• *scene: Wolf, Inu, and Aj hanging out*

    Wolf: *folds hands behind head* dudes i'm sooo bored... gonk

    Aj: I know! I could puke right now and that would be more entertaining than THIS! stressed

    Inu: ...I eat babies... ninja

    Wolf, Aj: O_O'...*scoot away*

    Inu: ...what? confused

    Wolf, Aj: Oh nothing, nothing at all! sweatdrop

    *awkward silence*

    Aj: *bends down and picks up a rock* With this rock I shall rule the world! twisted

    Inu: *flicks rock outta aj's hand*... stare

    Aj: Awww...I guess my world domination plan is on hold... crying

    Wolf: Omg guys! blaugh

    Inu, Aj: What? o_o

    Wolf: You guys are starring in a movie! biggrin

    Inu, Aj: Really?! what's it called!? surprised

    Wolf: "The Ugly truth" rofl

    *Inu, Aj step forward toward Wolf menacingly* evil

    Wolf: ...Uh oh... ._.

    Aj: U'know i think u starred in the movie too, wolf.

    Wolf: *gulps* really...? o_o'

    Inu: yeah but sadly you had a little "accident" after finishing season 2... twisted

    Wolf: ...oh god... eek

    ~The End~