• I walk the road of life, not knowing where I’m heading. This road is one we all must travel, no matter the length. It’s different for us all. For me it’s usually winding and twisting steep and rocky. I lose my footing and fall around every corner. But when it doesn’t twist and turn its strait and I can see everything ahead of me. It is not step nor rocky. I stand tall and firm but that never lasts long.

    As I venture further upon the path I must choose my future. I have chosen many times and have regretted most. Each time I chose there was a wall between my choices, but this time is different. There is no wall, no boundary in-between. My choices are to be with the one I love but lose all others, or be with all I care for, but the one I love will never return my feelings. Both are equally rocky, steep, and winding, neither better than the other. I look between the roads but all that is there is a field of tall grass shrouded in thick fog.

    I cannot choose between those I care for and the one I love. That is an impossible choice. So I make my decision. I make a choice I could never make before. I go between the roads. Whether I can see or not matters no more. I will follow my heart instead of my eyes. I may not know where I am going but I still push foreword. Always remember this; the path of life may already be paved for you in roads of diamonds, but you can always create your own path, just as I have