• Kiba and Hinata: Love Story

    "I love you, Naruto," I finally got the words out
    "I love you too, Hinata. We are good friends," Naruto thought I only loved him as a friends.
    "What, no Naruto," I repeatedly shook her head.
    "Hinata?" Naruto could only say her name.
    "I mean I like like you. I always have since we were still in the academy," I still could not bare to finally be able to tell Naruto how I feel.
    "I am sorry Hinata. I do not like you like that, but you are my best friend. I like someone else," Naruto denied her.
    All I could do is run away in tears. Now I can never talk to Naruto again. I could not before and now I had a better reason than being shy. It turned out Kiba was behind Icharaku ramen where I confessed her love. He walked away silently.
    I walked back to her house. As my feet ran inside I caught a glimpse of Neji. Neji looked ready for battle. I wonders what he has been up to. He has not been around here for awhile. Neji has mainly been out training and completing his missions.
    "Hm I wonder whats got her down in the dumps. She never got upset before easily. Hinata is a strong willed person, but has gotten better at her skill the past two in a half years," Neji complemented to himself.
    "Neji, we must hurry if you want to get to The Land in the Snow," father mainly only cares about him.
    A knock came to the door. I just stayed in my room quietly crying while Hinabi got the door. I wonder who it is, but I'm not really in the mood.
    "Hello sir, who are you?" Hinabi asked. After all of these years Hinabi never met Kiba.
    "I'm Kiba on Hinata's team. If I can I would like to talk to her," Kiba looked a little sad.
    "I do not know if you are allowed in and besides father is out with Neji. Mother is out with some of her friends having a tea party," Hinabi answered feeling a little nervous.
    "Its all right if I can maybe she can meet me outside. I just really need to talk to her," Kiba looked at Hinabi with drowsy eyes.
    "Okay that I can do for you," Hinabi walke down the halls emotionless.
    Kiba sat down in the ground and watched the sky intensly while waiting for Hinata. I walked silently outside the door and saw Kiba laying there. I did my best to wipe all of my tears. I do not want Kiba to see me upset.
    "Did you want something Kiba?" I asked hesitently.
    "Yeah, but lets go to the swings at the academy," he insisted.
    We rushed over to the academy. They just recently added a second swing onto the tree. Kiba sat there in dismay. What is wrong with him?
    "Hinata I saw what happened this morning," Kiba looked away.
    "Oh you did," I looked down on my feet.
    "It made me upset for two reasons," Kiba also looked down at his feet.
    "Oh, I'm sorry. I did not mean to hurt, but how could that have hurt you," I wondered. I blushed hard when I was so close to Kiba. Why is my mind so messed up?
    "The first reason I saw you crying and well I did not like that at all and the second I hated you falling for Naruto all this time," Kiba tried to get off his gutt.
    "Kiba," was all I could say.
    "I love you Hinata and I will protect you no matter what happens," Kiba put his arm around my shoulder.
    "Kiba?" I looked into his eyes and blushed.
    "Hinata it is true. I have always watched over, but it made me sad how you constantly fell for Naruto," Kiba then kissed me on the lips. My face flushed into a cherry, red.
    "Kiba. I am sorry. I now know that you are the true one for me, Kiba," I put my shoulder on his head.