• ...Why? This is the only question that came to mind before I knew my past...my mind still revolves around the word...only parts of my past was revealed...I needed to know more.

    I was born on March 27, I don't know the year, but i know that i was born more longer than how humans live and die. I lived in a small village, only Ren's lived, my type. We lived on a developed planet called the "Digital World." I haven't cared about how the enviorment would change since its database is so complex of changing form to form in different locations. On it's year of change would comense in 24 years after my birth, the so call "Light vs Dark" never existed. Both Black Digi's and Normals were both loved, cared, and respectful to each other....peace. My mother and father we so simular...yet so different. My father was a hunter, he goes out now and then to catch our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He work as hard as anyone around our village, he was trained to be a warrior and protecter...but he never understand how it all works. My mother was a household mother, helping out with the house and taking care of me when I was little. She used to work...she sewed cloths that were old and ripped, even make new ones. As you can see...my hands has gloves...its a tradition to wear these...but I'll tell you later on. My mother quited her work when she married my father. Now heres what is different...my father was a Dark Digi and my mother was a Normal...but they never cared about their differences. They never fought or argued with each other over decisions and events. Ha, I love my parants so much.....

    When I turn 3, my mother died from illness, since the planet was still under development, there were viruses that can appear and never to be removed or deleted. Nor there wasn't an "Egg Regeneration Program" either. Meaning that any Digi's that died would recover, but starting as a newborn. I was in despair the whole year, my father cared for me, but always go out for longer huntings than usual.

    School started when i turned 5, we started as if we were in 9th grade in your human stats. We were capable of learning quick and easy...for me I was...what you say...special. Not mental...just a quick learner. As students, we do follow rules, too, just a little "comfy" for us. Yes, we even had the same subjects as you humans have. Math, Science, Geography, Languague, our language is always English, Japanse was a 2nd language, you can consider me bilingal, but I don't use Japanse on conversation. It is all about the Digital World, Earth was never discover till the first humans landed on Destiny Island. My favorite part of school was Physcial Education, or in small baby words, P.E. I was very compatative on any game i get on, and sorry, we never had football, basketball, or even soccar, remember, Earth was not part of our studies. My favorite game to play is Branch Scotch...Let me tell you what it is: The meaning of the game is to go the the opposite branch then come back to the start, you must have the ability to make crystal daggars and have accuracy of a bow and arrows man and throw it up high. This is angling, in other words. If it lands anywhere on any of the lined branches, then you must jump to it. A branch without twigs sticking out is 2 of your feet touching the branch...and a twig branch means 1...but you have to land on the twig with 1 foot. Seems easy, uh.

    After my 5 and 6 year old years, I turned 7, I understand about everything to learn to live through life in that planet and all subjects. I never need to go to Honors or Intense classes since I turned out to be a "Professional" in everything. But that never made me happy, after the major lost of the last of my bloodline, I was an orphan. I had the news that my father had commited suicide due to years of depression and loneliness. I never felt so emty in my life. I lost my mother and father...So I lived as an orphan.

    ...But that never ended my life...oh no. I went traveling across the world, having challenges made, won or failed, trial and error, and increase my bravery. I know that I have half the traits of my mother and half from my father...but my father's traits are dominating me...my expressions, my movements....my attitude toward anything in life was.......dangerous to anyone near me. My mind was like that for almost a quater of my life........

    Black.....thats all it came about. My name...is long forgotten, but I stick with Black Renomon.