• They ran down the red lighted hallway, the alarm screeching through the complex. Raith and Rox were awakened when the alarm started, not knowing what else to do, they ran down the hall with the other Daemons.
    "What do you think is going on?" Rox asked.
    "I'd focus more on getting the hell out of here!" Raith snapped.
    They never had an alarm before. Until now they didn't know that there was an alarm. There was no training or anything, they had no clue what to do. Thats what made them all scared most.
    They made it to the rec room, only realizing there was no exit out of it.
    "So what are we supposed to do?!" Someone shouted.
    Everyone was starting to panic now, they lived here their whole lives and they had no idea where to esape to. They didn't even know what they were running from.
    "What's going to happen?"
    "We need to get out!"
    "Raith, think of something!" Rox was as scared as everyone else, Raith was just keeping a calm demeanor to help him think clearer.
    "The guards get in somehow, we could probably exit where they go!"
    "Where are the guards?"
    Raith had that tugging feeling again, they were really in trouble now. He could feel it.
    "Back to the hallway, we need to find the guard door now!" Raith shouted.
    No one argued with him as they spilled out of the hallway. They clamboured all over the walls, trying to find the uknown door. Only to be disappointed in the end.
    "We're all going to die!"
    "Raith?" Raith was trying his hardest to keep his head together.
    There must be someway... he thought.
    Just then a loud whooshing sound was heard. All the Daemons turned to see the wall open up in front of them.
    To panicky to bother asking questions, they all rushed the doorway.

    They ran up yet, another flight of stairs. Since the Daemons walked throught that hole in the wall, they just kept climbing higher and higher.
    "Who the hells idea was it to build this place with over thirty flights of stairs?". Raith groaned.
    "I can see the exit!" Rox exclaimed.
    With new motivation, the young mutants raced faster up the stairs. They entered a long red lighted hallway. Long windows lined the walls.
    "What is this place?" Rox asked.
    Raith strided down the red hall, trying to make sense of the new scenery around him. In the machinery filled the rooms on the other side of the smooth glass. An image on the one of the screens caught his eye.
    The rec room
    "They were watching us..." He rushed to the other windows, checking the rooms inside."What is this?"
    "Raith, we have to move!" Rox shouted.

    The Daemons raced along the wax cleaned floor. They ran straightforward, hoping to find a way out.
    Raith and Rox were trailing behind the group. When suddenly Raith got that feeling in his gut again. He stopped dead.
    "Raith, what's wrong?"
    "I don't-"
    Just then a high pitched screech cracked through the air. Raith screamed out in obvious pain, the sound crippling him as his knees gave out. Rox not being far behind.
    Almost as quickly as it came, it died. Raith and Rox got back up groggily, to see the most terrifying thing they've ever seen.

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