• I looked at Jake nervously. Im so freakishly stupid. The things he does to me. I said rolling my eyes.
    “So now, lets begin.”
    My heart felt heavy as it thumped louder in my chest.
    “Maybe this isnt a good idea.”
    He frowned, “You said you were going to play.”
    “I don’t know how to play the game anyway!” I said.
    “Well I guess that means your going to lose.” He said smiling slyly.
    “ugh bratt”
    He chuckled.
    He placed cards. Then Checker board pieces. I had no idea how to do this.
    “What the hell? Great I am going to lose!”
    He smiled, “I looke forward to that”
    My heart thumped again in uncertainty.
    “Well….” He said smiling wickedly
    “We could just say that u lost and all ud have to do is take off your clothes. It would make things quicker.”
    “Im-not-doing-that.” I said sternly.
    “Fine, you will lose the slower way then.” He said. I despised the comment.
    It was the first 10 minutes of the game, and I was trying to learn quickly how to play the game. It was too late, I had lost supposedly this time. So I closed the curtains then took off the button of my jeans, unzipped my zipper, and the jeans fell to the floor. I then threw the jeans on the bed.
    I saw Jakes eyes widen.
    “You have very beautiful shapely legs” He said staring.
    “Uh…thanks.” My Heart felt super heavy, I felt stiff, and uncomfortable as Jake stared at me.
    I played with my fingers trying to distract myself. Jake got up from the other side of the board game and sat next to me.
    “What are you doing?” I asked.
    He skooted himself closer to me.
    “I want to get an upclose view.”
    “Of course” I said sarcastically.
    Then we continued. I lost again this time. So I took off my socks and shoes.
    “Sounds like im goanna win” He said triumphantly.
    “Ugh shutup.”
    I got the hang of it finally. He lost this time.
    “Beat that!” I said gloating.
    He rolled his eyes then took off his shirt. Just like he did to me, I stared at his chest. W-0-W.
    He was uncomfortable just like I was when he was staring at me. His chest was so amazing. He looked so…so…hot.
    “Come on lets go.” He said.
    “Well im kind of distracted a bit here, sorry.” I said annoyingly.
    “I could always put on my shirt again” He said reaching for it.
    I grabbed his wrist before he got it. “No its okay.”
    We continued for a while when I gasped. Jake smiled.
    “Come on Jess, take your shirt off.”
    I stood there stiff. CRAP! There was blood pulsing in my ears. My fingers stiff.
    “Either you take it off or I can take it off for you” He said smiling.
    “Im happy either way.”
    “DAMMIT!” I said screaming.
    I shook off my sleeves then pulled my shirt over my head and dropped my shirt on the bed.
    He didn’t say anything.
    He looked at my legs, my waist, hesitated on my chest wich made me blush extremeley then looked at me.
    “Jess I have no words for this.”
    “Good” I said my voice cracking.
    “I see your not completely comfortable with this” He said sighing.
    “Well im in my undergarments what do u think im suppose to feel like?”
    “I see your point.”
    “But I can make it all go away.”
    He put his hand on my waist, his hand burning hot yet soothing. His lips were carassing mine as we kissed. His breath smelled sweet. Our skins were so close to eachother, it was so tempting to take off the remaining clothes we had left. I jumped on the bed and he jumped ontop of me. The bed was shaking I wrapped my legs around his waist. His chest leaned against mine. His arms on the back of my neck pulling my lips closer to his. His hand was moving up and down my legs. Then he moved his hand over my panties, then past my stomache and then to my braw. I didn’t realize what he was doing till it was done. I had turned myself so I was ontop of him and his hand was right behind my braw wear the straps connected. Pop. It came off.
    I felt it come off and immediatley grabbe it before it fell off of me.
    “Jake you got carried away.”
    “No im not trust me.”
    “I think tonights the night.” He said looking to the floor.
    “The night for wh-“
    Then my breath caught as I knew what he meant.
