• A strangely dressed man appeared at a large arena. He looked at the structure, dating back centuries. The white sands around it simply lay as. He ran a hand over the structure, larger than that of the Coliseum in Rome. He looks around himself, "It would seem I ended up in a rather strange place, it matters not I guess, I shall continue." He looked to the large fortress in the distance, "Las Noches, I no doubt." He makes his way towards the gigantic structure; a few days journey for even the highest of Arrancar. His clothing withstood the harsh terrain of the white sands, "Such a bothersome this is truly turning out to be." He wore elegant clothing; a dark blue overcoat with ruffles and a white dress shirt, with old Victorian style shoes, and matching pants to his overcoat. This simple man appeared more human than Arrancar. As he had made his way to Las Noches, he encountered not one Hollow. The man now looked at the doors of Las Noches. He opened them and walked through the building.

    Damien combed his hair back, walking into the large room. He was different from most Espada and Arrancar. He wore black and white robes, instead of the bleach white his others chose. Then again, he was pretty different from most of them all anyways. He walked over to the Segundo Espada's old seat and sat down. He ran his hands over the arm rest and smiled, "Aaahh.. What a lovely feeling it is." He chuckles and looks around, "So, where is my dear ol' friend? He knows I hate to have wait for the slow guy." Damien stands up and looks to the door, waiting for Shinzo to come. Just then, the strange man from the desert entered the throne room. He walked by, noticed by Damien, but without the notice of him. He walked to the throne seat and looked it over, "Wonderful! Just wonderful!!" The man seemed to dance around the throne for but a moment before sitting down and resting his head on his left hand, which had now taken the form of a fist. He closed his eyes and smiled, "It's so lovely to be able to sit some where."

    Damien got up and his friend Tomeru entered from the doorway. Damien smiled to this new man plopped in the throne seat, "Well, hello there, foreigner.." Damien lifted his nose into the air, raising an eyebrow, and then tilts his head to left. "My, you've got a strange feel about you.. Since you're not from around here, may I ask you your name, foreigner? My name is Damien Khallos, son of Luthar Khallos, The Third Lead of the Gühr Tribe, and for this place.. The first Cuchillo." Tomeru simply sat in a seat, watching the transaction between the two. The man looked almost dumbfounded that there were actually others in this room; Plainly still in this wretched wasteland. He looked first to Damien, "Oh?" The man stood from the throne, "You must be... an Arrancar?" He smiled softly, "I am... the new ruler of this realm... Morpheus, Pandora." Pandora looked to Damien and smiled, it would be easier, now that he had his own puppets.

    Damien stares at this man who names himself Pandora. He then remembers the question he asked him, "Oh, right.. I am indeed a type of Arrancar. Possibly the strongest." He looks to Shinzu and nods his head to him, "Evening, my friend." He then turns back to Pandora, "So, I have another question to ask you." He strokes his chin, "Are you planning on taking over this realm? Since, ya'know, you're in the throne seat, and this is pretty much the throne room.. And also, if you're going to take over.." His grin widens, "You'll need subordinates." He chuckles and goes to a seat and sits down, "That'll be the hardest part though.. The Arrancar are spread all over Hueco Mundo now, if there is any in some places. The damn shinigami purged us the last time they fought us.. Aizen was a coward." He looks to Shinzu, "Sorry, if I make you angry, Shinzu, but he was worthless as a leader of an army, but a very good captain." He looks back to Pandora, "Anyways, what's your answer, to that question 'bout taking over this god forsaken place we so lovingly seem to call our home." He chuckles a bit.

    Pandora sat back down and crossed his legs, closing his eyes. "I am going to take over this realm without question or resistance." He looked back to Damien with cold eyes, "It's a good idea to have subordinates... a very good idea." Pandora opened his eyes and looked to the ceiling and sighed, "But, where oh where could I find such strong candidates for the job." He gave Damien another sharp, cold look with a smile, "I guess you'll have to do after all. You say your a special type of Arrancar do you? Stronger then the Espada it would seem." Pandora closed his eyes again, "I plan on taking Soul Society by force, destroying them, anyone who decides not to follow me here... will have no use in my eyes." It was his subtle way of saying he would destroy anyone who might refuse his offer to join him. Damien looks to Pandora, "Mm.. A man who gets straight to the point. Very nice." Damien strokes his chin, "I think I'll accept your offer. I haven't done much lately except wander, and it's becoming quite boring. As for those who deny your throne, may they see only the crimson splatter of their blood upon the ground, as my Monstruo comes slashing them down." Damien chuckles and looks to Shinzu, "What about you, you up to it, Segundo Espada?"

