• Chapter One: Fate of The Night

    My name is Fyorra. I used to be a typical girl living a typical life. Until one day, my life changed for the worse, and yet, for the better as well.

    I was only at the age of fifteen when my life changed so significantly... so quickly, and so abruptly. The thing is... I had died. Many weeks ago, my spirit left my body to go to the heaven above. I left my parents mourning at my burial. I left all of my possessions far below, on earth. The only thing that was still left with me, was my spirit, and thus, I am here. Thinking. Breathing..., and living in an angelic world known as the Heavens. This place was a gorgeous place of fluffy white clouds, fields of white, yellow, pink, and purple flowers, and happiness. Pure serenity flowed through this place. Nobody ever thought they'd come to a place like this after death, but here I am; and here, they are. They are the others who have died suddenly too. They too are the others who left their families and possessions to come up to this land without an ounce of notice. And they were my new family... the people I could call friends, neighbours, brothers, sisters, and parents.

    Fyorra was never my real name. I am an angel do not recall what my real name is at all, nor do I recall how I died or who my family was. I just knew I was here because I had died, and now I am an angel. I fluttered my wings as I got up from my white feathered bed in a tall brick tower of the Heavens, and stepped forward towards the window. Outside were two birds chirping away on a small branch attached to the side of the building.

    "Good morning birds." I said as I watched them in their innocent conversation. The two birds eventually flew away into the bundles of thick clouds above. I slowly picked up my silvery gown, and headed down the circular flight of stairs until I got to the bottom where the door was. As I opened it, the fresh scents of the Heavens enveloped my nose. The fragrance was of a light lavender and honey scent, and it would be like that for the rest of eternity.

    "Good morning Fyorra." Said a lady by the name of Utopa. "How was your rest at the top of the tower last night?

    "It was very nice up there. There's a great view. Thank you for asking Utopa." Utopa was a sweet lady who would often walk around the bottom of the many brick towers, and plant flowers there. She enjoyed planting the flowers in a nice pattern. Red roses would go on the north side of the tower. Blue ones would go on the south. Silver roses would go on the west and east sides of the tower. The roses there didn't matter much to me. They looked nice, and what was there was none of my control.

    I walked around curious on what to do. I had only been in the Heavens for a couple of days, and I still was confused on what to do. Every other Angel in this community seemed to play an essential role in keeping the Heavens beautiful, and filled with serene beauty and divinity. I would surely need to find an occupation if I were to be here in this world for eternity. Otherwise, I would surely be bored for eternity, which in return would be a curse.

    I continued walking until I came across a small shop with a sign saying, "Help Wanted". I quickly rushed into the store to hear no sound but the chimes attached to the door. The store appeared to be a typical grocery store filled with bins of fresh produce.

    "Hello? Is anyone here?" I yelped as I looked around for any trace of another angel in the rows and rows of shelves. But nobody was there. I headed towards the back of the grocery store and came across a small set of doors with blurry circular windows. I couldn't at all see through the translucent set of the windows, so I pushed lightly on the door, and it opened. Inside was lady with a clipboard facing away from me and looking at the freezer temperatures. "Hi!"

    "EEEK!" She screamed as she quickly turned around and dropped her clipboard on the cement floors as she did so. "Oh my gosh. I am sorry for screaming, but what are you doing at this end of the store? This is where we keep all of our frozen goods that will be on store shelves later this week, so if you want something here, you'll have to wait unfortunately." She bent down to pick up her clipboard and walked closer towards me to give me a proper mannered greeting. I did so the same.

    "Sorry. I noticed a help wanted sign on the door, and I was looking for the manager to apply. I'm really new here, and I will need some sort of job to keep my occupied, right?" Her and I walked out of the freezer and back into the main grocery store. "Again, I am sorry for bursting into the freezer room."

