• "Let...go of....me!!" I struggled to regain conciousness but I could feel it starting to slip.
    "We're almost there girly. Now SHUT 'UR MOUTH!" the man screamed at the top of his lungs. I blacked out.
    * * *
    I woke in a black living room. I was lying on a black coutch, with red pillows colored like blood. The ceiling was higher than any other ceiling in the world, and there were rose petals all over the floor. I heard a noise coming from the door and turning arouns to see what it was. I gasped when I saw a man my age come into the room. He was tall, handsome, and completely wearing black.
    "Hello I see your finally awake." he said flashing off a pair of pearly white teeth.
    "Um... yeah." I said dumbstruck. I sat up on the coutch and he appeared right beside me.
    "I'm Maxx." he said holding out his hand.
    "Um... Maddi." I said shaking it. His hand was oddly warm.
    "Are you hungry?" he asked me smiling which melted my heart.
    "Um..." I said snapping out of my trance. Why do I keep saying Um?
    "I think I really should be going." I said gathering my purse and jacket off the coutch beside me. He grabbed my hand and slung me back on the coutch.
    "Oh you can't leave just yet you have to stay for the party." he said smiling.
    "Um... ok i guess i could stay for a little bit..."I said setting everything back on the coutch.
    "Excellent!" he said standing up. "Everything you need will be in that bathroom. I will be downstairs waiting for you." He winked at me. I giggled.
    When he left the room I hurried to the bathroom and found a black strapless dress that came a little bit above my shins and had a split side revealing part of my thigh, and everything else i needed. I got ready and went down stairs and found Maxx waiting for me at the end of the stairs. He had changed into a black tux and he looked so hot. He saw me and he smilied.
    "Wow... you look...beautiful." he said weaving his fingers into mine.
    "Thanks and you look hot yourself." I said blushing.
    "Thank you. Would you like to dance?" he asked me pulling me onto the dance floor.
    "Um... I don't know how to slow dance." i said blushing even harder.
    "Come on i'll show you............"
    Part 3 coming soon!