• My grandmother use to tell me a lot of stories just so I'd go to sleep. At times they'd give me nightmares, and at others they'd make me adventorous. Here is a story that my grandmother told me that you may enjoy. A long time ago, in a far village off of America lived this young maiden. Her hair, long and silvery blue. Her icy eyes staring at you from a distance. When you stare into her eyes it was as though she was draining your life, or sucking you into her body. You could never tell with her. One day, a man ventured to this very village, "Hello!?" he said, but no answer. The wind started to pick up. The trees rustling in the breeze.
    He started to walk around the village. People then started to stare at him, when he looked at them though, they vanished into the houses. "Hello? I know somebody is here. I can see you." He said. A child ventured out of one of the huts, he was as white as a ghost. "Go away. Leave this place before she takes you." the little child said. "I don't under--" he paused as he saw the misty figure in the distance. It was her, standing there, her back towards him. "LEAVE!" the boy said, as the wind pushed him out from the gates to the village. He started to run, without looking back. He ran and ran, never once did he lose breathe, which he thought was strange. He stopped and looked around, he noticed one thing....he was back at the village. "WTF!?!" he started to run..but he just kept ending up back at the village. The misty girl then came up to him.
    "I've been watching you" she said. "You've been trying to leave this village." he looked at her. The child screamed "DON'T LOOK AT HER!" he then looked down at his feet. Her cold hand touched his face, and he then felt his head going up. In fear he started to breathe heavily, his face becoming pale. He then started to feel light headed, he then fell to the ground. A few hours later he awoke..he didn't remember anything whatsoever. He looked around, noticing that the scenery changed. "It looks like my home" he said. The ghostly figure then appeared, "Now," she paused for a slight moment "I will devour your very soul before your eyes. You should've never came, yet I'm glad you did, for I haven't had a soul in 1000 years" She began to suck his very soul from his mouth.
    As his soul was being sucked out, he looked over at the wall, there was a picture. The picture was really dusty and you could only see one thing..her! He grabbed it and wiped the dust off of it, standing next to her was a man. Little by little she sucked out his soul. Until he hit her in the head with the picture. She got off and he bolted out the door. "Well, well, well. A runner." she licked her chops "I love a fast meal." He ran out to the road, "Wow! It's just like home!" he exclaimed. Completely forgetting why he was running.
    She jumped on him. Flipped him over. Begun to suck again. This time there was no way out. He struggled, as he turned more white. The scenery went back to the village. Before his soul was drained out.....he awoke.