• Once there was a land called Renas. And in that land there is a village called MoonStar. It was called that because whenever there is a Lunar Eclipse, That is the only place in the whole land where there is light. So you see when there is a Lunar Eclipse, there is no light in all the land. Whenever a Lunar Eclipse, there is a saying that there will be a curse upon the land if a diamond tablet is not put on the stone altar during the 50th Eclipse. When they forgot all about the saying, during the 50th eclipse a horror decended upon Renas and the dead came to life. There was a legend that this would happen and that there will be a hero born that will save the land.
    “Okay children time for bed.” “But we want to hear more elder Molard” “No no no you must rest. Don’t forget to pray for God to keep you safe.” “Yes Elder” As Tedo prayed, he wished he could be the hero of those legends and save the land. What he didn’t know is that he was the hero. As he and the children got in bed he whispered to his friend Smudge. “Hey man you know in the legends there is a hero right?” “Right.” “Well I’m going to be that hero and save the land.” “HA! Good luck with that. Im going to be your partner too hahahah.” “Just watch smudge someday…” Then he fell into a deep sleep and exited for training the next day.
    6 years later…
    “The dead are attacking! Everyone to stations!” It was Tedo’s and Smudge’s first fight ever since they became real warriors. “You ready ?” Tedo yelled. “You bet” Smudge yelled back. Tedo became a archer after he graduated because of his agility and his accuracy. His friends Smudge became a twin blade for his agility and quick thinking. They destroyed the undead with ease with only 1 dead. “Man that was too easy” Teto said as he and his friend on the way to their houses. “I bet I can kill 100 undead in 5 minutes.” “You sure about that lad?” Tedo And Smudge jumped with fear as they heard their master’s voice behind them. He was big but in muscle, had 2 scars over his eye, and carried a war axe as tall as him. “Don’t be sure about that. They say where there is 1 zombie, there are 2 more underground.” Smudge gulped. Even though he was taller than his master, he was still weaker and could be sleeping by 1 hit from him. “Come hear lads, the leader needs you.” The friends widened their eyes in surprise. Why would the leader want them? As they hurried to the town hall they passed an old acquaintance. “Teto, Smudge? Is that really you?” It was their old friend, Freena. “By God it is you! I missed you guys!” She squealed with delight as she hugged her old friends. “Frenna how long has it been old friend? Last I saw you, you were accepted as a sorceress.” She was thin and slender, knew lots of magic, had black hair that went to her waist, and carried a staff. Smudge actually liked her but it was only between him and Teto. “You haven’t changes a bit Smudge.” He turned red. Then suddenly their master came and told them to hurry. Then they raced to city hall.

    End of part 1.