• Listen up Children
    And gather around
    Sit on a table,
    A chair, or the ground.
    Over the forest,
    Through the sky,
    Listen close to my story
    It is not a lie!
    My story takes place
    In one little town
    A sad little place
    Where it's hard not to frown.
    Their Santa Claus
    Is differant you see.
    Much differant from the sanda
    Of you and of me.
    First of all
    He has a pail face
    Also he has chains
    In bells place.
    Wearing a coat
    It's black with red trim
    He's skinny and quiet
    Not stuffed to the brim.
    His jacket is studded and spiked
    Or so they say
    Also he has five flaming horses
    That carry his sleigh.
    "Fly me through the sky
    My Pyrophorm beasts!
    We must finish soone
    Before Christmas feasts!"
    He shouts as he flies
    Through Christmas night
    You only hear cries.
    While Happy little goth kids
    Lay asleep in their beds
    Santa goes out
    And chops off preppy kids heads.
    Preps get an axe
    To their neck
    Depending on
    If his list has a check
    While awating emo's
    Lay in their sleep
    They soon will awake
    to candy and gold in a heap.
    Going to preps
    He bloodied his axe,
    Until he met one little girl
    Who's name was Max.
    "Santa I wuv you,
    Please give me a toy."
    Her cute little voice
    Brought him great joy.
    So he knelt down beside her
    And gave her a hug
    He forsaked his reputation
    As a merciless thug.
    So he set down his axe
    And gave her a presant
    He finaly had found
    One thing that was plesant.
    He picked her up
    And put her in his bag.
    Her mother came out
    The ugly old hag
    She wanted her kid back
    But Santa took her away
    He wanted a daughter
    So he flew in his sleigh.
    And so life went on
    Until Christmas next year
    Because she was gone
    And others were in fear.
    Little children annoy us
    But here is the deal
    Hang on to your child
    or they'll become Santa's meal!