• Whoa! People, you'll NEVER believe what happened to me the other day!! Here I was, wandering around Gaia, when I came across this white rabbit. He ran past me, and for some reason, I absolutely HAD to chase him. It might have been the fact that I recently got a bad moon, I've been getting these weird cravings for meat, and I find myself covered in blood when I wake up in the mornings with no memory of what happened! *ahem* anyways, so I'm chasing this rabbit right, then, all of a sudden I find myself in this right trippy room with like, NO furniture in it. So I'm thinking, wow, someone went cheap on the decorating. I notice this little un-labelled bottle of suspicious looking liquid with a tag reading "drink me" so I'm like, "yeah, free drinks, that must be what this room's budget was spent on. *gulp* ^.^.....O.o $#&*!!!!!!! Why did everything get all swelled up and giant? Hey, I don't remember a door here before..." So I go through this odd door that appeared out of nowhere, maybe the rabbit had gone through here. And o....m....g...that's the sexiest looking flower I've EVER seen in my life! What was IN that martini? The scenery was all like, from a mousses point of view. Maybe whoever decorated this place knew what they were doing after all. *sign says: Tea Party --->* "Alright, more free drinks! I can't wait to see what these ones will do to that flower." There was this nice tea party set up, everyone was having a good time, then this chick starts making faces at me! "Jeez, what's your problem?" I start doing them back at her, you'd think she stop? NO! What a creeper. After a while, I guess the other guests started to get sick of the faces so they chucked a weird hat at me. I know it's time to go when people start throwing hats, their giving it to you so that when they throw you out you say "Hey, I believe I had a hat!." I left the Tea party but I got lost near these horse heads and they kind of creeped me out. That's when the almighty power of the X-button came into action. I think she and the overseer would make a good couple. But anyways, I don't think I'll be chasing anymo- OOH! LOOK! BUNNY! *runs after*