• Chapter Two

    By the time Max left Pandora’s Box Max had borrowed a book on the island’s past, bought a glass-blown dragon, and somehow he managed to snag Sarah’s phone number. He walked back to his room at the inn. Once there he opened the book, Sarah was about to tell him the story but had been called away by an important phone call. He opened the book to realize that it really an old journal that had been rebound. Sarah’s words seemed clearer than ever in his mind: ”This is a loan and I do want it back, please take care of it.” Max began to read the thin handwriting.

    St. Andrews, Maine Autumn 1809

    It seems that they have found out my well guarded secret. They will be coming for me soon I have seen it in my looking glass. I fear they have already claimed the life of my lover for I have not seen him since the moon had darkened to black. I must leave here soon it does not matter that I have saved the lives of their children and healed the sick. I am hunted because of my Gift. And for the life of my unborn child I must make a sanctuary for those like me and those needing a place to live in peace. On Midsummer’s Eve I will make my paradise I can only hope my power will carry this burden.

    Ann Ripley Caine

    Max blinked and stared at the page for a moment. Gift, power. he thought. The island, according to this journal, was created by a witch. He chuckled, this would certainly make a good book, but he knew that magic and witches didn’t exist outside of stories. His thoughts drifted to Sarah, smart, funny and gorgeous. He shook his head and shut the book lying back on the bed. Now was not the time to be fantasizing about tall, leggy bookstore owners. After a while he stood and dug in his pocket for Sarah’s number. At this point any excuse would do to see her. After all he was on vacation and single it wouldn’t hurt to flirt a bit.

    Sarah answered her cell phone and cradled it on her shoulder as she worked on a book order. “Hello?”

    “Sarah? Hi, it’s Max Keaton. I was wondering if you could show me around the island this evening if you aren’t busy.”

    She paused and slowly a small smile appeared on her face, So he is interested in me... she thought. “I’ve nothing planned Max so I suppose I could spare an hour or so. Meet me at the shop around six.”

    “All right, I’ll see you then.” Max hung up the phone and sighed. He survived the call, but what would happen that night?

    At exactly six Sarah closed the shop and stepped outside to see Max waiting. “Good, you’re on time. I think the beach will be a good place to start.” She led him to the beach and slipped on her sweater, “So did you start the book?”

    “Yes I did start reading the journal. Why did you have it, is she your ancestor?”

    “Yes she is. She built the house on the northern cliffs where I live now.” When they reached the beach she took of her shoes and sighed. “We get some mainlanders to come here in the summer and fall for the beach as well as the forest....” She showed him around the island for a few hours and by the end of the night they were both laughing. “I’m serious you would not believe the oddness that happens when your birthday is on Halloween.”

    “I still don’t believe that your cousin tied you to a branch in the middle of the forest.”

    “Whether you believe it or not it happened,” she said shoving him playfully.

    “Hey that’s not very nice!” he laughed.

    “Who ever said I had to be nice?” she asked leaning a bit too close to him. Sarah laughed as he stumbled back, “This is where I leave you, Max Keaton. Dream well.”

    Max blinked and already she was halfway down the block. That was twice that she had left him in a momentary stupor. He was completely unsure of what to do around her. He walked inside the inn and sat at the bar. The woman was driving him insane.