• Sasuke's POV

    The streets of Konaha were empty as I walked through them.Leaves blew around me.There was a dreay fog around me.I looked at the now empty ramen shop.I looked away when the old memories came back to me.

    My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I have done horrible things.I deserted my village for revenge.I broke the heart of an innocent girl.I almost killed my bestfriend.I killed my brother.Then I joined the Akatsuki and completely taken over my home village,Konoha,with the Akatsuki.I have no regrets of these choices.

    Normal POV

    Sasuke walked further into the village.Then he saw it.It was thebuilding where they had a Christmas party.The Christmas before he left the village.He began to let the memory play in his head.Deciding it wouldn't hurt that much.


    Sasuke looked around at the drinks and the Christmas tree.He looked and saw the rest of the teams having fun.He sighed.This was so annoying.Then Ino ran up to him.

    "Sasuke!Where have you been?I found a misoletoe."Ino held up the decoration.

    "No thanks."Sasuke moved away from her and walked over to the tree and saw Naruto trying to reach the top.

    Naruto was standing ontop of a stool and still couldn't reach it.Sasuke shook his head.Then he sensed that someone was outside.He walked to the door but was stopped by Sakura.She smiled at him.

    "Sasuke,can you please help Naruto before he falls."She gave a sweet smile.

    "I can't.I have to go outisde."Sasuke then walked outside with Sakura right behind him.

    "She's like alittle duckling."Kakashi said.

    "Sasuke.what's wrong?"Sakura asked.

    "Just leave me alone."Sasuke mumbled and walked away leaving the girl alone in the snow.

    Sasuke shook his head trying to forget.He began to walk again.He walked past by the now crushed Hokage Tower.He then felt a drop of water hit his head.He looked up at the grey clouds.As the rain began to start pouring down hard Sasuke looked back down.

    He then heard the sound of foot steps.he looked to his left.Then he heard it from his right.He looked that way.Then he heard it from his left again.They were playing with his head.He kept hearing the footsteps.Then he sensed chakra above him.

    He looked up in time to see someone's fist about to come down on his head.He moved out of the way.He then ran up behind the person and knocked them down.Then the enemy hit him in the stomach.He wrapped his arms around himself.Then he moved out of the way of another kick.Then he pushed the attacker down again and sat on their stomack and put his sword to their neck.He then got a good look at the person.

    "Sakura."Sasuke said coldly.

    "Hello Sasuke."she returned coldly.

    She then knocked him off of her and began to run off.He then grabbed her wrist and threw her to the ground.She began to stand up when he grabbed her hair and pushed her face into the ground.She then got free from his grip.then she ran off and hid behind a building.She looked behind her to see if he was following.She then turnedback only to vome eye to eye with Sasuke.He pinned her to the wall and put his sword to her neck.

    "Why are you here?"he asked.

    "What about you?"Sakura avoided the question.

    "Answer me."Sasuke ordered getting aanoyed.

    Sakura sighed."I was looking for you and the Akatsuki."

    "Why would you look for us?Do you have a death wish?"

    "Liste to me for once!I'm not that stupid,little,annoying girl that I was back then!"Sakura shouted.

    Sasuke was surprised by her outburst.But he listened to what she had to say.

    "I was looking for you guys because we need to work together."Sakura said.

    "Why should our groups work together?They hate each other."Sasuke asked

    "We need to all work together because...."Sakura trailed off.

    "Because?"Sasuke pushed

    "It's gonna be the end of the world."Sakura said.