• In this instant I knew I was dreaming, there was a stuffed dolphin was walking around drinking a banana cream pie mocha. Also, it was raining, not raining water, but candy canes-another reason that supports my dream theory.
    “Help!” , croaked a weak but clear voice.
    “Where are you?”, I asked carefully stepping around puddles of candy canes.
    “In the pond.”, the mysterious voice stated weakly.
    I carefully walked to the “pond”, to my amazement it was filled with cotton candy with lollipops sticking out like lily pads. In the middle of the cottony mess was a teddy bear. I rubbed my eyes not wanting to believe that a teddy bear had truly spoken to me.
    “Open your eyes and believe.”, the bear said softly.
    Reluctantly, I obeyed and opened my eyes and the same scene as before appeared.
    “W-what a-are y-you?”, I managed to stammer.
    “A teddy bear named Embroidered Mantle.”, the bear said.
    “Nice to meet you, I’m Lulu.”, I said a little more comfortably.
    I grabbed the bear’s tiny hand and lifted her out of the pink cotton.
    “Thank you!”, Embroidered said graciously.
    “Your welcome.”, I said clearly delighted that I had saved a teddy bear.
    “As a thanks or saving my life I will grant you three wishes.”, Embroidered said.
    “Ok, I want a…”, I was going to continue but Embroidered cut me off.
    “Be careful! Once you wish it you can’t undo it.”, Embroidered said.
    “Ok, first I want to know where I am and why I’m here.”, I said.
    “Easy, you are at Candyland and you are here because this is a believing place where only those who believe in the fiction can enter .”, Embroidered said.
    “ Second, I want to know I can go home.”, I said.
    “Yes, you can but you have to do something first.”, she said.
    “Ok, I’ll do whatever it is.”, I answered.
    The bear led me to a wedding reception where her name and another person’s or (bear)’s name was strung across in a banner like form.
    “I’m marrying Corduroy then you could go home.”, she said.
    “Ok!”, I said excitedly because I could watch my new friend’s wedding.
    I waited in a nearby chair when the wedding church was filling up with all sorts of fictional animals and characters. Then, Embroidered walked down the aisle in a beautiful dress. It was a pearly white with tiny intricate flowers. The bride and groom said their vows and exchanged rings. I laughed at the funny idea of Embroidered Mantle marrying Corduroy Sofa. The bride then walked up to me and gave me a charm of a rainbow on a charm bracelet.
    “Go outside.”, she said.
    I did .There was a rainbow outside the wedding church.
    “Thank you!”, I whispered.
    “No, thank you!”, she said.
    I walked up to the rainbow and held out my charm. A door opened and I walked through it.
    A while later…
    Brrrinng! My alarm rang. I sat up and yawned. So, I thought, that was just a weird dream after all. I stretched up my hand to yawn again when something clinked. A charm. I smiled now knowing I had really been to Candyland and had met a cute bear, but I won’t forget my third not used wish.