    Shinzu didn't open his eyes, instead he just looked in their directions as they continued to speak, a sly smirk appeared on his face as he got a look of the man. Sure looks can be decieving and for that reason Shinzu didn't look down upon the man or bad mouth because his appearance. But also for Damien to declare himself the strongest Arrancar was also funny to him; sure Damien was strong, but he has no idea how strong the Primera nor himself were. He was the laziest out of everyone, though that didn't mean a thing for he was also a cold blooded killer. Once Damien turned to greet him he nodded and that was all. He reacted when the man known as Pandora stated that he will 'kill anyone who didn't submit'. "Pandora was it?" He called out finally speaking. Damien looks back to Shinzu, Shinzu speaking to Pandora, "Coming in so big and bad shall get you no where. You think we will let someone else who isn't an Arrancar, and especially doesn't belong here, take control of us? Threaten us? You better think again.. People like you with a grudge against the Shinigami always come here seeking power, to only have us killed, but I tell you this, you, nor anyone else, will control me." He called out to the man still being seated. "I will not allow my kind to be wiped out, or myself for that matter because of your idiotic ideals of grand power." He added shortly after.

    Pandora looked at Shinzu, and laughed a little bit. He looks to Damien, "I am surprised you have committed yourself to me so quickly, and not surprised there are those that disagree with my intentions." He smiles sinisterly towards Shinzu, "Even stubborn creatures remain among such a tarnished race, impressive." He chuckles, "Little Espada, when the Shinigami attacked the great fortress of Las Noches, and Aizen had to flee. Aizen and his remaining Espada had no opportunity for a Garganta, being that it was sealed by the Shinigami. They were unable to escape this wretched place.. Now, who do you think killed them, Espada?" Pandora's sinister smile seemed to grow a little more, "Me." He stands looks down to the two Espada, "They were so.. Weak. Aizen pleaded for mercy as I reached forward to him, after slaughtering his Espada. I require no such power from the likes of you, but I will whole-heartedly admit.. It is rather pleasant to have subordinates." He shoots a glare at Shinzu, "Choose your words wisely, Arrancar, or they'll be your last." Shinzu gave a small 'hmph' and looked away.

    Pandora looked to the two Espada, "Now, my little friends. Go, and fetch me a new army.. Do it quickly." Shinzu got up and walked away without any further words. Damien bowed his head, "I have the perfect place, Mr. Pandora." Damien left the throne room in a garganta and appeared out in the desert. He was so far away from Las Noches, it's large structure was actually small. He looks up at the 600 foot tall structure and admires the stonework of it. He walks inside and to the spiraling stairway. He sonido's up the stairway for to get past the 500 feet he'd have to walk up. He reaches the top and two Arrancar look to him, they bow their head and one speaks, "Damien Khallos, what brings you here?" Damien smiles, "There is a new King of Hueco Mundo, and he wishes that the Menos Tower would come with his new kingdom. What do you say, Arthas?" The man looks down and sighs, "We will not join, we've learned from Aizen's mistakes." Damien's grin widens, "Well then.. I'll have no choice, old friends." He draws his long blade and the two Arrancar go to grab theirs. Damien slashes one across the stomach and then slashes him down. Arthas' eyes widen and he jumps back. Damien sonido's forward, stabbing him sword through him, and sonido's again, stabbing Arthas into a wall. Arthas looks at him, his arms dangling at his side, "Why, Damien?.." Damien shrugs, "Orders are orders.. Menos Tower now belongs to Lord Pandora." Damien pulls the sword out and slashes Arthas across the throat. He flicks his blade to get the blood off, replacing it afterwards.

    Damien walks into the control room and Arrancar look to him. He smiles, "Hello, Arrancar. The Menos Tower is now under the control of Lord Pandora Morpheus. Any of you who deny him of his power of authority, speak now, or forever.. Hold your peace." The arrancar simply stared at him and said nothing. He smirks, "Excellent, simply excellent." He chuckles and walks off. He walks back to the stairs and over to the edge. He leans forward and falls towards the ground, his robe bottoms fluttering as he speeds downwards. A garganta forms in the floor and he falls through it. Damien pops up from the floor in the Throne Room, landing onto his feet. Shinzu comes back in, opening the doors to the Throne Room. He sits down at his seat and Damien smiles to Shinzu. Damien looks back over his shoulder to Pandora, "The Menos Tower is taken.. What now?" Pandora grins and looks to the two, "We begin once again. We regain our lost power. We plan. We have resurrected.. Hueco Mundo. The Shinigami and the Seireitei.. Shall fall" Pandora chuckled and Damien's grin grew.