    The lady smiled with a large grin and replied, "Really, it's okay. I had lost track of the time. But yes, we are looking for some new employees to work here, as we are on a shortage. This is one of the few grocery stores in the whole Heavens and my last set of employees all quit on me. If you could spare some time, you could work here to make some gold coins. Are you up for this task?" I wanted to do the job for sure, but I quickly thought of all the disadvantages of the job. After a few seconds of thinking, I decided that the the benefits far outweighed any advantages, and accepted the job offer. Immediately, the lady rushed to the back of the store to get me a uniform. I quickly changed into it, and then the tutorial begun.

    "First, we will talk about all of the stations. There's the cash register station, the freezer station, and the shelf station. These three stations are the three places you will be working in. The register station is where you check our any orders. The freezer station is where you get stuff to put of the shelves. And lastly, the shelf station is the place where you put stuff on the shelves. It's very simple." The lady responded back with great confidence in me. Although she didn't even know me for more than twenty minutes, she seemed like I was her miracle in her time of need and desperation. I quickly thanked her for the job opportunity after she taught me how to use the cash register, and which order to shelf certain products. After she finished explaining, I noticed she had no name tag. What was her name?

    "Thanks again for letting me have this job," I said before she left, "one last question though. What is your name?"

    The lady turned around and graciously replied, "My name is Mayvelle. Sorry, I forgot my name tag at home." We both chuckled as she headed towards to door and flipped the closed side backwards to reveal the word open.

    Chapter Two: Another Day Completed, Another One Unsolved

    After I had finished my job of ordering out peoples items in this world, I had left my uniform at the back of the shop, and headed down the brick paths. It was pretty late, but in this world, time was pointless. At this time of the day though, the sky was dark blue shades of the beautiful seas on earth. In the sky sat many sparkling golden stars glistening, and the odd one flashed by. Every time one of those stars flashed by, I would clasp my hands together and make a wish. One day, I would be back on earth, and one day, I would reunite with my parents who I cannot remember...

    I didn't really have anywhere to go that night, as I didn't want to bother Utopa by going into her tower to sleep that night. Instead, I just sad down on a stone bench and watched the sky paint pictures across my eyes. One by one, the stars lit, and fell down into what seemed to be a little fountain in the distance. I was very drowsy, yet I was able to pick myself up and head towards that fountain. When I got there, the sight of the fountain was gorgeous. Though the stars really didn't fall into it, the water reflected an aurora so beautiful that you could sit and watch it all night. I clasped my hands to pick up a sip of the water. It was ice cold yet very refreshing. I decided to stay here during that night as I really had nowhere else to go.

    Time continued to pass on slowly, and by the time the night was already half over, I had set up a small oil lamp to give off some light for me. I took out a small notepad and a feather pen from my pocket and began writing. The note said:

    "Dear Future Self,

    If you ever read this and you're down or in distraught, remember... it will be okay. Your family will see you again eventually as long as you are living in this magical world... The Heavens."

    I knew it was kind of corny for me to write myself letters to boost my self-esteem, but it was a past time I had just developed while being here. I slowly let the piece of paper drop out of my cold hands and into the fountain. Immediately, it began to glow, and then disappeared into the night's darkness.

    The light on the oil lamp was about to burn out, yet it was still very dark outside. I guess I should have gone to sleep earlier. What was I exactly waiting for by staying up this late? It would be very unlikely that some people... or angels... or whatever they are would come and help me or look out for me. They would never come and help me in my condition. Of course, I was wrong though. At that moment, I noticed a small chariot with two white horses dash through the rows of roses. As they crossed by the rows on rows of scarlet and silver; petals flew up and landed on me. When the chariot had stopped in front of me, an old man with a long white beard stepped out.

    "Hello there, young angel." He greeted me with as he offered a hand out to me. For the first time in this unusual world, I felt safe and danger free. "My name is Rever. I am the king of this land, and you, sweet angel, are?"

    I wanted to greet him as nicely as he greeted me, but I felt as if that would make me look stupid. "My name is Fyorra. I have only been an angel for a matter of a couple of weeks." I stood myself up to shake his warm palm and then I stared into his deep silver eyes.

