• "Hey Anya, are you gonna be ok?" "Yeah don't worry about me one bit!" The girl with her silver dress ran along the grey brick pathway. She stopped. "Liam, promise me that, when you find the person, he or she will be kind, ok?" "Yeah." He spoke in a promising tone. Anya stepped on the platform. The crimson vines slowly began to wrap around her arms and legs. She closed her dark green eyes, she looked as though she was in a dream. "Miss Van Solten, are you ready to except this punishment?" "Yes, Headmaster." "Begin!"

    The vines pulled so tight, they almost ripped the skin off of her ivory skin. "Ugh! Nah!" She yelled and screamed, at the same time as begging for someone to be her guardian. "Ah!" "Hey Stacy!! You still up?" " Yeah what's wrong Rose?" "Nothing really, I just had the weirded nightmare." "Aww Rose are you ok?" Stacy always had a gentle voice. "Yeah." "Ok so what was it about?" "It was this girl and this guy in my class, and the girl had to be punished or something. So like she stood on this platform and these red vines started pulling really, really tight on her arms and legs. I'm just glad it wasn't me." "Ok now that was scary, sis you really need to stop watching those scary movies!!" evil " Ugh! It wasn't a dream though! I felt like it was really happening!!"

    As soon as Anya's punishment ended she was released. *huff huff* "Anya! Are you ok?!" "Liam, of--of course, I--I'm fine!" The girl had scars on her arms, she looked as though as she had been beaten with a wip. "Anya I-I'm so sorry! Please, don't leave for your home! Your parents will be angry! Stay with me tonight." "A-alright." Liam was apart the Kalasoren clan. A famous clan known to all Society members, all Vampires. "Ah Master, welcome back, oh and Miss Van Solten welcome." "Um Miss Helana, could you please take Miss Van Solten to a room, and also give her some clothes." "Of course Master. Right this way Miss Van Solten." They walked down the dark maroon hallway. "Huh? Oh Liam? Is that you?" It was his older, much older sister Kassie. "Oh hey Kass." " So uhh I kinda know what happened. I'm really sorry, I wonder how her family must feel. The poor gi-"Shut up Kassie!" "..." "Please, don't talk about Anya that way, ever again." "Ha, fine whatever you say, Mister "I Know Everything"!! Liam was so furious he light the dead wood plant next to Kassie's leg. "Sheesh!" "Please leave, Kassie." "Okay, enjoy your "date". Kassie left the room with laughter. Liam wasn't so angry at that.