• on Feburary 14.......WORST DAY!!!!!!
    My boyfriend called me at around 11 o clock he called me and said he was coming over...

    DAMN why did he wake me up today?Doesn't he know that I sleep almost all day on weekends...
    It was just another day..anyway I still took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on fresh clothes all that good stuff....

    I heard a knock on the door...of course it was open so he walked in...he was hiding something..
    "Whats up?"I said
    "Well..."I forgot to listen to what other things he was saying as he pulled me in a hug...

    "Cologne?"I asked blankly
    "Yea...anyways...--"and I then noticed he was hiding a box of chocolates
    "Don't mind if I do "I said grining
    "Oh s**t!"he said "I forgot to ask you"he put his lips in a straight line which meant he was thinking
    "Ask me what?"
    "Will you be my Valentine?"
    I gawked at him shocked and oh so flabbergast
    "The hell?.." he looked at me "You want me to be a dead old man???" I almost yelled
    "Why the hell you asked me to be Valentine then because he is an OLD MAN!"

    "No I meant like Valentine as like a.."
    "BYE!!! AND iM TAKING THE CHOCOLATES TOO!!" I shoved him out the door

    "O-m-g" my friend continued on the phone "my crush asked me to be his valentine"
    "What in the world" I said "say no"
    "Because Valentine is some old dude who died long ago"
    "oh"she sobbed.....

    I called my mom to tell her that my friend's was asking her to be his valentine ...
    "That's WONDERFUL"
    "What did you say" i gritted my teeth "we don't want to be some old man "
    "Valentine is a man...O------KKKKAAAYYY??" I made sure to make it so simple a 5 year old would understand
    "Hahahaha" she laughed "its valentines day...silly"
    "I hope you didn't--"
    "I did"
    "well there is always next year too--"I hung up

    all i thought the rest of the day was....DAMN!!!!!!!!