• Our Story begins with Ray in the alley sleeping. Ray wakes up to find him self alone in the alley with no money or recollection of his whereabouts and his past all he can remember is his name. Ryan gets up and roams Tokyo looking to find someone who knew him or if he could recall anything. Ryan had no luck so he walked in to a roman shop. "Hello sir welcome to Chi's roman shop what can I get for you today". "Sir I don't really have any cash on me but I could do some labor for my food". The man looks at Ray wondering what Ray could do for him so he looks around and sees all the tables are dirty and the dishes need washing ok. The man looks at Ray and smiles "alright sir you can eat all you want if you clean the tables and wash the dishes". Ray looks at the man and smiles "alright sir what is your name by the way". "My name is Wong my master went out for a walk so he will be back soon so hurry up". Ray grabs a cloth and some water and washes the dishes and cleans the table. Ray grabs a chair and sits at a table as Wong brings him food. Ray ate everything Wong put on the table Ray had his full and Wong was shocked at how much Ray could eat. "Well thanks for the food sir I'll see you around". Ray grabbed his left over food and walks out as he walked out a short old man wearing a white robe walked in and smiled at him. Ray ignored the old man and went to look for a place to stay. Ray tried every Inn he came across but no one would give Ray a room with out money. Ray walks back to the alley he woke up from and lays down on the ground wondering what to do. "Hey mister what are you doing on the ground in a alley don't you know you can get robbed or worse". Ray looks to his right and sees someones feet then looks up and sees a ten year old little boy standing in front of him smiling. "what do you want kid and if this place is as bad as you say why don't you leave then". "Ha-ha your funny mister I'm here because I say you laying there and wanted to know if you want a place to stay".

    Ray looked at the kid shocked by his words then smiles "why would you want to give me a place to stay you don't even know me kid and aren't you to young to have your own place". "Well your probably right but I don't leave by myself I live with my grandfather and he wouldn't mind he likes meeting new people". Ray looked at the kid and laughed he couldn't refuse the kids offer because he had no where else to go. "Hey kid whats your name any ways". The kid turns around and smiles at Ray "my name is Chi my grandfather owns the roman shop you went to". Ray looked at the kid and laughed then followed him to the roman shop and saw the old man he bumped in to when he left. "Well I take it this is the man you were telling me about Wong". "Yes sir" Ray looked at Wong worried wondering what this old man had planned for him. "Well my apprentice here tells me that you helped him with his chores and in return he left you eat for free". Ray looks at the old man worried "yes sir I helped him around the shop". "Well I'll let you stay with us as long as you work here in the shop with the cleaning and cooking". Ray looks at the guy shocked then smiles at him "thank you sir but why would you let a complete stranger in to your house". "My boy I'm not letting a complete stranger in to my house my grandson and coworker know you and that's good enough for me". Ray looks at the old man surprised but not judging him goes with Chi to the kitchen. "Chi you know your grandfather is a really nice guy whats his name". Chi looks at Ray and smiles his name is Sai and he really likes you from what I've seen Ray". Chi leaves Ray to his kitchen work and heads home. Sai checks on Ray in the kitchen then tells him to lock up when he's done and leaves him with a paper with the address our where he will be staying. Ray finishes everything up and closes up shop Ray turns around and sees three guys standing in front of him smiling. "Ha-ha hello there stranger how about you open up the shop for us and let us take the money". Ray ignores them and starts walking towards Sai's house. One of the men get in front of him and punches him in the face. Ray falls to the floor the three men start surrounding ray and kick him. The men get tired of playing with him and leave Ray sees that the men are gone and get up.

