Disclaimer=I will not take bull crap comments on this it will be all the page ok so no do ths and this and that.
They opened the door and found a doll inside.they were puzzled to find a doll inside."that is freakin wierd."chris said with a freaked out face.They took the doll and went up to anthomys hous while covering themselves from the seemingly endless abyss that looked like it was staring at them.when they reached the house the quickly went upstairs avoiding to wake up anthonys parents.As soon as they reached anthonys room he noticed the chest was opened.They were going closer to check it out.when they looked inside there was a quote it said "can you feel the sunshine" Then chris said it "can you feel the sunshine thats gay" later they went to sleep for about 10 minutes that felt like an eternity only to be awakened by the sound of a glassbreaking. "what the hell was that?!" anthony said running down.only to be horrified by the bodies of the remains what used to be anthonys mom and dad and saw the doll floating in the air covered in blood with a horrifing grin with sharp teeth and his eyes were red with a black outer part of the eyes.it looked up at anthony and smiled it said "come my child play with me it said starting to laugh like a clown in a hig pitched voicewhile moing rapidly around
And Anthony was just scared out of his mind and it was coming up singing "can you feel the sunshine"he ran fast at his room and slammed the door shut behind him wich woke up chris and vivian and they got up jumping like cats in water.vivian said "what the hell is your problem anthony then she looked out the door and the dool grabbed her by her waist.he was slowly starting to move her above hime and grabbed her by the lags and arms and started to slowly and painfully rip her apart she was screming with paind and then she was ripped in half just like that."holy sh*t"chris screaming out loud and then the doll just kept ripping her .this was not slaughter it was mutilation.and he grabbed her head and sqweezed it then it smashed spewing blood and brains everywhere.
then it got chris "let me the fu*k go you freak"then it at his arm slowly chomping and swollowing it."i love playing with you guys it said smiling its teeth now covered in blood.it then ripped chris open and was etaing his guts like som sick zombie movie it was soon not after when it ate his head off it was luaghing maniacly again and it looked at chris and got an axe out merry christmas anthony...
Story by:diego macias
continues:police investigate and found the bodies and their death has not yet been confirmed
Continues2:anthonys body was found in the basement his head cut off.is body's whereabouts have not yet been confirmed.
continues3:people have rported seeing anthony's body but his head is full of stitches and his eyes wher black.people think its a myth others ar not so sure."can you fel the sunshine?"

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