• “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do...”

    “But… You’re doctors! You’re supposed to help people! Please, PLEASE I beg you! There has to be more you can do!...I-I can’t lose him!”

    “I’m really sorry sir, but we did all we could”

    “Can I see Him? Please I-I have to talk to him? He needs me”

    “I’m sorry but only immediate family is allowed sir, you’re going to have to wait outside”

    “Outside? Bu-but I’m his boyfriend! I’m all that he has left! Please!”

    “I’m sorry sir but it’s not my rules, now please I have other patients to see, if you don’t leave now I’m going to have to call security”

    “But I’m his boyfriend! Please doctor! Please…”

    “I’m sorry.”

    The sound of a flat lining heart echoes in the halls just outside the room of the dying boyfriend. Doctors and nurses rush into the room at full speed but all is just a blur to the boy being shoved back out of the room as he tries to get inside.

    “No! Please let me in! Let me see him! Please I beg you! Just ******** move! I have to see him please! ******** hell let me through!”

    “Sir please control yourself, the doctors are doing all that they can to save him okay? Just calm down or I’m going to call security”

    “Calm down?! Don’t tell me to calm down when I can’t even see my boyfriend! He’s ******** dying and you won’t let me in! Just let me go!”

    “Sir-sir you can’t go in there-sir! Stop him!”

    “Sir you can’t be in here!”

    “Does it look like I care?!- Baby? Please you can’t die, baby please-let me go! ******** let me go!-wake up! Please I beg you wake up! You can’t go! I-I need you!”

    "He's gone. I'm sorry sir; we did all we could..."

    Time stops. The boy falls to his knees in front of the silent body, barely sitting up on his own. The voices and people dim out as gravity and reality hits him and all that is left is his silent angel and him. He takes the icy hand into his own one last time before finally standing up and bending over the body. He closes his eyes and bends down to kiss the lips of the boy he so loved before climbing onto the bed and falling asleep with his beloved cradled in his arms...