    Ray arrives at the house and knocks at the door Sai opens it and sees Ray all bloody and bruised. Sai helps Ray to the nearest couch and attends to his wounds. Chi hears Ray's voice and runs downstairs to see him. Chi sees Ray on the couch all bruised and beat up "what happen to you Ray". Ray looks at Chi and smiles "I'm fine Chi just go upstairs and sleep". Chi looks at his grandfather then heads upstairs and goes to sleep. "Sai tell me did you know that those men where going to be there". Sai stops treating Ray's wounds and stands up then walks up to the window. "Yes I knew they would be there but I didn't think they would of done this to you I though you could of taken them out". Ray looks at Sai shocked "what makes you think I would of been able to take those guys on". Sai turns around and looks at Ray "because when I looked in to your eyes it was if I was looking in to the soul of a samurai". Sai walks up to Ray and finishes up and goes upstairs to sleep. Ray sat there on the couch thinking about what Sai told him wondering why he would say that about him. Ray went out for a walk as he walked he ended up back at the alley. He went inside and looked around he found a wooden sword where he woke up. Ray smiled then laid down and looked at the stars wondering who he was and where this wooden sword came from. Ray got up and went back to the house and sleep on the couch. Sai wakes up and sees the sun up and goes to brush his teeth and shower. Sai heads downstairs and sees Ray on the couch sleep. "Huh I guess I forgot to tell you where you can sleep well I'll let you sleep there for now". Sai goes to the kitchen and cooks breakfast Chi smells the food and runs downstairs and saw Ray on the couch sleeping. "Huh well looks like grandfather forgot to tell you where to sleep". Chi wakes up Ray and they go eat Chi leaves to go to school. Sai and Ray head to the shop to open up when they get there Ray sees the men from last night. "Ha-ha look what we got here boy's the man we beat up last night". The three men walk up to Ray and Sai and start pushing Sai around. "Well where is our money Sai you owe us 200 hundred bucks". "I told you already Scar I'll give it to you when I get it so can you please leave before you start a commotion". Scar looks at Ray and smiles then punches Sai in the face dropping him. Ray rushes to Sai's side Scar and the others laugh and leave. "Why do you let them guy push you around like that Sai". "Huh what can I do I'm to old to fight and I can't heir anyone to deal with them I just need to find a to pay them".

    "What happen that you owe them 200 hundred dollars". "Well when Chi was younger he got sick and I couldn't pay for the medical bill so I borrowed from Scar he told he it was ok and I didn't have to pay him back but then he got in to some gambling trouble and now is forcing me to pay him back". Ray helps Sai up and takes him inside then goes looking for Scar. Ray asks around wondering if anyone knew where Scar was but everyone wouldn't tell him a thing. "Hey your looking for Scar right". Ray turns around and sees a man in green rags "uh yea why do you ask". "Well he's not really the town gentlemen and I owe him some money". "So if your looking for him he will probably be at bar". Ray runs to the bar hoping Scar was there when he got there Scar was standing out picking on a little boy. "Hey leave that kid alone" Scar turns around and sees Ray standing there with his wooden sword. "Ha-ha what if I don't stop your going to make me with that wooden stick of yours". Scar's men walk up to Ray and swing at him Ray dodges it and hits them with his wooden sword knocking them out. "Well like I said leave that kid alone and your going to stop bothering Sai to". "Huh don't get to a head of yourself kid just because you took out my men". Scar grabs his sword and charges at Ray and swings at him Ray uses his wooden sword to block it but Scar cuts right through it. "Ha-ha you really thought that wooden sword of yours would of been a match for my real one". "Well you've got a lot to learn stranger but I don't got the time to teach you". Scar grabs his sword and charges at Ray, Ray kicks him in the stomach Scar gasps for air and lets go of his sword. "What do you have to teach me" Scar looks at Ray pissed then runs towards his sword. Ray throws the broken piece of his wooden sword at Scar and grabs his sword. "Well lets see how it feels to use a real sword" Ray swings the sword around trying to get use to the feel. "Well doesn't feel any different from my wooden one" Ray charges at Scar and swings at him. Scar closes his eyes and prays when he opens his eyes he sees the tip of his blade pointed at him. "Why didn't you kill me" Ray looks at Scar furious then drops the sword and turns around and walks. "How dare you turn you back on me" Scar grabs his sword and charges at him. Ray turns around and stares at Scar, Scar look in to his eyes and drops his sword and falls to his knees. Ray turns around and heads to the Chi's Roman Shop. "Scar are you alright what happen you had the guy where you wanted him". Scar turns to the guy frighten as if he seen a ghost "if I didn't stop he would of killed me I felt this murderous intent coming from him". Scar and the others watched as Ray walked away.