• French Indian war 1755

    The winter is mostly in Winchester.

    There was hail all winter long.

    The hail sizes ranged from the size of a pistol to a snare drum.

    The main characters in the story are General Marto, Captain Randolph, and Lieutenant Loc.

    Loc was a tall, strong, and sturdy man.

    Randolph was a tall, skinny, and had great agility.

    Marto was a large, lugging man.

    Loc is18 and Randolph is 25 they are brothers their parents died when Loc was 8 and Randolph was 15.

    They stole after their parents died because they could not afford to buy anything but clothes, they could not afford food or shelter.

    The governor gave them money in return for their promise not to steal again.

    They also had great agility from dodging the guards.

    They joined the army after the governor gave them what they needed to survive.

    Their lives on the streets were gone.

    While they were living on the street they spent no time together.

    They spent their time with all their ally kid friends.

    They didn’t enjoy each others company except in dire situations.

    Screams all around fort

    He cried harder because snow stung his open whip cuts.

    Marto feels nothing when whipping Loc.

    While Loc was in the fort.

    Randolph helped to rebuild the fort from the raid of fire last night.

    Loc dies and Randolph mourns him until his rage leads him to the plan to defeat Marto.

    Loc dies.

    Randolph gets message telling him that Loc is dead.

    Randolph gathers up recruits and storms a French Fort.

    Randolph captures the fort and finds out that Marto is in Winterpock Fort.

    Randolph finds Marto’s office and Marto is not there he is outside the window in his office.

    Marto is running away and Randolph runs after him.

    Marto to turns and says “die”

    Marto’s weapons are a 1 shot pistol and a whip.

    Randolph’s weapons are a 5 shot handgun and a knife.

    Randolph and Marto counter each others every move.

    Marto shoots at Randolph.

    Marto misses by a wide margin.

    Marto has now got the disadvantage.

    Randolph shoots at Marto.

    Randolph also misses.

    Randolph shoots more.

    He still misses.

    Randolph throws his knife and it goes into Marto’s leg.

    Marto uses his whip and catches Randolph’s arm.

    Marto pulls in Randolph while he is caught in the whip.

    Randolph gets free at the last second and rolls to Marto’s side.

    Randolph takes the knife out of Marto’s leg.

    And sticks into the other leg.

    Marto falls to his knees and Randolph pulls out the knife and puts it close to Marto’s neck.

    Marto gasps “I surrender.”

    Randolph being kind lets him live, but he had his hands cut off so he could not hurt anybody.

    Randolph leaves the army and settles down gets married, has 3 kids, and leads a grand life.