• As the mysterious yellow moon hovered over Lyon's house a voice echoed through out the land. "The light shall always fall at the hands of darkness! So says I the Lord of Darkness!" boomed the voice as the lad woke up in a cold sweat. "What the hell? Who was that?" asked Lyon as his father came running in with blood dripping off his body. "Lyon my son! The werewolves are becoming quite hungry as the moon becomes more full!" shouted Mr. Hunter as he dropped into a pool of blood.

    Lyon being of the timid nature ran to his father's side and shook him. "Father! Please don't die on me father! Father!" shouted Lyon as a dark shadow looms into the house. "Well it looks like the werewolves got to him before we vampires could. However I Vladimir have drank the blood of the innocent and gained immortality!" shouted the shadow as Mrs. Hunter was thrown from the shadows onto the floor dead. "Mother! Damn you creatures of the night! I am a sage who has master the six elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Wood and Light!" shouted the boy as he took a battle ready stance.

    Vladimir glared at Lyon and transformed into several bats. Then each bat took a turn biting the boy. He screamed in agony but shouted, "Flaming Strike! Thunder Blast! Ice Needles! Gaia Force! Lunar Beam! Holy Water Dragon Strike! From Lyon bodies erupted a series of elemental spells that instantly killed the vampire bats. However as he collapsed into a pool of blood. the full blood red moon Zulos aligned itself with the yellow crescent and Lyon Hunter was transported to Grandoris.

    This is The Legend of Joukai