• Chapter 8
    Fighting the Enemy

    I drove down the road thinking. Not a sound around me. Then my phone rings and I answer it.

    "Hello." I answered.

    "Karion, so good to hear from you. I have news. We've been watching the armed forces for you and they want to set up something for you ove at the shipment yard. So best you come to them, and we will come for the back-up." Then the line died.

    "Hello. Hello!" I threw my phone in the back of the car in anger. Having to leave the love of my life, and soon possibly about to die, I couldn't take it.

    When I drove into the shipment yard I could see the friends of assassins I had aquired. They roped down as I got out. I began to pull weapons out of my car when he handed me four grenades, four stun grenades, and a M4 rifle. He just smiled and signaled for me to follow him.

    We walked into a warehouse to only find the set up. I pulled out my stun grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it. I heard a man yell and stand up as he did people opened fire. Bullets flied threw the room, I kept shooting without a miss. I looked down the ware house I saw the marine I thought was dead. Then one assassin knew what I was thinking and handed me a sniper rifle. "I got your cover fire." He said smiling.

    I aimed threw the scope looking at all the chaos up close, spotting the marine. But for the first time in my life, I couldn't shoot. My heart was not in the assassin part it used to be. It was in love. It wanted to leave. But it couldn't, I couldn't. The assassin looked at me and yelled over the gun fire, "What are you waiting for? Take him out some other peop-". I looked in amazment that this very young looking boy just got shot in the throat.

    I soon became filled with assassin again. As I took the shots I could not think of anything but, death. Now it seemed so good to me, I knew that Karma had stuck. For killing such a young boy, Karma killed back. I shot and shot never missing, always killing. Soon the madness was over....and the leader came up to me and walked with me to assionate the marine. I grabbed a pistol and shot him in the face. as the leader ordered his men to head back to headquaters, he came behind me to say," You are a ture assassin. You are also an enemy to the U.S!" He said stabbing me in the stomach. Then revealed his marine ID