• Gunners #4 Pure Bloods
    HellsBound Crisis

    In the rainy night Yamota’s blood was washed away to the drain as Hakuru crys onto her head

    Hakuru: AHHHH!!!!!!

    The others arrived

    Kikio: what happened?!

    She saw Yamota’s body

    Kikio: no….

    Fuka: Yamota?! YAMOTA!

    Kanomi: *crys onto Yukina*

    Yukina: how is this possible?!

    Maya: this is terrible!

    Kasumi: jesus crise…..

    Lilly: those goddamn HellsBound Crisis gang…

    Mina: how is this possible?

    Hakuru: Yamota’s last words to were to run away… they’re too strong for us….

    Kikio: the hell with that! I’m gonna freaking kill them!

    Hakuru: you can’t….. we’re aren’t that strong enough…

    Kikio: so your saying just ru naway just like cowards?!

    Hakuru: I know how you feel Kikio!

    Kikio: ahh….

    Hakuru: we’ll need to go somewhere else, somewhere far

    Kikio: damn it!

    Hakuru: wait… maybe…..

    Kikio: what is it?

    Hakuru: I think I can get Yamota back

    Kikio: what do you mean?

    Hakuru: when my arm was sliced off…. My demon healed it back, if I can try to heal Yamota…

    Kikio: then she’ll be back right?!

    Hakuru: I’ll have to give it a try…

    Hinkyo… I’ll need to have some of your strength….

    Hinkyo: why is that….?

    To heal back a friend who is preciouse to me… please… lend me your power…

    Hinkyo: fine then….. but remember I can only lend you just once

    Thank you Hinkyo…

    She place her hand onto Yamota’s stomache where the Gunners circle mark is and trys to heal her back to life

    Hakuru: come on! Come on!

    Kikio: I hope this works!

    Yamota: *cough*

    Kikio: yes!

    Hakuru: ahh man…

    Yamota: woah…. Thanks…. Hakuru…

    Hakuru: your welcome….

    Yamota: you know I owe you one….

    Hakuru: what happened?

    Yamota: Reo attacked me…. s**t… shes strong as… didn’t I tell you guys to run?

    Hakuru: can’t leave a friend behind

    Yamota: *sigh* your too thoughtful Hakuru…

    Hakuru: that reminds me wheres Saya…?

    Haku: Hakuru!

    Hakuru: nani?!

    Everyone saw Haku holding Saya while she was badly injurired and be covered with blood all over herself

    Hakuru: Saya!

    Saya: ahhh…. Hakuru…. its them again… I managed to hold her off… *sigh* you had no idea what kind of power I unleashed there… sorry… had to take a smoke…. Ahh..

    Hakuru: don’t worry shes sleeping….. lets get her inside

    Meanwhile inside

    Saya: ahh… I think my arms healing back…

    Hakuru: here just drink this

    Saya: don’t worry about me I can still barely stand…. Ahh…

    Hakuru: well you better just rest your legs

    Saya: Hakuru…….i have something to tell you

    Hakuru: what is it?

    Saya: you know the BWF?

    Hakuru: yeah what about it?

    Saya: the BWF are creating clones… DNA of us… making clones out of clones…..

    Hakuru: your saying they’re making cloens out of us?

    Saya: yeah from our DNA they’re using them like bombs or shields or maybe just test subjects anyways all of the clones are being slaughtered like cows, theres no home for us clones….

    Hakuru: don’t say that

    Saya: yeah well its true Hakuru…. how are we going to find home? We’re not human, we’re just clones who has pure bloods….. but its hard to believe we have this power….. its weird….

    Hakuru: hey you know what when this is over how about we go look for your mother and father?

    Saya: can’t Hakuru… the thing is… I don’t have a mother and father… I was also being cloned by they’re real daughter

    Hakuru: the same as me?

    Saya: yeah turns out the mother and father didn’t clone themselves so they only cloned their daughter, goddamn it…. there is no cure….
    Hakuru: so its true all along? Theres no hope for us clones

    Saya: yeah…. Hakuru…

    Hakuru: yeah, what is it Saya-san?

    Saya: I don’t wanna die…..

    Hakuru: me too…

    Saya: for now we’re pure bloods…… man I really wanna go all the way…

    To be continued…

    Next Issue: Gunners Arena