• As the dead of night seem to effect the bitter streets, the crispy wind stroke my frozen cheeks. Darkness filled the gloomy streets but only the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds, casting a pale light over the streets and the dark scurrying river. Shouting into the empty streets, the echoes shattered the silence of the night. I peered up at the crimson moon with blue horrified eyes.
    When the bitter darkness nipped at my toes, I jerked away with terror and shock. As I pivot my slim body, only one thing came to mind was to scuttle. Sprinting away, the darkness lunged at me like bony hands missing me by a inch. With the rhythm of my bare feet echoeing the streets, a soft whisper crept into my mind and kept saying my name with its own rhythm. "Julie...Julie...Julie...Julie...Julie" The voice suddenly stopped which left me with questions. My feet kept patting the chilly ground as the whistling crispy wind hit my shivering running body.
    Unknowning how I got here, I just kept remembering the blazing lights and the shierking of people. As I kept thinking this was a dream...no it was a nightmare...I begin to zig-zag through the streets. Pieces of my brown hair fell into my face as my eyes slowly daringly looked behind me....Nothing was there...I sluggishly reduced my speed soon coming to a stop. Peering around feeling uneasy, the whispering came back but louder this time.
    With one foot in front of the other, I paced slowly like a tiger stalking its prey to where the whispering was coming from. Peering around a corner, tears of glee filled my eyes as I glazed at my mother who was leaning over a bed. I rushed over to her, yelling "Mother, Mother"...She didn't looking up. As my smile faded away, she was still far away and I started to yell over and over "Mother!" with tears as it echoed. My slim arms reached out hoping to grasp her but my hand felt a solid object instead.
    I rested the top of my head on the thich glass as tears rolled down my pale cheeks. As I watched my tears hit the cold ground, I was about to give up hope. I gave one last try and begin to bang on the glass trying to get my mom's attention. My mom slowly moved away from the bed, reviling the person in the bed. As my knees slowly gave out, I gasped in terror as I watch the heart manchine beep...beep... I slowly felt something grab me with icy bony hands...beep...I let out a scream as the darkness dragged me...beep..beep. I struggled to get free but...beeeeeeeeeeeeep......
    It was already too late.......

    The next morning, most of the people in New York saw the front cover of the newspaper. Right under the picture it said....
    A fifteen year old girl, Julie Bura, got hit by a car and died in the hospital but body vanished.