• *I woke up one morning to the dreading feeling of my past. That morning was my 13th birthday, on a supposed to be sunny Sunday. Light shinned through my shade and Philley, my puppy Golden Retriever licking my hand to wake me up. Why was I dreading my past? Was it because of all the drama-deathes? The moves with my father? Or the unexpected divores and wedding? It was all of them.
    My alarm clock beeped the tone to "This land is You Land". 7:00 a.m on the dot. I sat up in bed, and put on my dorkey pink glasses I got from school for free. Philley got bored of licking my hand and probally went to lick my younger brother Jin's hand. My journal was still on top of my bedside table. I picked it up and turned to the first page: "Lilianna's Journal. Keep out Jin!!!!" I wrote that when I was four. I started writing in that worn out blue-butterfly journal a week after my 4th birthday. It was a late present from Uncle Keel and Auntie Sam, and thier twin boys, Kyle and Comando. I am the oldest of the only 2 girls in my whole family, and Ashleyina, wasn't born yet. The boys get whatever they wanted(Which was a waste of money) and were never forgotten. So when Auntie Sam finallly remembered my birthday, it was a week after my birthday and since they have to keep the tradition to nver be late for a present, they rushed out and went to a cheap-o store. They had just spent $1 million on thier boys, so they only had about $10 in thier pocket. so they bought me a 2,000 paged journal that was on sale for $3.00. Eversince I have been writing in it. since there are 2,000 pages.I made a rule one Saturday afternoon 2 weeks before my 6th birhtday that I wouldn't look back at the pages I have written in. Even if I wanted to look at I wrote on the other page.
    I was about to open to open to the first page that I really wrote in on my fist day. But then, my hand let go of the journal and slapped me. It was a habbit. Instead of reading wrote I wrote, I turned to the next clean page, #631, and started to write. And here is how it goes.*