• Chapter 1
    My life began and ended here...
    It was a very cold night.The moon was full and i had heard the haunting cries of the wolves from the hills beyond my village.It sent a chill down my spine so big that i felt Death's cold embrace around me.I walked down the street to my house when a ghost like creature flew past me.I fell on the floor of the street only to see the shadow of the creature run into the fading twilight and disappear.I blacked out just as the first star appeared in the sky,the dark sky in a world of light.


    I woke up screaming with tears in my eyes into the darkness that surrounded me.It was the same nightmare that i have had for the past four years.I would wake up in the same street aching feeling strange.My village was completely destroyed bodies lie everywhere like dolls frozen with a look of pure terror not breathing or moving.I heard screams all around me ,but in this village there was only silence.I walked and walked among the rubble trying to find any survivors, there were none.
    Then some spark in me made me turn around and narrowly dodging a bullet i ran toward the sound.The person holding the gun was masked ,but the smell of death was coming of him.He threw down his gun and ran away from me.I tackled him to the floor and screamed at him ,"Who are you!Did you do this to my village!Tell me!"

    I believe he smiled cause he started to laugh at me and said ,"I am no one and i am all,"
    then disappeared into smoke.I stood there staring at where he was when pain as strong as lightning burned through me.I fell on the floor and blacked out once again.
    I knew i was changed as i woke up.Everything was clear and alive.I stared at the flower field i woke up in and look down at my self and...yelped?I ran toward the small pond in the middle of the field and knew while i was running that i wasn't human anymore.I stared into the water at a creature that wasn't me.What i saw was a wolf and i realized it was me!