• Chp.1

    tab Brigid and me. Me and Brigid. That's how it's always been thats how it always will be. Long ago there was Kaleigh as well, But she's moved on. Kaleigh was naver the same after Devon left. She wasn't quite right to begin with, but after Devon left she was just messed up.

    tab Brgid floats into my room and sits on my light blue bedspread. Her red locks tumble around her bare shoulders. She's wearing a black halter and dark purple jeans. She looks stunning, as always. "I don't know why we have to go to high school," Brigid snarls. The only thing more fiery than her hair is her attitude.

    tab "Well Cassandra wants us to experience new things," I retort. I brush my platinum blonde hair over my shoulder. The only thing similar between us is our eyes. We both have deep green eyes. Everything else is different, I'm slender and 5'4". She's mildly curvy and 5'6". I'm a creator. She's a destroyer. I'm a peacemaker. Shes's a troubkemaker.

    tab Her voice pierces my train of thought, "What are you going to wear on the first day?"

    tab " I don't know," I stated simply, "I was thinking my blue skirt and white tank."

    tab 'Um. . .what about jeans and a tank?"

    tab "Well. . .," I began. Brigid cuts me off with a wave of her hand.

    tab "Do you want to look normal or not?"

    tab " Yes I want to look normal but, I don't want to look like you."

    tab "Fine wear jeans and a cute top."
