• ---
    I am Rentia Altsar intelligence (R.A.I.) , An animated computer software in the Earthian Library, on Huglei, Rentia. You have opened a top secret document of the no-longer hospitable planet Of Earthuria a General Cera Karther Code is needed.
    Please enter the codes required.
    thank you,
    --Access Granted.
    --Thank you, Cooperative-Senator-JunoJa.
    --Chair 13.
    --Access Granted.
    --what is it that you need from this document, Senator JunoJa?
    "R.A.I. All i am in need of is the Documents of the last two weeks of Earthian drop off."
    --initial documents Expired two hundred years prior to today's date.
    --May I help you else where?
    "No search for said documents under classified Earth History,"
    --Senator, your search was found.
    --Opening file.
    --file to large for A.I. validation code. May I ask for a Validation pass?
    "of course, 79876530201237649."
    --computing validation pass.
    --document found for last 12 days of Earthuria history. Open file?
    --document started.
    --:Sound of woman's voice through R.A.I. speaker: This is commander Rolfiks from Earthuria, Race:Humana; Date biggrin ec.29.3999, Time:7o'clock pm.; journal number 253,146,789; Send date: Dec.30.3999.
    My mission has been to research and examine the Last of the human Existence on earth. I have been here for 5 earthian's or human Generations. I have been studying their kind for sometime now. The human lifespan is so short it is very hard to keep steady research on one subject before subject is killed by disease or famine.
    Their Little lives are more complex then once thought, by Earthurian's. Unlike Earthurian's, Earthian's are less perceptive to their peers emotions and thoughts as Earthurian's are. As My time here runs out, it seems, I have discovered a few things in human behavior. When i started here: i was almost 230 human years younger then I am today and in Humana years I have been here for only 3 decils, Which would be the equivalent of almost 2.1/2 months on Earth. Still a wonder to me, at how young humans age.
    At the most i have actually enjoyed my stay here, and in my most tiering moments here, I have felt the heart break some of these human's feel. A Feeling not new to my race, but a feeling we rarely feel. After the death Of specimen 28,765 or Junra, Left me with a broken connection with the rest of 28,765's family. A better wording of the situation would be that Junra Left this world with not only his spirit, but mine as well.
    Disobeying orders is my complete fault and I have taken the actions to dismiss my feelings.
    --END Document
    -Document Ended prematurely. Document terminated after release of Junra Leria profile document.
    "R.A.I. could you give me the documented profile of Junra Leria"
    --Documented search.
    --Profile deleted from file.
    "Search for files from 3000-to-4000 BU."
    -- Documented Profile FOUND.
    --Junra(M) Leria
    ageofbirthtoDeath: 0-113
    anatomicalLimbs: NO
    homePlanet: Earth, Humana Distict, Sky palace (LAB).

    --Entry Profile is limited, because Of Security access validation code.
    "Is my access not granted?"
    -no, your access is valid, but Access is only granted to voice reference from Commander Rolfiks, herself.
    "So Terminate log time and Make sure you put my I.D. access code on this subject. if you could, could you save this log in my Security Saved file?"
    --of course Senator, Anything else?
    --thank you.

    Quickly turning around on a large platform in the middle of a large spherical room, a ramp off the large platform made its way step for step as the Senator waltzed out of the room.
    --Security logged saved. Computer A.I. finished.