    “Its not time yet” I said sternly.
    “As you wish” He said smiling weakly, then sighing.
    I turned around so he coundnt see me then I took off the braw fixed the straps and put it back on. When I turned around Jake had been looking at me contently.
    “For a second there I thought-“
    “I know what you thought Jake, I know you well enough.” I said annoyingly.
    Suddenly, I hear a small boom from the bottom of the stairs, and a pair of keys.
    “HOLY s**t!” I said.
    “Get your close back on or hide!”
    Jake grabbed his shirt quickly and put it on. I slipped my shirt on quickly and sloppily. I slipped my skinny jeans on but the botton wasn’t fitting into the whole. It wouldn’t budge it would prob be too late. The parents were walking down the hall. I heard his moms footsteps and his dads shoes. I quickly tucked the game under the bead. But I still had no idea what to do about my jeans.
    Jake shooed me over to him. When his parents came in Jake;s back was to them and he was facing me, trying to cover the jeans. Then he turned his head slightly,
    “Hi Mom, I didn’t hear you coming” Jake said.
    “Ya” she said looking at us suspiciously. Jake turned around but he was still infront of me so my jeans werent shown.
    “Im going to go and take Jess back to my room to see if she can help me with some homework.”
    “Okay well…you do that ill be down in the kitchen.” Her mom eyed us.
    “Ya ill be down there with her too” Jakes Dad said.
    Jake grabbed my wrist and towed me forward quickly. I walked quickly down the hallway and into his room again. The moment I was in his room he closed the door behind me.
    “That was close” he said.
    “no really “ I said sarcastically.
    “Come on ill help you put it on now” He said he grabbed the waist line of my jeans and put the botton into the whole.
    “There” he said smiling.
    I put my hand on his cheek. “Thanks” I said.
    Jake sighed.
    “Whats wrong?” I asked.
    “You have to go Jess its getting late” he said frowning
    “Well I don’t have to go. I mean I could always stay here and-“
    “No” he said interrupting me. “You have to get home, I don’t want your parents to get even more angrier with me.”
    “Oh forget them” I said sitting on the bed.
    “You have to go. Come on ill walk you out” he raised his hand toward me and I wrapped my hand around his and walked down the stairs slowly. We werent in much of a rush. When we reached the bottom of the stair case I hesitated.
    “I could always sleep with you” I said smiling.
    He grinned. “I do like the idea”
    “Then let me stay” I said walking back toward the stair case but he ran and stood infront of me to stop me.
    “No, come on Jess you go. I’ll be here for you, always. I’ll see you soon.” He said glaring at me.
    “I promise” He said. And He difinately meant it by the way he looked at me.
    My hand slowly went to my sides and I looked down.
    “Ya I hope” I said sulkily.
    “You will” He said smiling weekly though it didn’t reach his eyes, it was fake.
    “Bye Jake” I kissed him on the cheek.
    “Love you” I said walking down the path.
    “Love you too” He whispered just enough so I could here.
    I reached my car and drove away. It was a long drive. A sad, one. I had to wait at least a whole other day to see him again. Which made me feel depressed. I got home and put the keys on the hanger then walked to the sofa and sat down. I grabbed my backpack and went to search for some of my school books and I saw my phone on the bottom of the bookbag.
    I grabbed it to check to see if I had any messages waiting for me. I had one.
    Dear Jess,
    Call me when u receive this text I need to talk to you.
    I gulped. Joseph. My heart thumped a little quicker than usual. ‘Breathe’ I told myself.
    ‘Relax’. ‘Your not dead….yet’ I said uncertain.
    I grabbed the phone and type in his cell phone number. By the second ring I heard a voice.
    “Hello?” Joseph said.
    “Hi Joseph”
    “Oh hi uh Jess”
    “You wanted me to call you?”
    “Okay about what?” I asked.
    I heard a pause. Nothing but the background noise.
    “You there?”
    Another pause. Then he said,
    “Well its about us.”