    "Well Fyorra, I am glad you are hear, yet, you seem to be in some trouble by hanging around here, so I came out to offer you to stay with my wife and I. You don't have to, but we would be glad to help another fellow angel out." Rever responded back to me, as both he and I climbed into the chariot and dashed across the rows of flowers again and back to the stone castle. In the castle lay silver and gold everywhere, and majestic regal red carpeting. It truly was beautiful. I thanked Rever as he took my to a large empty guest room with a giant bed for my head to rest upon. There really weren't any clocks in the whole castle or the bedroom. At least, I didn't notice any. I wondered how the angels or people would wake up on time.

    Lastly, before I went to bed, I undressed into a silky silvery gown that Rever had given me on my way into the room, and sat on a chair on the balcony of the room. The castle wasn't exactly huge, but it was still very big inside. While on the balcony though, I noticed that the stars in the sky were far less viewable. Night time would end soon, so after staying on the balcony for a little while, I packed myself up, and went into the embrace of the door back into the room to sleep.

    Chapter Three: The New Angel

    I opened my eyes slowly and in came the gleaming bright rays of sunlight from the large glass doors to the balcony. I sat upright on the bed and stretched my arms up. Once I got out of bed, I felt a slightly cold draft from the doors to the balcony being slightly open. I look a gold robe and wrapped my body in it. It wasn't before long when I opened the large stone doors and went down the stairs to meet Rever in the dining room having dinner with a woman I had yet to meet.

    "Good morning, Fyorra!" Rever greeted me kindly. "This is my wife, Queen Sharn."

    "It's a pleasure to meet highness." I said, as I sat down at the table by them. I looked around at the table and saw platefuls of delicious looking food on each plate. I hadn't had a good meal in a long time. Heck, I hadn't really eaten anything since I got to this majestic land. I look an empty plate on the side of the table, and served myself some of the delicious looking breakfast. While I ate, I noticed King Rever and Queen Sharn smiling at me too. I was almost sure that they were happy that I was eating because I am a pretty skinny girl.

    "So anyways, Fyorra. It's a pleasure to meet you. I must ask though... Do you have anywhere to work at?" The Queen, Sharn, quickly stood up as she spoke, and began packing the dirty dishes on top of each other to be headed towards the sink.

    "Yeah, I do, kind of." I responded back as I quickly finished what was on my plate and handed it to the Queen. When I imagined a queen, I would always think they were too posh to actually pick up dirty plates. It was nice to see that not all royalty was like that, and truly, it was a stereotype in the Heavens. "You see, I am working at the small supermarket for a kind lady named Mayvelle. She gave me the job yesterday when I met her."

    The Queen replied back, "Hmm. Well surely, you are a strong girl. You will do a fantastic job there. I just wanted to make sure that you were to stay healthy and have something to do while you are here in this land. If my instincts are correct, the supermarket should be opening soon. You should scurry over quickly, as Mayvelle will be waiting."

    It was very sweet of the Queen to be so worried about me. I assured her I would make it on time, as I rushed to the store in the silver silk gown to prepare for my day. On my way there, I noticed a large rock that I must of missed in the dark of the night yesterday. The rock shined of a metallic silver. Though, this wasn't an ordinary stone. In the stone, the end of a sword lay compressed within. It looked pretty interesting, but I wondered why it was half inside the stone. When I finally got to the store, another girl was standing behind the register.

    "Hi there. Who are you?" I questioned curiously. This girl had long curly brunette hair, and wore a white feather gown with the small uniform over top of it. This girl also had deep blue eyes and the smile of one million happy children.

    "My name is Laurelle. I just started working here today. You must be Fyorra, right? Mayvelle told me you were coming. You see, she thought two people running this supermarket would be a good thing... so she hired me. I am a new angel here." Laurelle smiled back again to me as she said that. She also picked up my uniform from the rack and handed it to me graciously. I knew already that her and I would be great friends.

    "Thanks, and I am sure we will be the best of friends." I replied back as I put the little uniform vest on and began unpacking the boxes by the shelves. Once I was done, I flipped the sign on the door to make sure the word "Open" was facing the window.