• Session 1A- Notes -James Hangmen

    5:46 PM-5:57 PM Session notes

    Subjects seem to be repelled by the fact of explaining their conditions at first, but along the line seem to loosen up and start confessing. This first session over all can be classified as a sucess, but there is still a long way to go before I can call this study complete, maybe so much so I can't get it all done before my deadline.

    So far, this is what I was able to figure from the different subjects:

    TailFin:Suspicions of aquatic origins here. Obviously the youngest, by the way she came about herself, but one never knows on the internet. By the by... how does TailFin access electronic technology when so near water? Or was another method used? Ask that in next session, definitely.

    FangBanger: Even the name seems to hint vampire, and even though never stated outright during the session, it's safe to say that she is at least convinced that she's a vampire. But what she has stated though, is that she currently attending New York State. We arranged a face-to-face meeting sometime in the near future.

    Deadmanwalking:By far one of my more interesting subjects. Apparently, he's died of cancer but has rose from the grave by reasons he himself isn't a hundred percent clear about. Maybe the work of witchcraft? Keep an eye on this one.

    There where three quick raps on the closed classroom door, sharply echoing through the silence of the studying students. James looked up from the neatly composed notes from the session he had just gotten finished. That's weird, he thought to himself, Nobody turns up this late in class...

    Mr. Anderson got up from his desk, waving down the various students that had started to get up. "I'll take care of this."

    As everyone continued on with their work, James watched curiously from the back of the room. The professor opened the door, surprise coloring his features before quickly melting away, confusion setting in as he held the conversation in a hushed murmur, far too quiet to reach James's ears.

    Still looking slightly puzzled, the professer nodded and turned from the door, "James, can I speak to you for a moment?"

    James froze, slowly meeting eyes with the aged professor. Oh. Crap. He quickly got up from his table and weaved his way up to the front of the room, trying to look as calm as possible, "Yes?"

    "Aren't you the one holding that supernatural study project?" The professor inquired, folding his arms.

    James gulped, "Uh... yes... why do you ask?"

    The professor smiled, "Ms. Physick, I believe the man you're looking for is right here."

    "Thanks professer," at that moment, a tall, dark haired girl walked in, beaming at James, "I told you I wouldn't drop in during a lecture."

    James blinked twice, "FangBanger?"

    "Or Alex, if you prefer to call people by their real names." She answered with a sly smile, "Should we sit down?"

    "Er... yeah." James, still recovering from shock, nervously stumbled back to his table. Alex followed, not looking a all deterred by the couple dozen staring faces gazing her direction. I don't blame them, James thought, I would stare and feel sorry for the poor sap that's going to make a fool of himself in front of the newcomer also. I wouldn't be surprised if I suddenly find something to catch my toe before I even reach my desk.

    Thankfully, though, he didn't.

    James stiffly sat down when they reached the table, watching timidly as Alex straddled the seat across from him, folding her elbows across the back of the chair and resting her chin on top, perfectly at ease.

    "So..." James cleared his throat, composing himself as he turned to a clean page in his Steno pad, "Lets get started then, shall we?"

    "Oh yeah, I forgot. Psychology class... where's the leather couch I'm supposed to lay on?" Alex shot a toothy grin, even though benign caused James to cringe, his gaze instantly focusing on he eye teeth.

    Alex's smile faded, already knowing what was going through his head, "Don't worry, they don't come out unless I'm... thirsty."

    James choked down the fear in the futile attempt to look professional, hastily scribbling the bit of information down. "So you take classes here, am I correct?"

    "Yeah..." She sat up, "Mostly medical stuff, really. I've been trying to get my Ph.D so I can finally get a real job."

    James looked up, "Like what?"

    "I dunno... Pediatrics maybe... but in the end I'll most likely end up in the morgue counting bodies." A ghost of a smile flickered across her lips, "Kids probably get cut too much for me to treat them properly."

    "I see..." James dived back into his notes, trying not to shiver at the mental picture of a vampire trying to treat a bleeding child, "What lead you to this career choice?"

    "Well... other than my sir name being PhysickI guess I just want to see what it's like," there was a slight pause as he wrote this down, "By the way, Physick is spelled Phy-sicknot Phy-zzik"

    James nearly jumped out of his seat when he looked up to see Alex not in her seat, but looking over his shoulder, scrutinizing his notes. "Don't do that!"

    Her pale brow furrowed, "Do what?"

    "Suddenly appear behind me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" James gasped, hand on his chest.

    "Sorry, I was curious," She took a step back before continuing, "Maybe we should do this another time."

    "It's alright... I'm fine." James heaved out a sigh before looking back down to his notes, proceeding to scrub out the misspelling with his eraser. "I just need to be a little less high-strung, that's all. Continue."

    "No, I mean, we have to this another time. Check the clock." James looked up from his half-finished notes to the clock. 7:09, she was right, class was almost over.

    "When did you come in again?" James turned back to Alex, perplexed.

    "Six thirty... wow. When they say time flys, it does." She looked just as confused as James, her midnight eyes scanning the clock every which way, trying to figure how the time was lost.

    The soft tone of the bell sounded, and the rest of the class started to pack their bags to leave, oblivious to the shortened period. James shrugged grabbing his backpack and started stuffing his notes into it, "Well, I'll talk to you at eight?"

    "Hm? Oh, yeah...eight." She answered distractedly, her gaze now having moved out the window, as if looking for somthing, "Hey, I gotta go..."

    And with that, she strode out of the room, leaving James behind in the now empty classroom. So much for luring me down a dark alleyway, sheesh.

    James swung his bag onto his shoulder, and started for the door, but something caught his eye. What the...

    He rubbed his eyes, but the image remained. Uneasy, he continued out the door and down the hall, heart increasing in tempo as the feeling of panic grew. It wasn't really there... it wasn't really there...

    No matter how many times the incantation ran through his head, he couldn't get the picture out of his head. A little girl, with one small, pudgy hand pressed against the window was staring at him, fiery red curls pulled up into two pig tails on either side of her head. It could have been anyone... anyone...

    But it wasn't.

    It was his baby cousin, Samantha, who had died six months ago in a car accident.

    Comments Are love~ cool wink smile biggrin xd xp blaugh whee 3nodding