• tab “You should have stop me in the first place.” Alex said not even looking at me.
    “Hey at lest I stopped you in time.” I snapped. I got up the bed fast and my head felt light. I lost my balance and Alex caught me in time. He set me back on the bed and he sat next to me.
    tab This was difficult. I passed out for about three days and woke up in Alexander’s bed room. It was pretty plain. He only had a TV, computer, a game system and his bed. Which was comfortable.
    tab We have been arguing about what happen. We were getting no where in this argument. I didn’t mean to snap at him but he made me.
    I sighed. “ Alexander, just forget it,” I whispered, “ It was just an-”
    “How could I forget about it?!” he interrupted me, “ The image keeps replaying in mind. It won’t go away!” His hands clenched and unclenched. I heard a growl from him before he left the room.
    tab I just sat on the bed and wondered into space. My mind began to wonder for an answer or image. The only thing that came up was him. Remembering his bloodlust form. I shivered. The way he looked at me. It frighten me and it felt like a predator captured its prey. But it felt calm and the urge for him. When his lips were on my neck, I wanted to continue. It never crossed my mind about him stopping him. But when I realized what was going on, the fear returned. A real vampire feasting on my blood.
    tab I placed my hand on my neck where the bite marks were.
    “Please help me, Lord.” I mumbled.
    tab tab tab tab ~Next Day~
    “That would be $5.89.” I said to the pixie. The little blue pixie handed me the money and gave her the change. “Have a nice day!” I said with a smile.
    tab The café shop was fixed and business started up again. It was really peaceful. Today is Saturday and the place was partly full. Most creatures that I have seen today are pixies and fairies. Some fairies and pixies were small as a teacup or human sized. I love it when their wings pasted a streak of light. They would glitter like the stars and give off different colors. It’s really beautiful.
    tab Alex is at the other shop, taking care of the other side. Which is for humans.