• Call him arrogant or selfish.The world from his view was terrible,and well it was a disaster.Yet the one who stood before him was beautiful......everything about her perfect and pure,so pure that he wanted no one else to have her.She was his and no one elses,but he fed off of her love and her purity.
    Soon she began to fade.her purity slowly falling apart from his eyes,and he knew it was him who was the problem.So he tried to fix it with a show of true unity......a kiss.

    Nothing,not even when their lips met was Logan satisfied with their kiss.
    He gently backed away and urged her back.
    It wasn't right;the blond haired female backed away and stared up at him in disbelief,"What's yo problem?What?Am I not good enough for you?!"
    Logan backed away from the angry tone,not wanting anything to do witn it,
    "sorry." He said slowly turning and walking away from the bustle and lights of the club.Even as he walked away he could still hear his conscience louder than the girl's voice."Why am I here?" Is all that ran through his head,as he began walking back to "The Hide." The Hide was basicaly his home,his get-a-way from the rest of the world.He passed the Gang filled streets as the cool after rain world filled his eyes.

    Logan didn't know how long he had walked,but he knew he had passed his turn over a mile ago.He also knew there was somebody following him,but it struck no surprise to him.He had been followed by many thugs,animals,and even children.Logan took a guess that if whatever it was had been following him for that long it was probably a thug.Who else would tale you for over two hours?He turned around and found nothing,but the cold grey empty street behind him.He rubbed his eyes trying to send color back to his world,but it only seemed to fade darker,"Maybe this is the end."
    Logan thought to himself.He started to turn around,but his eyes caught a sudden white blurr.Normaly he would play it off as himself going crazy,but he knew otherwise as a figure came out from it's hiding spot.He averted his eyes as the sudden color came into his world.It was white pure white;once he got a better look he made out the image of a girl in his head.A girl wearing a white coat,some blue jeans,and had long dark brown hair.He found himself staring at her not "at her" but at her color.She seemed to light up the area.

    "Hello,could you help me?"
    The stranger blinked and looked up an innocent look on her face.,
    "You've followed me for an hour and that's all you had to say?"
    Logan replied disappointingly,
    "Actualy I was trying to ask you for directions,but you didn't talk to me till now." Logan looked at her slightly dumbstruck;she followed him farther from where she needed to go,and she excpected him to talk to any stranger following him,"You could have just asked me instead of following me."
    She turned away looking down as her face lit up red,"cute." He thought to himself,"I know but you looked deep in thought...I...I didn't want to disturb you." She shyly replied,"You could have just asked someone else." She backed further away sinking deeper into her embarresment,"I didn't because.....you were so...you were.....the...the people! ...they didn't look safe." It was hard for him to make out her words,but he understood what she meant,"And I looked safe to you?" She quickly looked up her face completely back to normal,and with no trace of doubt in her hazel eyes she replied,"Yes."

    He didn't know exactly why he ended up there in her house,but as he looked back all he could think about was how she was so....so..........and the streets were.....dangerous.Thought even thought he wanted to leave she insisted he come in,and stay for dinner.when he wanted to leave,he met her parents.I can tell you they weren't happy of their daughter bringing a stranger from the streets into the house.Her father trying to stay calm asked as he ate a couple peas,"So what is his name." She looked up,"His name is...errr.","Logan" he quickly answered.Her parents looked at each other a,"it'll be fine just go with it honey." on her mother's face and a,"She doesn't even know is name." On her father's face.Her father broke the silence again,"How did you meet him?"
    He started to object,but she immediatly started,"I was playing with my friends and I became lost.When I realized it,I went to the nearest crowed and tried to ask for help,but ended up at a club.That's were I found him making out with a girl........" She continued on but he looked down,embarresed.Her father showed signs of disapprovment,and her mother looked over at him;it almost looked like she was trying to stop laughing as she found his face red,".....and then he helped me home,and I invited him in for helping me.

    After dinner she left him alone with her parents,and he formaly apologized and told him the story of what happened.After which he told them he'd leave her alone,or even never talk to her again if they wanted.While her father was all for it,a quick look from her mother and he didn't mind if he saw her.He left and looked at the number that she had given him;he knew he wouldn't use it but he kept it,cause on it read a single name.......angel.

    Throught out the next few days,Angel clung to Logan.She would go where she met him and wait for him and once he came she would invite him to her house.
    He began to start to like her.She was timid,shy,smart,middle-class,young,and small.....in many ways other than one,and yet he liked her.He questioned it only when he was alone how he liked her and yet they were polar opposites.
    Thought an answer never came up,and they grew closer.

    One day Angel couldn't stand her own queriousity,and she followed Logan to his,"home" when he got there he realized she was follwing him,"What are you doing here?" He tried not to sound angry,because he wasn't he was just surprised,"I'm sorry I just wanted to see where you live Logan."
    He looked around over half the old brick wall had fell apart and wooden posts supporting the few bricks hung all over the room,"Well I hope you didn't excpect much." He notioned to bricks,pieces of cloth,and newspaper scattered around the area,"No it looks beautiful." He looked at her puzzled,but she walked away from his gaze and sat herself down at the edge of the room.Logan walked over and sat next to her,"No it's not;it's full of crime and poverty.Nothing is beautiful about it." She stared out into the sun slowly as it set,"No it's beautful just look past all that stuff,it is,trust me." He tried,but he couldn't look past what he was normaly exposed to,"Really?" She looked over at him with a smile on her face,"It is,just look." He found himself not starring at the world,but staring at her,"So is it?" He looked out at the setting sun and back at her,"Yes it is............"

    Angel rose in confidence and kissed him on his cheek,".....very beautiful" He thought to himself.