• It was said he was a lost summoner from Zanarkand.Other's thought he was the experiment of the Al Bhed

    He was only protected by his magic and summonings. His summonings, however, were thought to be from another realm, with a black armored blue skinned mermaid, a giant with a flaming mane and a red staff, and many others.

    He traveled Spira, without guardians, thinking he could vanquish Sin all alone.

    Before he could ever touch the beast, the great Lady Yuna, another summoner and mage, defeated the large beast.

    The unknown summoner disappeared when this happened. People say you can sight him walking the halls of the Cloister of Trials, in the Fayth's chambers, or on the farplane, walking through the fields of flowers. Others say you can see him in Zanarkand where the dimensional rift is weak.