• Deary Diary;

    I know it's been a while since I've last written to you. But a lot of things have been happening, day after day, night after night. Also, well, I lost you, diary. Yes, I'm sorry. So, so sorry. And I'm sorry about your eaten and bitten and torn pages. I swear, it was not my doing, but yet my baby sister's.
    You probably wouldn't know what it's like to have an annoying little sibling, because, well, your a book. (No offense.) But, enough of writing to you, a book. It's almost worse than writing to myself.

    Let's get on with the great news, and more interestingly, the horrible news. Shall we?

    First off, the other day, Alex and Cloe decided to break one of the toilets as a cruel joke. So instead of the toilet actually 'flushing', it would clog up and flood. They then hid in the stall next to the broken toilet's, and recorded the event of what happened afterwards on their phones during our lunch period.
    And I must admit, this prank was absolutely priceless. Because guess who stepped into the broken toilet's stall just five minutes later with all of her 'minions' ? None other than the infamous b***h, Elissa!
    While her minions over-excessively applied makeup on their faces in the mirrors, Alex and Cloe were trying their hardest not to crack up, while recording the event.
    Finally, when Elissa flushed the toilet, and I swear to you, it must have been a new world record for the fastest clog in the world. It flooded the second she flushed it! It went all over her shoes, to her pants, and then started leaking out into the corridor!
    At that moment, Alex and Cloe jumped out of their stall, walked past Elissa with giant grins, and while holding their phones high in the air, said to her; 'This isn't going to remain a secret between you and the Janitor, Lissie.'

    I know all this, because, well, of course they bragged about it to me. And, they forwarded the message to everyone in school. The video is absolutely priceless. I must admit; when it comes to pranks, there is no doubt about it. They are the Queens of Prank.

    Second; which follows up with the first; me and the gang have been trying to find new and gorg. ways to prank Elissa. Of course, Alex and Cloe are helping. They really do look very innocent...until they start beating the crap out of you.
    One of our ideas was we could put a huge bow on Ms. Henderson's new car, and put a tag on it saying; "A present for your, Liz! ~From, your Lover." while everyone was in school.
    Hah! . . . Triple Hah! That would totally make my day.
    I think we should do it, but even Alex is doubtful about it. There are cameras checking the parking lot 24/7, but the janitors never watch them. I'll have to find a way to force them into it. . .