• It was the day she lied that the world came to an end for me.
    It was useless to not accept the fact,
    that it had been my fault all along.
    And I couldn't stop her,
    stop her from making the same mistake as I.
    What is wrong with me?
    Why does everyone around me continue
    to their downfall?
    And all I can do is watch and not help at all.
    I try to help, but my words
    are poison, they help no one,
    they only create more pain.
    So I will watch everyone around me decay,
    decay into a black nothing.
    I will cry helplessly,
    cling to the hope that is no longer there.
    Or is it that it was never there to begin with?
    Praying won't help.
    Murmurs pass through my lips,
    desperate murmurs,
    caked with sorrow and pain.
    But I can only watch everyone,
    including my one light,
    fall, fail.
    And while I watch
    I realize that I have decayed as well....