretched place.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Ray's POV
    I looked around, searching for his reasurring eyes. I found them, deep in the woods by where we laid, just a few days ago.
    "Adain?" I asked.
    He flipped oped a zippo lighter and lit a series of lighters until I could finally see him, sitting on a picnic blanket, the darkness getting brightened by little candles. I walked over to him and snuggled close in his open arms. I looked up at him and he smiled.
    "Okay, let's get down to business," I offered. "Tell me how you and Alex really became vampires, and your real age."
    "H-how did you know I lied to you the first time?" he asked.
    "I did some research, but that has nothing to do with this, I need to know, now."
    "Okay, so here it goes," he started. "I am really 33 years old, and the way we became vampires... I'd rather spare the nasty details and tell you that we went to a bar one night, with fake id's. We met the awesome bartender there, and he new our secret. But it wasn't like we cared, he just kept filling our cups up, free of charge. His eyes man," he smirked at the thought, "his eyes were the awesomest color ever! They were bright pink. We asked him over and over how he got his eyes like that, cause he surely wasnt albino! He told us to go in the back and he'd show us.
    "I'll spare the grusum stuff for your ears, but he showed us alright. We woke up, I guess you can call it, a few dasy later, and he pulled us up to a mirror. I was ferious, of course, so I found another way to live without harming anyone. Alex didn't care, he just feasted when he wanted as with everything else," he finished.
    "Adian..." I whispered," I need you to tell me the name of the guy who turned you..."
    I looked at me for a second, but then said, "Terrance."
    I wasn't shocked, I knew this was true from the start. Suddenly, I bent my neck over. "Adian, I need you to bite me."
    "W-what are you talking about?" he stared at my neck, dumbfounded.
    "Adain... I need you to do this one thing for me. Now." I demaned.
    "R-Rayneen... I could never! You do know that I've never tasted a humans blood before?" he asked, still a little shocked.
    "I know this, but please," I pleaded. "This is the only way to make things right."
    "W-what do you mean? There are other ways!" he shouted, getting up off the ground and dropping my on my a**.
    "No, there's not. There are things I know that a cannot tell you at this point, but in time you'll know..."
    "Rayneen, I can't."
    "Adain," I strided towards him, cupping his cold cheek in my hand and making him look at me. "Adain... I want to be with you... forever."
    He looked up at me when I said this, staring deep into my eyes. "Ray..." he whispered. I didn't want him to speak so I quickly crushed our lips together and let that sit there. I moved my mouth to his neck, as he did to mine. I cluched his hair in my hands and pulled him against me, teeth inbeading into my skin. I let out a small wimper, going under.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Angel's POV
    It felt great as the hot blood ran down my throat, a fresh mountain lion was great at a time like this. I'd been away from Alex for a good week or so, not wanting to go back, afraid that he would be mad. But, today I was lucky, because from far away, I could hear running foot steps coming my way.
    I turned to face them and in the darkness, I saw two sorching, hot, green eyes coming my way. When the two were in view, I found myself running towards them, arms extended open for a hug. I tackled the person to the left and we both went down laughing. I looked into her beautiful pink eyes and sighed.
    "I love you, Angel," Rayneen smiled.
    "I love you too, Rayneen, always and forever."
    "Forever, " she sighed. "That seems like a really long time."
    I giggled. "It sure is."