• On April 17, 1999, Sarah was about to give birth to a baby, her contractions were 2 minutes apart, and her water broke. She started screaming, and pushing, it only took 3 hours. When the baby came out, she wasn't crying. The doctors immediately sent her to the ICU. When Sarah asked to see her baby, the doctors kept saying she shouldn't, it might traumatize her! So Sarah started to get up, but she couldn't, because she had to be fixed up and stuff. So they brought the baby in so she would stop being eager. The baby was deformed. She had 3 legs and 8 fingers on her left hand, and she didn't have a full mouth, most of it was closed up. She was born Blind. Her mother screamed! so loud that it echoed through the entire hospital. the baby stayed in the hospital for a week, before the mother could bring her home. ( 10 years later....) Jackie Johnson, the deformed baby, could hardly wait for her first day of 4th grade, she does not yet know about her condition, though she has seen her self in the mirror, she thinks its normal because she was being home schooled. But her mother thinks it will be a good idea for her to make some friends. The first day of 4th grade, was tough, every where little Jackie went, kids stared at her, when she was in her class, a kid was walking through the hallway and said: AHHH MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER!! AHHHH! that made Jackie very sad. Everyday was like that, she had no friends, no one like her, and a group of kids called her boogy monster. At the age of 15, she gave up. She just could not handle the stress and the bullies. She was depressed for most of her life, and blamed her mom for sending her to public school. She finally Hung her self in the bathroom when her parents when out for dinner. the rope fell off of her neck and dropped down the window. no marks on her or anything. she died unknowingly, and the only one who knows, is her.