• john come on we need hurry and get to training before its to late we don't want to stay after again . okay lets go too bad this cant be the weekend I'm so tired to day. hey you want to go by the gym after school so we can work out then it so fire cracker chips.
    you were almost late again john and kelvin. sorry Mrs.tina just make sure to get to school quicker next time now take a seat. yes ma'am that was close you got that right well its time to sit through another boring day of school yea so lets just get it over with. okay now class today we have a new lesson to learn and its one you should all like how to control your fire. alright I've been waiting for this lesson all year hopefully i wont mess up. it was always like kelvin to mess up even tho he look like he could be a professional at everything he was really only good at a few things. you see here when you have a muscle body with red stripes down your sides and had a thick pointy tail that could move so fast you could swing it back and forth 25 times in one second and wide wings meant ether you would grow to be a successful fighter or a failure but kelvin wasn't a failure but neither a successful fighter
    kelvin you first. i want you to breathe in and focus a lot of energy fire core and think about fire when ever you get some out then think really fast to control. now every one watch as soon as he was about to do his fire trick i had leaned against a brick and kicked a rock then i fell into a secret passage way.
    i started to travel through the dark tunnel when i remembered i could summon my fire from my fire core so them i was thinking really hard to what the teacher said and then i remembered so i was tried really hard and then it happened i used my fire.
    i could hear talking down the dark hall, but father down so i followed the sound and as i got closer i started to dim my fire and maid it smaller so i would be less noticeable then i got so close i could see it was a girl i could even hear what she was saying she was asking if anyone was there i wanted to answer her but she was a water demon she was beautiful with with a body of a super model and was a light blue but with a gleaming shine like as if the moon was shinning right on her even tho she was a water demon i deiced to answer her i am here who said that i did john from the fire demon side i deiced to light my fire again so she could see me she was more magnificent in the light i wondered what she had thought of me. then she said wow your cute for a fire demon, and your cute for a water demon then we got silent and started to kiss. we both knew we loved each other but we could only see each other through these tunnels. if anyone were to find out we were in love they would kill us both.
    after a while we got really firmiliar with the tunnels and where they led we were happy together and nothing could change that. i was so glad we had fund these tunnels rumor had it that they were used to get into the enemies territory but it was a myth till now.
    then one day she hadn't come i figured something stopped her from coming today so i decided to leave and come back tomorrow. the next day had came but still no ashley i was starting to get worried we had made secret holes in the cave in each others territory, so i went to her side and was peeping threw holes i had hide a hole from her that showed the inside the kingdom then when i looked through the hole i saw her being crowned thats when i realized she was a princess. no wonder why she hasn't been comming if she were to come someone could see her sense when you are being prepared for a ceremony of royalty every one is around you so she didn't want to put me in jeopardy.
    then the next day i had gotten tired of hiding our love i know everyone down here in the firer territory and i knew everyone so well that i knew that no one would kill me.
    so i got in the announcement room and told everyone i was in love with a water demon they were mad but also happy for me then i went to the water territory and went to the kingdom and thats were i saw ashley she said i have to go or my father would kill you but i wasn't going to leave i was determined to tell the king i was in love with his daughter and wanted to marry her. when he came out he was furious then i told him and he got even madder but i didn't show fright then he said you are obviously serious and so i give you permission to marry my daughter thank you sir.
    and we lived happy ever after oh yea and now both our people are friends at least for now.